Tuesday, September 21, 2010

America Gets What They Deserve

and we deserve what we tolerate. 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

Bristol's First Dance

Bristol did not dance. She stood there while her partner did all the moves. Bristol may stay but it will be because of her mother not because of her dancing. She is embarassing.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

School Bullies

Listening to the various discussions in the media concerning school children being bullied and who should step in and when one thing quickly comes to mind. Children as well as adults are mostly non-violent and will not, cannot step into a confrontational situation. The key will be for the authorities whoever they are to get involved immediately. Otherwise you are going to see the 2nd amendment get involved. 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Something for the media to ask the president. 

Ben Stein says:

"Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens."

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Re: Specific Example

Last night the reverend spoke on the subject of prayer.  He mentioned it was ok to pray for sick. Do you know of any specific place in the bible where we are encouraged to pray for the sick and expect God to heal them in response to our prayer?

Perhaps James 5:13-16, but each version has a different slant on these verses. Brother Woods and others of our common belief disregard these verses as applying only to the first century. God gave Hezekiah 15 additional years. Not sure this should be applied to us today.

If Hezekiah had died as scheduled there would not have been a Manassa. If James was meant for us wouldn't you expect Paul to have called the elders to heal Timothy or even himself? There are no examples in the NT of Christians praying for healing so I wonder why we do it especially why we make it our primary requests of God. To me, the way I read it, James is a guarantee and does not allow for everyone has to die. I believe through praying for healing we learn that God does not ever say yes and therefore we do not expect anything. I think it makes us weak. If we were to ask what God has done for us we have nothing to say.

2nd Amendment

The question should not be what the 2nd amendment says the question should be what gives the government the right to supervise the citizens and to control what they may possess and what they may not possess. The citizens of this country have become too accustomed to government interference they do not recognize it anymore. We tolerate surveillance, we tolerate government deciding who can and cannot marry, we tolerate and out of control IRS, we tolerate Blackwater patrolling the streets of New Orleans, we tolerate the government control of who can and cannot use the airwaves, who can and cannot approve abortions, we tolerate government controlling the healthiness of our food, we tolerate government deciding what medicines we can us or not, we tolerate the government deciding what is a legal and what is an illegal drug. Because we like one or more we let the government control our lives.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"IF 7UP hadn't decided on a name that was short and sweet we'd still be drinking Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda."

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Bush to be Stripped of the Heisman?

The problem as I see it is there should be no individual awards in a team sport. There is no one individual who is the best football player. If it were not for the rest of the members on the team doing their jobs no one looks good. If the defense fails no offensive player will win the overall award. So it takes the TEAM!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

As 911 Approaches Lessons we should have learned

What happened on 911 was we learned how if felt when we dropped bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki civilians, how it felt when we carpet bombed German civilians, how it feels when we bomb civilian areas in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq to get the bad guys who are hiding in those areas. Many of the first responders died due to faulty equipment which the city of NY provided.

What 911 should have taught us is that we are not better than anyone. We have our way of life and we should let others live as they want to. Come home, Mr President, and let the world alone.