Thursday, December 16, 2010

Re: Support for Health Care Law Drops

Congressman Roe:
You fail to mention the judge who found the one point is a republican appointee as well as a consultant with the republican party to overthrow the health care bill. You fail to mention two other judges, who happen to be democratic appointees found the same area constitutional.
The problem is the uninsured are receiving health care today and the insured are paying for them. While the Walton family fortune approaches $100 billion half their employees do not have health care insurance but are receiving health care as I mentioned above. The insured taxpayers are subsidizing the WalMart corporation One of three things must happen:
1) every individual must be required to purchase health insurance or
2) every corporation must provide health care insurance for all of their workers, fulltime, parttime, contract, or
3) Uninsured people must not receive health care treatment even if it means they die or suffer. Whether they be babies, children, or adults.
It seems to me option #1 is the best option.
If you want the voter to believe anything you say you must be sure to give all pertinant facts.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


Nike's "Just Do It" was inspired by murderer Gary Gilmore's last words before his 1977 execution: "Let's Do It."

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Congressman Phil Roe <> wrote:
Congressman Phil Roe - Tennessees 1st District

Support for Health Care Law Drops

This week, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson in Virginia declared a central provision of the law in the health care legislation requiring that individuals obtain health insurance by 2014 is unconstitutional.  This judge determined that this health care law went too far and Congress must push forward to repeal the Democrats health care law and replace it with commonsense – and constitutional – legislation that aims at lowering health care costs.

While this ruling is a rejection of the health care law, the President and his supporters are focused on appealing the decision, so the case is far from over.  Still, this is further evidence the health care legislation was rushed through Congress and is very flawed.

Through the individual mandate, the federal government is literally forcing all Americans to buy health insurance.  Even worse, this legislation gives the federal government the right to decide what is "acceptable" coverage for individuals.  Those who do not meet these standards will be taxed or penalized.

Ultimately, the Supreme Court will decide if government can force individuals to buy a private product or be penalized for not doing so.  A Wall Street Journal editorial that addresses this ruling points out that: "If government can punish citizens for in essence doing nothing, then what is left of the core constitutional principle of limited and enumerated government powers?"

For those who are already covered, the health care law allows Americans to keep their health care coverage – so long as their health care plan doesn't make any significant changes.  But the reality is, health care plans constantly change out of necessity, and now when they change, Americans will be at risk of losing their existing health care plan – like it or not.  The promise that Americans could keep their existing insurance is temporary, at best.

A Washington Post/ABC poll this week shows the American people reject the Democrats health care law, with approval ratings hitting a new record low.  Fifty-three percent of the respondents said they were opposed to the health care legislation. 

In a Rasmussen poll, sixty percent of the respondents want the health care bill repealed.  The report goes on to explain: "Most voters have favored repeal of the law every week since it was passed and support for repeal has now inched up to its highest level since mid-September."  The bottom line is, the more people hear about the details, the less they like this bill.

While legal fights are just beginning against this health care law in states around the country, I am committed to working with Congress to repeal the law and address critical health care challenges that face our nation.  I urge the Obama Administration and the Democrats in Congress to work with Republicans in passing common-sense health care reforms that are constitutionally permissible. 

Please feel free to contact my office if we can be of assistance to you or your family.  You can contact my office by mail, email or phone.  Our contact information can be found on our website,



Do you want Congress to repeal the health care law?


  • Yes, repeal and replace it.

  • No, leave the health care law the way it is.
  • Unsure at this time. 



    Choose Your Answer








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