Our border with Mexico resembles Swiss cheese and there is nothing we can do to change it.
Our politicians have turned a blind eye because the people who give them money want cheap labor. The Mexican government is corrupt so their common citizen cannot afford to pay officials to allow them to apply for a visa. Once the individual is in the United States we are not going to permit a child to die for lack of medical care or food or shelter therefore welfare will continue to support the illegals. The United States will not force a parent who is illegal to return to Mexico leaving a child who may legally be a citizen so illegals will remain.
I hear discussion of a wall. Good, grief are we nuts? Freedom loving people building a wall? Never!! Besides, the Chinese built a wall and were invaded at least three times following the construction. In each case the guards at a gate were bribed. What makes us think we would be any more successful? Who do you would be the primary applicants for such a job? you guessed it..
Native Americans had the same issues and failed. We will fail. Time is right for those of North American descent to move into reservations otherwise known as gated communities.