On my first job in 1962 I had a grand-boss (my boss's boss) who would come in on Saturday mornings, and perform no work related activities. He would drink coffee, share doughnuts, he had brought, talk to folks, hang around until noon and leave. He did not know what to do on Saturdays until he came home from work. It was a habit. I believe the majority of those assembled on Sunday AM are there for the same reason with the additional perk, they like the people. Some are there because the clergy told them if they do not come that a loving God will burn them in Hell forever. They have to be there; to worship but most importantly to fill the collection plates.
Why do you believe the assembly is worship?
I will tell you why I do not believe it is worship. Paul told the church in Rome what worship is (it is not isolated to Sunday or to groups) and the writer of Hebrews tells us the purpose of the assembly (it is not worship). Nowhere are we commanded nor told nor is it suggested we worship. Jesus told the woman at the well his people would worship and that there would not be a specific place to worship. The clergy tell us the church building is the place where the clergy is. If no worship what would the clergy do?
We like examples and commands and my favorites those necessary inferences; where are they to support considering the assemblies worship?
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