Friday, May 29, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

The White House says Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor acknowledges she made a poor word choice in a 2001 speech in which she said that a Latina judge would often reach a better conclusion than a white male judge who hasn't lived the same life.

That's according to presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs. He says he has not talked directly to Sotomayor about it but has spoken to people who have.

Makes no difference. If Judge Bork or Judge Roberts or any other white male nominee had made a corresponding statement Judge Sotomayor's supporters would be up in arms. Judge Sotomayor is disqualified as a racist or at the least a very careless judge. She also says judges make policy. She tried to explain it away but failed. She is a racist, sexist, careless judge. Try again President Obama...
John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


Hokey Pokey Anonymous, a place to turn yourself around.

North Korea Fires Again

North Korea firing missiles is not the United States' problem We should stay out of it. We should leave South Korea and let Russia and China resolve any issues, It is not our problem!!!

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


Hokey Pokey Anonymous, a place to turn yourself around.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Social media may have profound impact on personality development

I saw this article on a Knoxville Technology Blog. It is a couple of pages but I thought it was up your alley...
On a rainy day, a researcher  was sitting in a shopping mall people-watching. About 75% of the folks between the ages of 13 and 25 were either texting or talking on their phone as they were walking – even if they were with a group.


Being a teen is all about connecting with friends and social media is the perfect channel to do that. In fact, the average teen in America texts nearly 1,500 times a month and 15,000/month is not unheard of (that's 500 messages per day!)


Clearly, screen-based stimulation has become the primary source of socialization and entertainment among teens and increasingly younger children. Just a few generations ago, the vast majority of a child's time was playing with friends in the dirt, kicking a ball or playing "house" (or if you go way back, I guess they played "cave.") What's the impact of the "highly-wired child" in our new world?


The social media brain

An individual's neural framework is nearly set by the time they are 15 years old. Everything a child experiences forms neural pathways, and the most-used pathways become aspects of their personality and the foundation of how they interact as adults. Before the days of screen-based entertainment (most of human history!), the strongest pathways were naturally formed by intense socialization with family members and friends, physical activity and interacting with nature in some way.


With so many children spending MOST of their time in front of keyboards and flashing screen, I began to think about this impact on their development and on society. Wouldn't personality development in the digital age have to be fundamentally, drastically and permanently different?


A disregard for consequence

New research confirms this. A professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln College (U.K.) claims social network sites risk infantilizing the mid-21st century mind, leaving it characterized by short attention spans, sensationalism, inability to empathize, and a shaky sense of identity.


Professor Lady Greenfield said the rapid-fire reward of video games and text messaging could be a cause of the three-fold rise in Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) over the past 10 years.


She warned against "a marked preference for the here-and-now, where the immediacy of an experience trumps any regard for the consequences. After all, whenever you play a computer game, you can always just play it again; everything you do is reversible. The emphasis is on the thrill of the moment, the buzz of rescuing the princess in the game. No care is given for the princess herself, for the content, or for any long-term significance, because there is none. This type of activity -- a disregard for consequence -- can be compared with the thrill of compulsive gambling or compulsive eating.


"The sheer compulsion of reliable and almost immediate reward is being linked to similar chemical systems in the brain that may also play a part in drug addiction, Greenwood said. "So we should not underestimate the 'pleasure' of interacting with a screen when we puzzle over why it seems so appealing to young people."


A new way of relating

For teens already struggling with insecurity, social networking can provide a constant reassurance that they are listened to, recognized, and valued. That can be a good thing unless there is no balance with other life skills such as learning to interpret non-verbal behaviors, holding a conversation, and dealing with conflict when you don't have the time to think up a witty text message.


Free, instantaneous, global communication is creating a generation who will recoil at the thought of three-dimensional conversations, whose social identity and self-esteem will be validated by flashing messages on a computer or cellphone screen. The sanitized, detached world of social media has become the norm, and will reach even younger children with new innovations that avoid live interactions.


While this sounds depressing, follow the logic through to its conclusion. Social media is not going away … quite the opposite. So in the ADD world of our future, those who grew up as digital natives of the Facebook society should have an ADVANTAGE over those who were sheltered. Can you imagine a world where an articulate, well-spoken, well-read individual is the social outcast? If you're under 20, it's here.


John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


Hokey Pokey Anonymous, a place to turn yourself around.

Tabloid Television....H1N1

Reporters ask if the Chinese are over-reacting or just being cautious when they quarantine Americans. Neither, the Chinese are just harassing Americans. YOU are over-reacting. The report is the death toll from the H1N1 virus in the United States is rising……….by 2. Total is now a terrifying 11, worldwide less than 100. 36 children have been murdered in Chicago this year, drunks killed more than that last weekend. How about taking all the money being thrown at a nonexistent N1H1 problem and using it for something useful. Tabloid journalism!!!

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


Hokey Pokey Anonymous, a place to turn yourself around.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Resource Officers / Surveillance Cameras Do Not Provide Security

Recently our local paper ran a story where the victim of a crime told a friend who told the Resource Officer at their school.


It is easy to see that Resource officers and surveillance cameras do not make us safer they make it a bit easier to catch the criminal.


It seems to me a bit odd that with a building full of teachers, staff, administrators, custodians, etc not to mention parents at home, the only person the child trusted was the resource officer?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Red Menace? Which Came First. the Chicken of the Egg?

Some people believe the government makes socialism, I do not.

A government of the people, by the people for the people requires the participation of the people. Socialism evolves when the people fail the government. Democracy evolves into Socialis when the people discover they can vote for someone who will give them something. 50% of the people who either are eligible to vote or would be eligible if they would register do not vote. That tells those in power the people do not care. We have just tolerated an administration that did everything it could to negate the Constitution and the people said nothing. The current administration promises to give the people whatever the people want.

On the subject of the type of economy socialist, communist, capitalist etc have you considered the type of economy God sanctioned to save the people through whom He would eventually provide the Messiah?

Under the Pharaohs Egypt appeared to have had a capitalist economy. What happened? When trouble came the people lost confidence in their ability to act and looked to the government to save them. Seem familiar?

During the good years the Pharaoh took a high percentage of the crops if not all of the excess of normal harvest. During the famine, the Pharaoh sold the food he had confiscated to the people who had grown it. When the people had spent all of their money the Pharaoh took the people's livestock in exchange for food and eventually their land and finally the people themselves. The people became servants to Pharaoh. The people had become completely dependent on the government for survival. Pharaoh owned all of Egypt minus the land of the priests. When the people sold themselves for food the Pharaoh gave them seed with instructions that they owed 20% of future crops to Pharaoh. The once free farmers were tenant farmers they owned no land, no animals. The possessed only what the Pharaoh permitted them to possess. No one had anything they could consider their own. Except for the riches of Pharaoh Egypt had all things in common.

Working through Joseph, God apparently thought everyone having all things in common was the best way to proceed. Or did he? Could it possibly have been the mindset of the people, looking to Pharaoh, instead of relying on God?

In the first century the immersed had every thing in common. No one considered any of the things that belonged to him was there own.

I understand the Bible to promote communism more than capitalism or socialism. There is nothing inherently wrong with becoming rich but if one follows God how do they accumulate riches?

The people who founded our country relied on God and themselves and many died broke and indebt. Today the people rely on government. And that is the difference.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Friday, May 22, 2009

Billionaires Club

I realize our capitalist mindset says what you have is yours and you must try to collect as much as you can and keep it. Our society encourages us to buy things. You hear about people going shopping; I think I will go buy something. Imagine what that sounds like to a person who does not have enough food to feed their children. No, considering you can only wear so many clothes at the same time; that you can live in one house, one room at a time; drive one car at a time those rich people are very uncaring, selfish, stingy, egotistical. Nothing to be proud of. For a person who has $50 billions of dollars to dole out $5 billions is nothing. Too many people in the world starving.......I knew a man who gave 90% of his income away and he still lived very well. Now he was a nice man. These rich people are -0- compared to him..

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Obama Taps Fundraiser as UK Ambassador


Instead of appointing political hacks as ambassadors it might be nice if the president would nominate someone who can help the United States and not the president's pocketbook.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Colgen Gone

It would be prudent for airlines to be sure their pilots are trained in all aspects of the plane they will be piloting if for no other reason than to ensure the maximum safety for their passengers. My guess is when everything shakes out this airline will no longer be flying. All other airlines should take note.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Barack Obama / Joseph

On the subject of the type of economy socialist, communist, capitalist etc have you considered the type of economy God apparently found preferable in his effort to save the people through whom He would eventually provide the Messiah?
With God's blessing, Joseph created the Egyptian IRS. And we believe this to be the providence of God.
During the good years the Egyptian IRS took a high percentage of the crops if not all of the abundance, the excess of normal harvest. Talk about a tax rate. During the famine, the Egyptian IRS sold the food they had confiscated back to the people who had grown it. Nothing indicates the people had any voice in the price they were required to pay. When the people had spent all their money the Egyptian IRS took the people's livestock in exchange for food and eventually their land and finally the people themselves. The people became servants to the Egyptian IRS The people were completely dependent on the government for survival. The record shows the Egyptian IRS owned all of Egypt minus the land of the priests. When the people sold themselves the Egyptian IRS gave them seed with instructions that they owed 20% of future crops to the Egyptian IRS. The once free farmers, were tenant farmers, they owned no land, no animals, nothing except what the Egyptian IRS gave them.
In the first century the immersed had every thing in common. No one considered any of the things that belonged to him was there own.
Concerning our economy today, what is our current president doing that the Bible suggests God would disagree with?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Women and Clothes

Something your female reporters and anchors might want to clarify is how they got where they are without taking their clothes off or did they? It appears with Ms CA and Ms RI and most of the women involved in movies take their clothes off to get ahead. It appears we are raising a generation of girls who think sex is not sex and the best way to get ahead is to strip.
John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy

Reports are that President Obama is considering doing away with the Don't Ask Don't Tell practice President Clinton initiated. The president does not have the last word on the subject. If the men and women serving in the military do not want gays with them and stop enlisting and re-enlisting any changes Obama makes will be cancelled. To avoid embarrassment the president had better be sure the members of the military support him.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dog's beware..

A teenage girl was injured in an apparent dog attack Saturday night, according to dispatchers in Loudon County.

They said the attack was reported just before 10:00 p.m. on Deer Cove Lane in Greenback.

The girl was driven toward Maryville by private vehicle, but an ambulance was called to pick her up from a market just inside Blount County.

Details about the girl's injuries or what breed of dog was involved were not released.

Am I the only person fascinated by the fact we humans do not have enough things to do , enough problems with which we must cope that we bring untrained, undisciplined animals in to our living space with from me must defend ourselves?

As with lawyers, 99% of the dogs that rome our neighborhoods give the remaining 1% a bad rap.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Re: Ms California in the spotlight

Another thing about Ms California. Expressing her beliefs as she did she is being praised for courage to stand on her christian beliefs. The contest paid for her boob job so she could display them on TV to encourage more viewers. My guess is a bikini is not quite the modest address the Bible recommends. She is not a good example for Christian girls to look up to. Al though christian boys would like looking down her t-shirt..

Is Memorization Dead? - Tamim Ansary

I met a man in Pakistan a few years ago who recited the Koran professionally. When he decided on this career path -- in his late 30s -- he got busy and learned the whole Koran by heart, all 114 chapters of it, even though he didn't know Arabic and was thus memorizing pure sounds, not words. It took him six months.

Six months! How is that even possible? How can someone memorize more than 300 pages of text in a language they don't know?

Apparently, it's not hard if you live in a culture that values memorization. Apparently, if you do a lot of memorizing when you're young, you can do it when you're older.

Our ancestors all lived in cultures like that. In ancient times, feats of memorization were routine. The "Mahabharata," the world's longest poem -- over 90,000 verses -- was passed down orally for centuries before it was written down. The same goes for the "Iliad," the "Odyssey" and many other epics.


Gutenberg Squared

When the relatively new information technology of books hit ancient Greece, Plato was concerned. If reading and writing catch on, he warned, they will have a detrimental effect. Human beings will lose their capacity for memory. Instead of internalizing the information they need, people will just write it down, to consult as needed. Education will degenerate. Instead of learning The Iliad and The Odessy by heart children will just put it on the shelf. The intellect will shrink as knowledge becomes stored outside the human mind.

Plato was the first media critic. Although it might seem easy to assume that Plato was overacting --- the fact remains that Plato was right. People in literate societies do seem to lack memory capacity of those in oral cultures. African tribesmen can still exhibit prodigious feats or memory, reciting seemingly endless genealogies and thousands of lines of tribal epics, while those of us who can read and write rely on Post-its to remind us what to pickup at the grocery store. New information media do affect the way people think, the possibilities of a culture, and its worldview.

Plato was correct to see that the worldview of his beloved Greece, with its tribal virtues, would be undermined by the rise of books. But this new information technology would fit well with the worldview of the ancient Hebrews, who believed that God communicates to human beings primarily through a Book. The Hebrew Bible goes back to the origins or writing itself.  The alphabet, which breaks down sounds of speech into discrete visible symbols makes reading and writing possible and easily learned, was the invention of an ancient Middle Eastern people, the Phoenicians, whose Semitic language is related to Hebrew.

Ms California in the spotlight

While I support Ms California's right to freedom of speech she, as well as of all Christians, should realize she "represents" all Californians, no matter how ludicrous their views. As a representative she has no right to express a personal opinion that is negative to those she represents.

Christians, and I consider myself one, must understand we no longer live in a Christian nation. Christians are becoming a smaller percent of the total population of the United States and we must accept we are a minority. We live in a Republic where the majority must consider the minority but not necessarily defers to them. In this case, gay's are noisy but politically they are irrelevant.

Christians should bring ethics, morals, and honesty with them. When representing a group, Christians must represent the group. If a person who is a Muslim represents me I do not want them making comments negative to Christianity. If a person who is Gay represents me I do not want them making comments negative to Christianity. If a Christian cannot represent all the people they should not represent.

Ms California should have recognized she was being setup and should have answered accordingly. Now she just might lose her crown. Not in violation of her freedom of speech but her violation of the rules of representation.
Ms California prancing around 85% naked on stage, on television, before millions of voyeurs intentionally drawing attention to every area of her body already violates the conscience of most Christians but who worries about us? But we should not have been watching. I did not....

Friday, May 08, 2009

Interrogation Techniques

Our government prosecuted our soldiers for waterboarding Viet Cong. Instead of waterboarding take two enemy up in a helicopter. Maybe 15,000 feet. Throw one out and ask the other one questions. You might be surprised how effective that would be, and no one considers it torture.


How about investigating to see if this is true:

A Louisiana driver has been stopped and detained for having a "Don't Tread on Me" bumper sticker on his vehicle and warned by a police officer about the "subversive" message it sent, according to the driver's relative.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

MLB is World Wrestling Federation in cleats

We now know that Manny Ramirez is a myth. Anyone who believes it was an accident is a moron. MLB is a fake. It will take more than 50 games to get it out of his system so he should be banned for 5 years.....

The Department of Defense does not do Defense

When the Cold War or the "Long Peace" ended, the United States had already begun a decade of interventionism. Our military either by land, by air or by sea, invaded, Panama, the Persian Gulf, Bosnia and Haiti, Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Sudan. But these were just preliminary. The main event was the open-ended, no-end-in-sight, no-exit-strategy global war on terror or as some call it the "Long War."

Failure in Somalia did little to detract from our self-delusional-view that the United States was beyond challenge. We were told by our leaders and we believed we were an indispensable nation and our chief responsibility was to preside over globalization. Pax Americana. Our self-assigned duty was to establish and enforce our self-defined-norms for international order. As with Rome of old we assumed an existence of unlimited reserves of power---economic, political, cultural and though last, above all, military. As Rome's leaders were horribly mistaken so were our leaders.

We thought ourselves to be the "sole superpower."

The problem was what we called the Department of Defense, did not actually do defense but power projection. On September 11, 2001 the Pentagon was prepared for any number of contingencies in the Balkans, or Northeast Asia, or the Persian Gulf. It was just not prepared to protect our nation's eastern coastline. Our well-trained and equipped military were ready to defend Seoul or Riyadh but Manhattan was left to fend for itself.

When it came to defending American interests, anything and everything took precedence over guarding our own perimeter. After 9/11 the Bush administration's primary focus was Pax Americana. This was to be done by persuasion if possible or force as required to bring the Islamic world into conformity with American norms.

And we wonder why we are hated by much of the world.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Education vs Prison

In 2006 California spent $3.5 billion on the state university system during the same period it spent $9.9 billion of the state prison system. Does this make financial sense?

Aging vs Decaying

It turns out that 70% or American aging in not real aging. It's just decay. It's rot from the stuff that we do. All the lifestyle diseases...the diabetes, the obesity, the heart disease, much of Alzheimer's, lots of cancers, and almost all of the osteoporosis, those are all decay. Nature doesn't have that in store for any of us. we go out and buy it off the rack.

Dr.Henry Lodge,Younger

Letter to Rep Roe, and Sen Corker and Alexander Republican Party in Trouble

It could go without saying that the Republican party is in trouble. And that the primary cause is there is no party leadership. The party selected a black man as chairman of the party not because he is uniquely qualified or that he has a reputation as a fund raiser or that he brings dynamic leadership to the position but lamely because he is black.


The party has Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, and Ingraham saying they have the solution but they do not. They all showed they are not conservative, not Republican just complainers. John McCain is much closer to their ideology than is Barack Obama but instead of supporting McCain they complained. Ron Paul, attempting and failing to make a point he made Obama president.


Third parties are destroying our system. If third parties are to continue the Constitution needs to be changed to require a majority of the votes cast to declare a winner. When no one has a majority of the votes a follow-up election should be scheduled between the top two candidates. No one should be president without at least ½ of the voters support.


Until the Republican party figures out who it is republicans do not need to be concerned about run-off elections. They will not be in the top two.  Get rid of the current party leadership including those in congress and those leading the party. Go back to square one. What do you personally stand for and does the Republican party leadership stand with you?

Did You Know?

The active ingredient in Viagra can be found naturally in walnuts.


Oleander.  Whatever element of surprise this deadly beauty had was probably ruined when Janet Fitch's 1999 novel White Oleander got big: the mom in the story killed her womanizing boyfriend by smearing a concoction that included oleander sap all over his stuff. I know, you're skeptical: could that really kill someone? The answer: yep. Small amounts can be lethal or nearly lethal for adults, and you definitely want to keep kids and pets away from it. It's pretty uncommon around these parts though: fewer than 1,000 cases of oleander poisoning are reported in the U.S. every year. In places like Sri Lanka, though, suicide by oleander seed is becoming way too common. The pretty plant grows wild by the roadside and people have started taking it for trivial reasons because it's so easy to get. One doctor  reported that a teenage girl took a seed because her mother refused to take her shopping. Zantedeschia.  If you think this looks like a Calla lily, that's 'cause it is. Every part of this plant is toxic, but only if ingested - so if you're planning on having them in your wedding bouquet or something, don't worry. Touching the stem isn't going to kill you. If you take it home as a post-wedding snack, that's when you're in trouble: eating the Zantedeschia species has been the death of both livestock and children; symptoms include swelling of the mouth and throat, acute vomiting and diarrhea.


Hellebore.  There's a good reason it pops up when authors need to make witches concoct potions and powders: it has been known for its toxic properties since ancient times. At least, "black" hellebore (aka Christmas Rose) has been - it causes everything from vertigo and thirst to swelling of the throat and cardiac arrest. But it's also used in some medicines; some historians think that Alexander the Great was taking medicine with hellebore in it and may have accidentally overdosed on it. It was also used in the First Sacred War between the Amphictyonic League of Delphi and the City of Kirrha - Solon of Athens added a bunch of hellebore to Kirrha's water supply and supposedly the city was so sick with diarrhea that they couldn't fight back when Solon's troops invaded. Fool's Parsley is related to poison hemlock. If you're trying to off someone, though, it would be pretty silly to use Fool's Parsley: it's easily detected. It can inflame the eyelids and makes the stomach lining very red and irritated. But like hellebore, it has its good side, too: a really diluted form of the plant can help stop seizures in little kids.


Zantedeschia.  If you think this looks like a Calla lily, that's 'cause it is. Every part of this plant is toxic, but only if ingested - so if you're planning on having them in your wedding bouquet or something, don't worry. Touching the stem isn't going to kill you. If you take it home as a post-wedding snack, that's when you're in trouble: eating the Zantedeschia species has been the death of both livestock and children; symptoms include swelling of the mouth and throat, acute vomiting and diarrhea.


Fool's Parsley is related to poison hemlock. If you're trying to off someone, though, it would be pretty silly to use Fool's Parsley: it's easily detected. It can inflame the eyelids and makes the stomach lining very red and irritated. But like hellebore, it has its good side, too: a really diluted form of the plant can help stop seizures in little kids.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fwd: Sin Discrimination

Hi Al,


In your class last Sunday the subject got around to homosexuals. One of the visitors mentioned that homosexuality used to be considered a mental illness. Today it is considered "the way a person is" which may be closer to reality that we are ready to admit. But either way Christians appear to be afraid of them. I worked with some of that persuasion and at least one died of AIDS or HIV or whatever. I know they are not all perverts, they do not hit on every man they see and while AIDS may be spread it is not contagious.


On the chance of hitting sensitive area, the GSMCOC very possibly had someone who admittedly was an active adulterer leading the singing at GSMCOC and we are none the worse off for it and he just might be better off for it. What if he had looked as if he were Gay, practicing or not?


I do not remember Jesus addressing the subject. Maybe under the Law of Moses they had been wiped out I do not know. Historically, homosexuals have been slaves, servants, teachers, nannies, as well as soldiers and Olympic athletes. When used as cooks they probably made a great soufflé, their uniforms were probably quite stylish and their camp was clean as a whistle. An army of homosexuals would look magnificent and eat very well as would their livestock. They would represent their country well especially at "state" occasions. 


It is easy to find where various Bible writers condemn homosexuality and promise that those who participate in such will not be among those saved. Condemnation of a host of other sins is also easily found along with similar promise but Christians have selected homosexuality to detest more than the others.


In your line of work have you ever concluded why Christians abhor homosexuals to the extent they do while readily accepting adulterers, fornicators and other "sinners?"  If the GSMCOC girls who became pregnant without the benefit of a marriage license were Lesbian would GSMCOC have been as forgiving and forgetting?


Stop already with the flagrant promotion

The Cable networks owned by the company that publishes Time Magazine should stop promoting the magazine. Apparently they are too lazy to do what Time Magazine's writers do so they just copy. No one cares who Time thinks are deserving to be on their list of 100s. Those interested would subscribe. STOP STOP STOP

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"Hail to the Chief" was written for James Madison because he was so short that no one ever noticed when he entered the room.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Guilt or No Guilt


Hi Al,


You mentioned children today not feeling guilty for wrong behavior. It seems to me they have no reason to feel guilty and it is unrealistic for us to expect them to feel guilty. Any child of any age, with the click of a mouse, can see naked people performing sexual activities of all persuasions and "meet" complete strangers while in their own homes.


As you have mentioned you drove a school bus when you were sixteen years old. You had a legitimate purpose which most children today do not have. Purposes are devised by getting them to work at McDonalds or Burger King which serves no purpose other than to get money, get out of the house and away for the parents and encourage them to believe they can make it on their own and encourages them to believe they do not need their parents.


Throughout most of the 19th century, the minimum age of consent for sexual intercourse in many of the states was 10 years old. In Delaware it was seven; as late as 1930 twelve states allowed boys as young as 14 and girls as young as 12 to marry with parental consent.
The world has changed. The transition between childhood and adulthood is much longer today than it was less than one hundred years ago, when a boy proved himself a man when he could shoulder and share adult hardships, risks, and responsibility working side by side with his father in the fields. By the time he was a seasoned seventeen or eighteen, he was ready to start his own family. A girl became a woman by the time she reached childbearing age; fourteen or fifteen was often considered old enough to marry. The transition from childhood to adulthood was so short that adolescence---at least as the distinct stage of life we now consider it---hardly existed.


Today the traditional determinations of adulthood---the establishment of occupation and family---are routinely postponed until after college. With the period of childhood innocence seeming shorter and shorter, we've created a new ten-or-twelve-or-more-years-long designation, a no-man's land (or no-woman's land) we term adolescence. Over the past fifty-years or so, this new limbo-land life stage has become an extended period of awkward uncertainty.


Yesterday all a mother had to do to prepare her daughter was to teach her how to perform wifely and motherly functions and to cook and clean the house. All a father had to do was to apprentice his sons. Today they are pressured to accumulate tens-of-thousands or hundreds-of-thousands or dollars for college. Graduates are usually many thousands of dollars in debt before they find their first job.


We have stretched adolescence further than anytime in history. We are fighting, nature and hormones. We think we can succeed by recommending abstinence and saying don't do as I do but do as I say. It will not work.   

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"Hail to the Chief" was written for James Madison because he was so short that no one ever noticed when he entered the room.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

What About Malaria

The latest number from WHO is that 750 people worldwide have contracted the Swine flu. Based on world population that means there is less than  .0000001% chance that any one individual has the disease. Your chance of winning a one-hundred million dollar lottery are about 10,000 times better than that. On the other hand, 3000 people die each day of Malaria; where are the news headline on that? Do the pharmaceutical companies have a stake in promoting the Swine Flu panic; are the cable media that desparate for viewers; is Obama's Homeland Security Department trying to look like they are doing something?

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"Hail to the Chief" was written for James Madison because he was so short that no one ever noticed when he entered the room.

Friday, May 01, 2009


Julius Caesar:
BRUTUS: ...whether we shall meet again I know not.
Therefore our everlasting farewell take:
For ever, and for ever, farewell, ...!
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then, this parting was well made.
O, that a man might know
The end of this day's business ere it come!
But it sufficeth that the day will end,
And then the end is known. 

Who Will Replace Justice Souter?

Attention all Conservatives!!! This is the 2008 election. Not Obama. Not McCain. But it was for the courts. President Obama's influence on the Supreme Court will remain long past his term or terms. Next time, instead of whining, support the candidate closest to your ideology. Limbaugh, Coulter, and Hannity have led you astray. Next time think for yourselves.
John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"Hail to the Chief" was written for James Madison because he was so short that no one ever noticed when he entered the room.