Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul Wouldn't Back His Rivals

Any Republican who does not support the Republican candidate is voting for the Democratic candidate. Interesting mindset: "If I can't have my way I will not play." Remember those days?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Speak No Evil of a Fellow Republican

The Republican race is now between Romney and Paul. The rest have viloated the golden rule to speak no evil of a fellow republican. I like Romney's response to Paul. I like Paul's responses. We have over 1,200 military bases in over 120 countries. That needs to be changed. We need one friend in the Middle East and that friend must be Iran. They are the only country that can support us with military and oil. Israel is no longer strategic to the United States.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMail to Sen Corker Subject:bill, S.1798, the Open Burn Pit Registry Act of 2011.

I believe studies, research etc show individuals are less likely to take responsibility for an action or inaction when others are present. Members of groups above a certain size when responsibility is not explicitly assigned assume others are responsible or any necessary action has been taken.

Twelve years ago before initiating the use of open-air burn pits to dispose of waste materials the commanding officer of the unit initiating the process should have asked the appropriate questions. Anyone with common sense and hopefully anyone with command authority would know or at least suspect that burning plastics, Styrofoam, metal, chemicals from paints and solvents, petroleum and lubricants, jet fuel, unexploded ordinance, etc could be hazardous to one's health.

Now due to their failure people who trusted them are experiencing health problems and very likely will experience premature death. Historically concern for our troops is more rhetoric than anything else even that of the voter.

So, with your effort with the bill you mention I encourage you to investigate and determine who is responsible for placing our troops in unnecessary danger. In football when roughness is classified as unnecessary penalties on the individuals responsible are meted out. I encourage you to do the same for this unnecessary danger to our troops. It is bad enough one has to deal with the enemy trying to kill you. Having to protect yourself from your own government and especially your immediate command is unacceptable.   Heads must roll!!

How quickly this bill is passed by congress will let the voters know if congress is concerned about the military or if their concern is just more rhetoric.

Thank you for your email and your efforts on the subject.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Attendance at GSMNP is Down and Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge Cannot Afford It

8,537,228 are a lot of people. The decline has been apparent for a number of years. While at times traffic is bad it has not been as bad as had been years ago. Dollywood is getting old. The Wild Eagle is like putting lipstick on a pig. When Dolly is no longer actively involved with Dollywood I expect Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation will try to sell it and find, due to their lack of maintenance, it is not worth what they think it is. Then even those jobs will be gone.

Any business that cannot afford a ten percent drop in income is in trouble. As a general rule if the only thing that differentiates you from your competition is price you cannot survive. None of the shows are worth what they charge for tickets. Nothing in Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge justifies business owners driving Mercedes and living in oversize houses. A few years ago a friend in the cabin business said Sevier County is recession proof. My guess is he does not hold that view today.

So batten down the hatches. The United States is in trouble. Everyone is concerned about jobs. Jobs are not the issue. Jobs that way livable wages are what are needed and the United States has none. We cannot compete with India, China and other third-world countries who pay anywhere from $0.10 to $6 or $7 an hour. The CEO of Wal-Mart is paid over 1,500 times as much as the average Wal-Mart employee is paid. Things will get worse and may never get better. We will regret the day we helped other people live the way we lived. Now we will live the way they lived before our help.

And then there is freak alley where dignified buildings used to be. Coming in from the exit 407 the impressions visitors get is embarrassing. Pigeon Forge looks like a carnival. Gatlinburg looks trashy and cheap. We have torn down our history and now cater to motorcycles, tattoos, and t-shirt shops. 

If you didn't live here would you come here and pay over a thousand dollars for what we provide?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The War in Iraq is Over?

email sent to Rep Roe and Sen Corker and Alexander
The war in Iraq is over? I do not recollect surrender. I do not recollect a declaration of war. How can wars be over if no one surrenders? War is opened armed conflict between countries or between factions within the same country. The United States was in an armed conflict with a faction within Iraq. Apparently the more than four thousand dead and thirty thousand wounded and the billions and billions of dollars (that we did not have) spent were to kill Saddam Hussein and obtain oil for the friends of our leaders. Way to go Leaders!!  If you want to improve public opinion you might want to sell used cars.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lowes and Muslim Reality

The "outrage" expressed by members of the media and other groups shows the real you. You would have expressed the same outrage if Lowes had sponsored a reality show about Christian families. Islam is not compatible with western civilization. One day you will understand.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had."

---Eric Schmidt 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Posse Comitatus Act Must Remain

email sent to Rep Phil Roe, and Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.

The intent of the Posse Comitatus Act was to prohibit local governments and law enforcement agencies from using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land. The other services were added  at later dates or prohibited by Department of Defense directives.

The use of military drones is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act in that to engage the drones for local use members of the military are working with and assisting local governments to enforce laws of the land. The principle of the Posse Comitatus Act must be upheld at all costs less the military and its "just following orders" mentality become a burden to the citizens of the United States.

I encourage you to NOT repeal the Posse Comitatus Act and to enforce it vigorously.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Capitalism is Not Working

email sent to Rep Phil Roe, and Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.

Capitalism is an economic system distinguished by certain basic characteristics. Capitalism is the drive to earn profits, invest them, innovate, and grow the economy. In the 1950s the chairman of presidents Council of Economic Advisors said “The American economy’s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods.” In 2001 President Bush included shopping in the daily activities that he said were the “ultimate repudiation of terrorism.” When the country was in shock the president told us to keep shopping. Most environmental deterioration is a result of systemic failures of the capitalism we have today. Infinite economic growth is not sustainable. Capitalism’s need for profit requires a culture of consumerism to support it. Capitalism as practiced in the United States is not sustainable.

In 2009 the Happy Planet Index produced by The New Economics Foundation rated the United States at 114th of 143 countries evaluated. In 1957, 35 percent of the citizens of the United States rated themselves as “very happy” a level we have not reached since.

Some aspects of capitalism do not work well for the majority of the people or for the environment. In 2008 the average full-time Wal-Mart employee was paid $10.84 an hour, $19, 165 for the year for the 34 hour workweek and $2,000 below the poverty level at the time. In 2007, the Wal-Mart CEO was paid $29.7 million. More than 1,500 times the annual income of an average full-time Wal-Mart associate and he was not even a Walton. Sam Walton deserved everything he received. He had developed a better mousetrap. No one involved with Wal-Mart since then deserves anything like that CEO. Due to the low wages the United States taxpayers subsidize that bloated salary by paying for healthcare, Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing for Wal-Mart associates.

I encourage you to keep in mind more voters relate to the Wal-Mart associates than the CEO. The number of jobs is not as important as the number of jobs paying livable wages. The conundrum is most likely you relate more to the CEO than the associates. As we see with Mitt Romney our elected officials are out of touch with The People.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

In the NFL Helmet to Helmet Contact is ALWAYS Intentional

Someone should tell Colt McCoy's father to be quiet. He cannot protect his baby anymore. Screw the concussion. Helmet to helmet contact such as the one that leveled McCoy could easily result in paralysis. These guys are professionals. Helmet to helmet contact is always intentional and should result in a season ending suspension. When the helmet is the first point of contact the result should be ejection and a one or two game suspension. But I do not care. Millions of dollars are on the line and if the players are willing let them sit around in the retirement and drool let them.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"The stone age did not end because they ran out of stones."

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Plan-B Morning After Pill

Why should government be involved in who purchases such a product? In what Article or Amendment does one locate the authorization for government to control such products and the like?

Oddly Enough Practicing to Fight is as Dangerous as Actually Fighting

During the seven years,2002 to 2008 there were an average 1,643 fatalities per year among active military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq. Oddly enough during the 1980s with no major wars there were more than 2,100 military deaths per year.
It seems practicing to fight a war can be just as dangerous as really fighting one.
And. . . since 1982 around 42,000 active military personnel have been killed---roughly the same number of Americans who die in traffic accidents in a single year.

Stone Age vs Post Office

It is time for the Post Office to go the way of the Pony Express. The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones. It ended because we found a better way. Anything that does not support itself should not exist. The Post Office ought to shrink back to a size required as to let them provide services where it can make a profit.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Screwed Up Justice System

Jerry Sandusky should be arrested and tried not hung out to dry. He can be tried multiple times if necessary but as a citizen of the United States he deserves quick justice.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"The stone age did not end because they ran out of stones."

8-Year-Old Corners Bachmann

It was a setup all the way. Not worthy of reporting. Must be a slow news day. Lesbian mother forces 8-year-old into making a political statement to Bachmann at a booksigning. Isn't that a bit queer? Good going les.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

eMail to The Mountain Press Reference a Letter complaing how the animal shelter is short of funds

With the percentage of Sevier County citizens living in poverty approaching 25 percent; with over 14 percent of the households in the United States and presumably in Sevier County experiencing "food insecurity" meaning they live with hunger or fear of starvation; with 1 in 6 Americans and presumably Sevier County residents going without food for days at a time; how do people afford to buy food for their pets?

In India people starve while they watch cows, monkeys and rats eat food they themselves could eat and we call those people stupid. Compare that with people who cannot feed their children or themselves but have food enough for their pets. What do we call those people?

With people starving and those with food refusing to share how about turning the animal shelters into food processing plants. People in other countries eat dog and cat as well as other things we find disgusting.

When you sit down at the table tonight think about the children who are going to bed hungry and who will not eat from the time they leave school Friday until they return Monday then look at "Fido" as he or she eats food those hungry children could be eating. What do we call you?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Learning Opportunity?

The media should bring male homosexuals onto their programs and ask them to differentiate between their homosexuality and male pedophiles attracted to young males. Some pedophiles are homosexual predators others are heterosexual predators.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Syracuse Sex Scandle

Syracuse University will find it is impossible for people to believe that all those who knew Bernie Fine did not know of his affection for children. Everyone at Syracuse University in anyway associated with him must go. The longer it takes the more damage to the university. Beginning with the President, Athletic Director, Coaches, supervisors, secretaries, members of the Board of Directors everyone has to go. NOW!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Don’t blame corporations for the lack of jobs.

Don't blame corporations for the lack of jobs.

Walter Isaacson, in his biography of Apple CEO, Steve Jobs wrote that Jobs told President Obama "You're headed for a one-term presidency" and urged the president to be more business-friendly. Jobs told Obama how easy it was to build a factory in China, in contrast to the difficulties caused by regulations and extra costs in the United States.

Jobs stressed the need for more trained engineers and suggested that any foreign students who earned an engineering degree in the United States should be given a visa to stay in the country."

The book says that  "Jobs went on to urge that a way be found to train more American engineers. Apple had 700,000 factory workers employed in China, he said, and that was because it needed 30,000 engineers on-site to support those workers. 'You can't find that many in America to hire,' he said. These factory engineers did not have to be PhDs or geniuses; they simply needed to have basic engineering skills for manufacturing. Tech schools, community colleges, or trade schools could train them.

"'If you could educate these engineers," he said, "we could move more manufacturing plants here.'"

Don't blame the Apples or the Wal-Marts for our economic fiasco. Blame our educational system, environmental groups, tax laws and government interference.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who Does Not Have a Clue?

Listening to the History channel I hear experts say the "ancients" had not concept of this or that. On the subject of construction the question is how did those people who had no clue build walls and buildings with stones that weigh thousands of tons. The question should be why do their structures remain for thousands of years while our stuctures decay in less 50 years. Who does not have a clue?

Not Practical

The United States cannot be governed except from the middle. The Republicans should understand that before Obama becomes a second term president. Gingrich is right. It is not practical to ignore 12 million people nor is it practical to deport them. When I am hired I am asked to show two forms of ID a driver's license and a social security card. No matter who the nominee is the Republicans had better support them with everything they've got or Obama will be Mr. President for another four years. The problem is whenever the Republicans sound reasonable they sound like Obama.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Politicians Beware!!!

Politicians running for re-election should beware.
1) In 2010 half of all United States workers earned less than $27,000---adjusted for inflation the lowest median wage since 1999;
2) In 2011 with six-figure salaries received by lobbyists, lawyers, and federal employees leading the way Washington D.C. has overtaken  Silicon Valley as the wealthiest metropolitan area in the country. A typical household in the nation's capital earned a little over $84,000.
Something is wrong when the seat of Federal Government is the wealthiest metropolitan area in the United States.

Monday, November 21, 2011

eMail to Congress



Representative Phil Roe,

Senator Lamar Alexander,

Senator Bob Corker:



When I worked for the Mead Corporation, (we killed trees and made paper) the computer used by the corporation was located on the 16th floor of the Mead Tower in Dayton, Ohio. Connectivity within the United States and worldwide was critical. When we were notified of a problem there was a lot of finger pointing. You know what that is. Each area said it was not their problem. Some problems took days before the area of the problem was identified not to mention resolved. That was unacceptable. So Mead solved the problem.



An individual was appointed from each of the areas such as mainframe hardware, desktop computers, intra-company networks, inter-company networks, telephone systems, software and others. When a problem was reported each of those people identified were responsible and remained responsible until the problem was resolved. They were responsible even if the problem was not in their area. They remained involved helping until resolution. Performance evaluations were based on the group working together. People were fired when they failed.



Now to my point: you were elected to work for the people in your district or state and to work with your peers to resolve problems of the country. Deferring to a super-committee does not relieve you of responsibility. When the super committee fails you, personally, have failed if it was in my power I would replace you with someone who can get the job done and I would encourage others to do the same.



Until there is a solution you are failing to do what you were elected to do. You are not earning your pay (which goes without saying). Thomas Paine is quoted as saying "Lead, follow or get out of the way." You were not elected to follow or to "get out of the way." If those are your choices resign, we don't need you. Your only option is to lead and until you do and until the issues of the country are resolved you, personally, have failed in your responsibilities to the voters. That congress has failed does not mitigate your failure. Do something or just get out of the way.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Neither the World Nor the United States is Beyond Panic and Archy

If you believe the United States is above panicking remember the 1973 Toilet Paper shortage caused by Johnny Carson on his Tonight Show?


On December 19, 1973, the writers for the show had heard earlier the federal government was falling behind in getting bids to supply toilet paper and that it might be possible that in a few months the United States could face a shortage of toilet tissue. They took the words of the Wisconsin congressional representative and decided to add a joke for Carson for the evening show.


Carson used the joke in a monologue stating, "You know what's disappearing from the supermarket shelves? Toilet paper. There's an acute shortage of toilet paper in the United States."

20 million people that watched the Carson show that evening ran out in the morning and bought as much toilet paper as they could carry. By noon on December 20, 1973, practically every store in America was out of stock. Many of the stores tried to ration this valuable paper but they could not keep up with the demand no matter what they did.


A few nights later, Johnny Carson explained there was no shortage and he apologized to his viewers. However, this did not help with the scare. As soon as people noticed the empty shelves, they wanted this paper even more.


It took a total of three weeks to get the shelves stocked again and the shortage was over.


Now consider what could happen when the subject is oil, water, corn, etc. The problem is the world is running out of oil, the world is overusing the primary water sources, and between a lack of water and using corn for fuel we a shortage is in the future.

Friday, November 18, 2011

eMail sent to Rep Roe and Sen Corker and Alexander

If you ever wonder why politicians are all painted by the same broad brush of corruption, dishonesty and lack of ethics Governor Perry might be someone to watch. Apparently shortly after he entered the governor's office in 2001 he reportedly bought land from a state senator at a below-market price and then turned an $850,000 profit just six years later. Along the way, at least two people—a lawyer and real estate broker—involved in the deal landed state appointments from Perry. Likewise, he named two partners in a natural gas venture he co-owned to plum state jobs.

Remember when George W was running for president there were accusasions of special treatment in the National Guard? Everyone denied asking or being asked to do anything wrong. I believed them because I realize people in positions such as you find yourself in know if they do something nice for someone that someone will eventully do something nice for them. Quite similar to the Mafia.

Congress as a whole must void all benefits not available to the public. Congress should receive no healthcare, unless provided by their state. Congress should not receive a pension. Being a member of Congress was not intended to be a profession.  

Gingrich gets $1,500,000 from a government supported agency?

There is something obscene about a professional politician. They are a drain on society.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

As Occupy Fizzles

Occupy is no different than these demonstrations in Syria and Libya and Egypt. They are against but are not for anything. Have no plans. Have no suggestions. Occupy could have setup a website and listed the laws they wanted changed or passed. Activism does not relate to camping. What a waste. They had a chance but have thrown it all away.
Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"People don't know what they want until you show it to them."
---Steve Jobs

Monday, November 14, 2011

Responding to your message


Thank you for taking the time to contact my office about H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts. 


As you know, I voted against the bill. Among many other significant problems, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act takes $466 billion away from Medicare, which is predicted to be insolvent by 2017, and leverages it to create a new entitlement program rather than using it to make Medicare more solvent. The bill also expands Medicaid and sends $25 billion to states, a huge unfunded mandate that creates a very painful situation for Tennessee as well as other states. Tennessee officials believe the mandate will cost the state more than $750 million dollars between the 2014-2019 period


The bill fails to permanently fix the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) costing the tax payers $285 billion. The SGR formula has left every Congress since 2002 scrambling to prevent drastic pay cuts to Medicare providers, and I have continually expressed frustration that the health care reform bills before the Senate ignore the problem and continue to kick the can down the road. It's irresponsible and our seniors and the doctors who care for them deserve better. 


H.R. 3590 uses typical Washington budget gimmickry, taking ten years of new taxes to finance six years of spending, resulting in huge deficits in the next decades. Additionally, the new government-run long-term care insurance program called 'CLASS Act' would reduce deficits by $72 billion in the 10-year budget window but would begin to increase budget deficits in the decade following 2029. Eliminating these two gimmicks means the bill would be $189 billion in the red and puts the real cost of the bill at over a trillion dollars.


Studies are showing that Tennesseans who have health insurance will see their costs rise dramatically as a result of this bill. Certainly in a bill this size there are some components that will be positive, but overall, the core of this legislation is flawed. The real tragedy is that Washington has squandered the opportunity for true health care reform that actually lowers costs, rewards quality and innovation, and improves access for millions of Americans who lack coverage.


Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me.



Bob Corker
United States Senator

Responding to your message

Dear Mr. Jenkins,


Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding our national debt and government spending. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.


I share your concerns for the future economic stability of our government due to our overwhelming national debt. Regardless of the party, administration, or Congress in charge, our federal government has spent well beyond its means for many, many years. I am committed to fiscal responsibility, and lately our government has been anything but fiscally responsible. 


I cannot express how deeply concerned I am over the dire financial situation of the United States government. A quick review of the budget leaves you with a dizzying sense of the mindboggling debt this country is amassing. During my time in office, I voted against measures such as the President's $780 billion stimulus package, the more than $3.5 trillion budget resolution for FY10, and numerous appropriations bills for FY10 that would increase government spending by 12% while inflation is essentially non-existent. Last year alone we added $1.29 trillion of debt and are projected to face massive annual deficits for years to come unless we drastically change the spending habits here in Washington. Unfortunately, even at a time when Americans and families all across Tennessee are tightening their belts, spending here continues at unexplainable levels. Mortgaging our children's future is simply unacceptable.


Please know that I will continue to do whatever I can to bring our country's debt down, even as we deal with the current economic crisis and other long-term obligations. The insight and information you have provided here will help my staff and me look more effectively into this issue, and I thank you for your input.


I have delivered 46 presentations in Tennessee since August on America's debt crisis. During a recent debate on the Senate floor, I introduced my bill, the Commitment to American Prosperity (CAP) Act, as an amendment. The CAP Act would cap all Federal spending, including defense and mandatory spending, as a percentage of our gross domestic product (GDP)a move that would instill fiscal discipline and smaller government while incentivizing lawmakers to pass pro-growth policies. While my amendment was not voted on for procedural reasons, please know that I will be introducing the CAP Act when the next Congress arrives in January.


I believe in American exceptionalism, and I believe we can solve this problem. If you would like to know more, I would encourage you to visit my website where you can view my presentation on debt and spending. You can find the video by going to the following web address and clicking on the icon reading "America's Debt Crisis:"


Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me as I serve you in the United States Senate.




Bob Corker
United States Senator

Responding to your message

Dear Mr. Jenkins,


Thank you for taking the time to contact my office with your concerns and suggestions surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden. Your input is important to me and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts. 


I want to first commend the courageous efforts of the Navy SEAL team who carried out the military operations that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden.  This group of patriots is owed a great debt of gratitude by our country. I can assure you these individuals have been and will continue to be honored in private so as to protect them from those who would seek retribution for their part in Osama bin Laden's death.


Osama bin Laden's death finally puts an end to an unspeakable reign of terror carried out by the man responsible for ordering the September 11, 2001 attacks and the deaths of thousands of Americans and innocent civilians around the world. I am tremendously proud of our military and intelligence services who successfully executed a dangerous operation that resulted in a major victory for the fight against terrorism. While the threats against the U.S. remain, bin Laden's death sends a powerful message to the world that we will not rest until justice is done.


With regard to your suggestions concerning the death of Osama bin Laden, as I am sure you are aware, the Administration and Congress are continually discussing the implications and potential next steps in terms of U.S. policy.  The insight you have provided in your letter will certainly help my staff and me more effectively consider these issues as we engage with officials from the Administration and I thank you for your input. 


Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me throughout the course of my term. 



Bob Corker
United States Senator

Responding to your message

Dear Mr. Jenkins,


Thank you for taking the time to contact my office regarding the Federal Employees' Retirement System (FERS) established in 1986. Your input is important to me, and I appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts.


First let me say that I believe we have a national responsibility to our service members, military retirees and veterans. These brave individuals are serving and have served honorably and the least we can do is ensure that they receive all of the benefits they have earned.


Unfortunately, inaccurate information regarding FERS has been circulating around media outlets misleading fellow Tennesseans and American citizens. Moreover, it's very important for me to relay to you that members of Congress do not receive their full pay as benefits. In addition, members of Congress must contribute to FERS and serve in public office for a minimum of five years to be eligible to receive benefits.

Additionally, the 1989 Ethics Act established an annual cost of living adjustment for Members of Congress. While I am fortunate in that I have been able to donate my congressional pay to charity, you should also know that Congress has voted to refuse any raise in pay in 2011.


Thank you again for your letter. I hope you will continue to share your thoughts with me.



Bob Corker
United States Senator

Cain's Wife Has Nothing to Add

As if Herman Cain would act differently at the office than at home. Unbelievable. No man does that. Do they?

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"People don't know what they want until you show it to them."
---Steve Jobs

Friday, November 11, 2011

Good Ole Joe Dropped the Ball

Why does Mike McQueary upset anyone. He did the best thing he could. He told the most powerful man in College Station, All Joe Paterno had to do was to call the local police chief or the commander of the state police or the state attorney general. Old grandpa Joe dropped the ball much like the catholic priests dropped the ball much like the Restaurant association dropped the ball.
Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hobbits are Tolkien Minorities

Thursday, November 10, 2011

JoPa's Temporary Substitute

I understand the replacement head coach worked for Jerry Sandusky. Everyone who believes this guy did not know about Jerry's hobby raise your hand. The entire coaching staff has to go and my guess will go over the winter.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

The comment that ended Groucho Marx's TV show:
To a woman on his show with many children Groucho commented:" I love my cigar but I take it out of my mouth once in a while".

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Incomes of CEOs and incomes of The Rest of Us

eMail sent to Rep Roe and Sen Corker and Alexander,
Greed, the lack of ethics and morality have made capitalism corrupt and destructive.Yesterday I saw a report that showed the average income of Fortune 500 CEOs is $11,400,000 and the average income of everyone else is $49,994. I remember a book in the 70s or 80s entitled King Makers. It told how boards of directors assigned high salary and benefits to the chairman and CEO who inturn supported nice benefits for the members of the board. 
Rich people do not create jobs. Neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs were rich when they started their companies. They created a product the public could use and the rest is history. Taxes or lack of same had nothing to do with their success. Republicans and the Tea Party need to understand the longer they defend their rich friends the more they hurt themselves. The people with an income of $49,994 are a larger voter base than those with incomes averaging $11,400,000. We know it is that second group that take care of you while you are in office and when you leave.
It is well past time Republicans look out for the rest of us.

I Know Nothing!!

Joe Paterno is following in the footsteps of CEOs around the world. They get the big bucks to run the show but when something happens, they do the Sergeant Schultz "I know nothing!"

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

The comment that ended Groucho Marx's TV show:
To a woman on his show with many children Groucho commented:" I love my cigar but I take it out of my mouth once in a while".

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Government out of our Lives

Today the fine voters of the state of Mississippi decide for themselves when life begins i.e. personhood. This is the same state that voted to split the union so they could "own" other "persons." Besides being ludicrous why should a neighbor have a say in someone's daughter has a baby? We need to get the federal government out of our lives.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have told me, 'A faster horse.'"

---Henry Ford

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Keep It Short Stupid

Parents and Grandparents need to understand that stories concerning ones children or grandchildren are best if they are short and infrequent.

eMail sent to Rep Roe and Sen Corker and Alexander

There is no issue as urgent nor as important as jobs. We will rue the day we ever helped other countries live as well as we lived. We will now live as they had lived.


Jobs that pay minimum wage or poverty level wage will not correct the situation. Jobs that pay at least middle-class wages are required but without a manufacturing base those jobs can not be created.


I suggest you forget the Presidential election; the Republican Party has not put forth anyone who can defeat Obama. They have not put forth anyone who has a clue as to how to get the United States back on its feet.


The Republicans failed when the opportunity presented itself you did not elect new leadership in the House or in the Senate. You continue to show to the voters as well as the world you are bogged down in the old ways; old thinking and that you have no clue as to how to correct the current condition. Congress as a whole caused our problems and has no solutions.


The Congress must first reject their pensions, healthcare benefits, every privilege you enjoy not available to the voters. Until you do you will never regain the respect of the voters. You will continue to show to the world you take care of yourself first, your contributors second, and if convenient the voter last.
I encourage you to remind your fellow Representatives of the excerpts below of Ben Franklin's speech at the signing of the Constitution:
Mr. President
"I confess that there are several parts of this constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them: For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise. It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment, and to pay more respect to the judgment of others. Most men indeed as well as most sects in Religion, think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them it is so far error.
In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; … whether any other Convention we can obtain, may be able to make a better Constitution. For when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected? … Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution because I expect no better, and because I am not sure, that it is not the best. The opinions I have had of its errors, I sacrifice to the public good. I have never whispered a syllable of them abroad. Within these walls they were born, and here they shall die. If every one of us in returning to our Constituents were to report the objections he has had to it, and endeavor to gain partizans in support of them, we might prevent its being generally received, and thereby lose all the salutary effects & great advantages resulting naturally in our favor among foreign Nations as well as among ourselves, from our real or apparent unanimity. Much of the strength & efficiency of any Government in procuring and securing happiness to the people, depends, on opinion, on the general opinion of the goodness of the Government, as well as of the wisdom and integrity of its Governors. I hope therefore that for our own sakes as a part of the people, and for the sake of posterity, we shall act heartily and unanimously in recommending this Constitution … and turn our future thoughts & endeavors to the means of having it well administred.
On the whole, Sir, I can not help expressing a wish that every member of the Convention who may still have objections to it, would with me, on this occasion doubt a little of his own infallibility, and to make manifest our unanimity, put his name to this instrument."


Friday, November 04, 2011

Kim Kardashian Divorce

An NBA "star" I never heard of? Mrs Humphries married because she did not want to disappoint people? She married to make millions due to the ultra stupidity of the American public. Due to the NBA lockout the "star" needed a temporary job and he got a good one. The only people greedier than Mrs Humphries and stupider than the American Public are the media who create these celebrities.

Obama - Jobs Bill

When people think about jobs they think about those that pay middle-class wages. That will not be the case. The United States is competing with the world. Jobs created will be minimum wage jobs. The parents of a family of four can both work full-time at Wal-Mart and be at poverty level. Thus is the outlook for the United States. The situation requires forcing companies to bring the jobs to the country that gave them their start.

Michael Jackson Death Trial

The defense lawyer is correct that if it were anyone else there would be no trial. But Michael Jackson could afford to pay $150,000 to have his own inhouse drug dealer. Jackson got what he wanted. He is no longer awake.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Jobs are not the Question

The question is not about jobs. The question concerns jobs that pay middle class wage. The only jobs the United States is setup to create are minimum wage, poverty level jobs. Not good enough.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Americans are addicted to apologies. Usually that means Americans insist the person lie. If the Jet Blue CEO is truly sorry he can always do what some Japanese CEOs do or how about $5,000 per person including the crew and 10-years free flying wherever Jet Blue goes? That is an apology you can take to the bank.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

In the 1990s, Bill Kirk was a meteorologist as wells as a captain in the United States Air Force attempting to predict dates for flight training six months in advance. Fed up with traditional weather models he developed his own algorithm; a combination of Gaussian mathematical theories, climate cycles, and statistical weather patterns spanning back 115 years. The result: a new way of forecasting that is accurate up to a year in advance. His year-ahead weekly precipitation forecast is 76 percent accurate while the Weather Channel's accuracy on 1-to-10-day forecasts come in at 71%.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Perfect Number for a Social Network

According to the Oxford anthropoligist Robin Dunbar, an individual cannot handle more than 150 friends. The human brain was not built to keep track of more people than that.

Monday, October 24, 2011

NBC Ratings Sliding

The audiences continue to shrink. Why do you suppose that is? Could it be the shows to do not portray the morals of the viewers? Could it be the scripts rely too much on foul or profane language to which the viewers choose not to expose their children or even themselves? Could it be high school humor was OK in high school but do you suppose the viewers have outgrown that stage of their lives? Look at NCIS no foul language; no immoral subjects: a bit over the top with the autopsies but the "private parts" are allowed to be private. When the product doesn't sell how about suggesting they CHANGE THE PRODUCT!!!!

Cain Is Right - Government Must Stay in its Place

The only part of one's religious belief one should bring to government are ethics, morals and honesty. I agree with Cain. I do not like abortion but it is not government's place to enforce the morals of a single group. The People have let government become too involved in our lives. Why should government decide who wants to commit one's life to whom regardless of gender? Why should government decide who may and who may not make or brew a product? As far as immigration is concerned my guess is the Native Americans wished they had protected their borders better than they did. Our ancestors barged in, murdered the local residents, confiscated their property and now want to keep people out.  And if you can believe it all while being a Christian nation.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Supporting the Violent Overthrow of Middle East Heads of State

When the United States supports the violent overthrow of heads of state in the Middle East we had better be ready for the inevitable response. If I was Obama I would be nervous. If I was the Secret Service I would be nervous. Remember what JFK said.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Economy More Important than Military

Hillary Clinton is right— "Today, our foreign and economic relations remain indivisible. Only now, our great challenge is not deterring any single military foe, but advancing our global leadership at a time when power is more often measured and exercised in economic terms."

The United States is the sole global military power, and yet our influence is waning; our economy is declining we see countries gaining influence less because of the size of their armies than because of the growth of their economies.

Everything comes down to the strength and vibrancy of the U.S. economy—the fate of American democracy and, yes, U.S. military punch itself.

As the sole global military power our military has been unable to defeat the military of smaller countries or of no countries at all. One can only wonder how our military would match up with the military of China or Iran. As dirty Harry said, "A man has got to know his limitations" and so do countries.  

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Maybe It Is Time for Another Revolution

Amanda Knox is an example of a justice system that is failing. Italy is no better than the United States. When the government can put you into jail for four years and not have the evidence to convict and sustained on appeal it is time for another Revolution. The mayor of New York was correct in his comments about the riots in the Middle East starting in the United States.
Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they would have told me, 'A faster horse.'"

---Henry Ford

Hank Williams Jr - Hitler

I'm sure you have heard of Godwin's law.  "in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis." Apparently Godwin's law includes celebrities opening their mouth.
The media is at fault by asking celebrities to voice their opinions. The public does not care what celebrities think, they just want them to do their thing. The world would be a better place if celebrities at all other times kept their mouths shut.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Egyptian Version of the Tea Party

For a long time I have believed the American culture has corrupted the church Jesus established on Pentecost.



We claim the Old Testament shows us examples of how God worked with his people. We do not believe it. We say God, who never changes, doesn't do the same sort of things today.



During the good years, under Joseph's instructions, the Egyptian IRS took a high percentage of the crops if not all of the abundance, the excess of normal harvest.  Talk about a tax that was a big one. I figure the Egyptian version of John Boehner and the Tea Party had a collective hissy fit.



During the famine, the Egyptian IRS sold the food they had confiscated back to the people who had grown it. Nothing indicates the people had any voice in the price they were required to pay. When the people had spent all their money the Egyptian IRS took the people's livestock in exchange for food and eventually their land and finally the people themselves. The people became servants to the Egyptian IRS. The people were completely dependent on the government for survival. The record shows the Egyptian IRS owned all of Egypt minus the land of the priests. When the people sold themselves the Egyptian IRS gave them seed with instructions that they owed 20% of future crops to the Egyptian IRS. The once free farmers were tenant farmers, they owned no land, no animals, nothing except what the Egyptian IRS gave them.

What specifically is our current president doing with which the Bible suggests God would disagree?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Embracing the New - Jay Elliot

"If you asked a group of people, even people who aren't dissatisfied with the product, how to make it better, the odds are that they'll spend most of their time trying to think of things that are wrong with it.  The best you will get is some guidance about how to make incremental improvements. It won't give you ideas for dramatically new products that are the game changers. It' not innovation."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis

A black man convicted of killing a white man in Atlanta, Ga. Hmmmmmm. What are the odds he was innocent? Given a 50-50 chance you will wrong 90% of the time.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so."

---Seth Godin

Friday, September 16, 2011

Regulations and Loop Holes

I am for as little regulation as possible. But when corporations come to the government for bail out instead of to their investors we taxpayers must have control of our dollars. Allen Greenspan thought the financial industry could regulate itself but after the fiasco he said he had been wrong. Do not expect to be free of all regulations.
When the current tax code was developed some smart lawyers and accountants found some loopholes permitting rich people and corporations to avoid paying some taxes. Eliminating those loopholes is not raising taxes. If the Republican's rich friends were going to create jobs they would have created them by now. So forget protecting them.
When Bush was the president his "stimulus" package was not appreciated by the Democrats. When Obama is president the Republicans do not appreciate it. I am also concerned about the over spending but our Representatives and Senators shoujld not consider regulation and stimulus  and closing loopholes in the tax code as major obstacles to coming to an agreement.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

SAT Scores

The United States is becoming dumber and poorer. The wealthy have less children the poor have more. The educated have less children the less educated have more. Interesting conundrum don't you think? SAT scores are down, and will continue down, because there are more children of uneducated parents than there are children of educated parents. Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.

Government Incentives

Have you noticed companies want government to give them incentives for them to create jobs? everyone has their hand out. 

Thursday, September 08, 2011

New Audio Reveals 9/11 Response

Remember the plane that landed in the Hudson River? Remember the Air Traffic Controllers immediate reaction to the pilot? No questions, no requests to repeat just action. Now listen to the conversations on 9/11. Questions about is this a test as well as other delays. Our military is not prepared to respond to anything without a lot of questions for clarification. This country is in trouble

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Our Military Leaders Never Learn

September 11 is here once again and the pressure to pay homage to the casualties increases. 9/11 was an embarrassment. It was a monumental failure of the federal government to provide for the common defense. Our government was prepared to protect other countries but failed at home.
The last time any member of our military died protecting our freedom was WWII. Ever since, including now, all deaths have been to accomplish some one's political agenda. Our government has wasted thousands of lives and is still no closer to accomplishing their goal(s).
There were no terrorist attacks directed at the United States until George Bush 41 left our military in the middle east after destroying Iraq. He had our military attack a sovereign nation, removed the legally appointed government, gave their president over to his political enemies for execution. George Bush 43 is guilty of crimes against humanity.
Our military has no leadership. General Tommy Franks led the attack and retired. Leaving the men who followed him and trusted him to continue to fight and die. Other generals have done the same. Our military leaders are armchair leaders not front line leaders.
Whenever the United States leaves the middle east the bad guys will take control as they did in Viet Nam. Anyone with any intelligence would learn from the past. But not our military leaders. They have no idea what they are doing and our military will continue to die.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Organizations Tend to Follow Newton's laws of Inertia

A body at rest remains at rest. . .
Forward motion is not the default state of any group of people.

Economic Ages

1)  Agriculture Age
2)  Industrial Age
          Factory Worker
3)  Information Age
          Knowledge Worker
4)  Conceptual Age
          Creative Worker

The Seven Abilities of the Linchpin - Seth Godin

1)  Providing a unique interface between the members of the organization
 2)  Delivering unique creativity
 3)  Managing a situation or organization of great complexity
 4)  Leading customers
 5)  Inspiring staff
 6)  Providing deep domain knowledge
 7)  Possessing a unique talent.



Under the Law, God prohibited the people from charging interest to other Jews but allowed them to charge interest to foreigners.

While Jesus fulfilled the law this prohibition apparently continued until the time of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. During the Reformation Martin Luther needed the support of the political leaders such as kings, princes, land owners etc. They in turn pressured Luther for permission to take over the common areas of land and rent the land back to the people who lived on it.

These political leaders were attempting to free themselves from the Catholic church's opposition to the practice of charging interest and the commercialization of formerly common lands. The Catholic Church wanted to keep the local lords, princes and kings dependent upon the pope.

Growth of the Protestant Reformation required the support of commercial interests which were demanding the moral authority to lend and borrow money. The Old Testament law prohibited charging interest to other Jews but permitted interest to strangers. Permission to charge interest in affect said that everyone was a stranger.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that it created a world where "the merchant has no homeland." If everyone is a stranger, it is a lot easier to do business. The merchant class cannot exist outside of a culture that encourages money lending. The growth of commerce-based organizations destroyed many traditional "tribes."

Martin Luther saw the needs of local power brokers could encourage the spread of Protestantism. With no other choice the pope followed suit.  The ban on usury was eventually eliminated. Investments were made, business grew, and productivity soared. People could view every transaction as a chance to lend or make money because they were independent agents. Everyone became a borrower or a lender.

Suddenly your "tribe" was a profit center. If you knew a lot of people you could make money from them. Social leadership suddenly translated into financial leadership.

For the last five hundred years, the best, way to succeed has been to treat everyone as a stranger with whom you could do business.


Friday, September 02, 2011

U.S. Showed No Job Growth in August

It is well past the time to close the loopholes and to increase taxes on the rich. If they were going to create jobs they would have done so by now. 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"Real artists ship."

---Steve Jobs

Space Junk Crisis Looming

Where man goes he pollutes, he litters, he trashes. Man should remain on earth and not destroy the rest of the universe. An who are these polluters, litterers, trashers? They are some of the most educated of our species. Sad. Very Sad.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"Real artists ship."

---Steve Jobs

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

College Athletics Out of Control

The only way to get college sports under control is to set a minimum standard where violations result in a 5 year death penalty for all sports involved. The university would be required by law to continue scholarships for uninvolved players. Involved players would be required to pay taxes on all the benefits they recieved and the NCAA would ban them from participating in NCAA athletics for 5 years. The university would be allowed to sue the booster.

Corporate Canaries 1


Expressing yourself to the boss fails with insecure management.

Agreeable but uninspired employees are expendable when times change.

Lazy, undependable or unproductive, poor performers should not give advice.

More businesses fail chasing sales instead of profits.

Aggressive pricing rarely works.



Monday, August 15, 2011

All Cultures Equal?

To paraphrase Leo Strauss, If all cultures are equal, the difference between the Pope and a cannibal is a question of preferences. 

Compromise: A middle between two truths

At the close of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin spoke to his fellow delegates. He called for a unanimous vote, even while acknowledging that he had his own reservations about some of its provisions. Yet he acknowledged his own fallibility and asked them to confront the danger of their certainty as well:

"Most men "think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them it is so far error. Yet, when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views. From such an assembly can a perfect production be expected? It therefore astonishes me, Sir, to find this system approaching so near to perfection as it does..."

Too many of us are certain our political and policy views are perfection. Franklin reminds us that a democracy depends not so much on perfect solutions as on humble collaboration.

As a side note: Our Constitution was developed in 100 days.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Too Expensive to Send to War

The media questions why so many SEALS were in the same aircraft and what the purpose of putting them at risk was. As with our weapons we spend so much money on training the end result is a soldier too expensive to send to war.

Why Should Americans Care?

Considering Islam and Western Civilization cannot coexist why should Americans care how many Muslims are killed in Syria, Egypt, Libya, etc?

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Country Will Survive

Remembering history makes it easier to understand current issues. What we are experiencing today is not new. I am reading a book on the Whiskey Rebellion. The whiskey tax was the first tax on an American produced product. It appears David Hume, a Scottish Philosopher argued that key to a nation's economic prosperity is concentrating wealth in the hands of the few people who can use it to finance ambitious projects.

Alexander Hamilton found in Robert Morris an embodiment of Hume's ideal. Morris or his people headed Finance, Foreign Affairs and War in the new government. The financier controlled all real power in Congress as well as the Continental Army.

To Morris the war effort should be focused on paying interest to the bondholding class. Tight cash forced choices between paying soldiers and paying creditors. Creditors came first: Morris suspended army pay and prohibited state legislatures from paying their own soldiers, insisting states send all money to Congress, to be distributed as he saw fit.

Morris blamed the states for failing to tax the mass of ordinary people. He wanted a direct federal tax, payable by the people to congress. These taxes were to be collected by federal officers. Thus Hamilton's whiskey tax on 1791. Washington not only went along with this tax he used Federal troops against the citizens of the United States. It wasn't until following the Civil War that we had Posse Comitatus.

Our country started off pretty screwed up and the country will survive this one.



Monday, August 08, 2011

Preserving Liberty

To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.
Richard Henry Lee

The Dow Plummets

The Dow plummets because computers are generating sell orders for billions of shares. Remember if someone is selling someone is buying. Now is the time to buy. The United States will never default and everyone knows it. The downgrading of the S&P is political not financial.

Trump and Buffet

Trump and Buffet have the easy answers but the problem is they will not work. It is easy when you have no responsibility for what really is going on. The other problem is their easy answers are often wrong. Why does the media consider them worthy interviews? They have a lot to say about nothing. Besides, if Trump was as smart as the media thinks he is he could find a good hair piece.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Middle East

Our military has to remember they are in a war. How could the enemy get close enough to bring down one of our helicopters? Careless. Tragic but preventable. But so is the entire operation in the Middle East. No matter how long the United States' military is in the Middle East when they leave the bad guys will move in. We cannot win. Bring the troops home. NOW!!

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"I am a man of fixed and unbending principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times."

---Everett Dirksen

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Much About Nothing

The stock market is no longer relative to reality. Many trades are initiated by computers based on a number here or calculation there. Emotion is not involved. Fear and confidence are not part of the equation. There is little if any difference between the stock market and online poker.

United States is a Military State

The United States is a Military State, not a democracy, not a republic. When the president can declare PFC Bradley Manning guilty without trial, when the government can put him in prison for over a year without a trial and have no trial date scheduled when they can violate the Constitution they can do it to us.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

So Gay


Homosexual is slang for queer. Queer means: off center, weird, odd, unwell. Synonym to queer is strange.

According to the Wiki Dictionary, Gay in the sense of homosexual (first recorded in 1951) was shortened from earlier gay cat 'homosexual boy' in underworld and prison slang, itself first attested about 1935, but used earlier for a young tramp or hobo attached to an older one.

People attracted sexually to members of their own gender are at the very least a bit odd, weird, off center. As a mule is odd and cannot reproduce after its own kind neither can gay people reproduce after their own kind. They must rely on another oddity. That in itself is odd.

How do you explain a male being sexually attracted to a male who acts and attempts to look like a female or a female being sexually attracted to a female who acts and attempts to look like a male.

They are queer. They should not be mistreated because of their queerness but there is no denying they are a bit odd. Anyone who has ever seen a female impersonator doing burlesque understands those folks are a bit strange.  

Friday, July 29, 2011

We Should Have Known

We fought a war to get away from taxation without representation. After victory one of the first taxes the new government forced on the people was a tax on liquor. We should have learned something. Now it is too late.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Old Enough

On the subject of Warren Jeff and his young brides, any girl (woman) old enough to request or authorize an abortion is old enough to be married. Why is government so interested in who marries whom?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who is Making Money off of Casey Anthony?

Is it a bit odd that the cable networks are dedicating paid-by-sponsor hours complaining how Casey Anthony wants to make money off of her situation? Who is making money off of Casey Anthony? Cable networks that is who.


Debt Ceiling

President Obama should forget congress and raise the debt ceiling. Congress approved the spending that is causing the problem. Congress is irrelevant.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Where are Our Fighting Generals

How do we expect to win a war when after the leaders start the war and lead their troops into the war the leaders leave. They retire or take other assignments. Safe and secure while the men who trusted them continue to fight and to die. How many of our military leaders retired during WWI and WWII? We need fighting generals not retiring generals.

Friday, July 15, 2011

No Rich Friends Creating Jobs

The Republicans have no rich friends creating jobs only rich friends who will give the Republicans money. The rich friends have shipped the jobs to other countries and have received obscene bonuses for doing same. It is well past time for Republicans to put the voters ahead of their rich friends.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hazing is Bullying

Hazing is an initiation behavior that involves humiliation, harassment or abuse particularly in universities and in the military.

Bullying is an act of intimating, a weaker person to do something especially such repeated coercion.

Hazing is bullying and must not be tolerated.