Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Pro-Life or Pro-Born or Pro Stem Cell

Researchers collect stem cells -- immature cells that can be coaxed into developing into any cell in the body -- from unused embryos remaining at fertility centers. But the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School chose to create its own embryos for two reasons.
  1. "The consent of the donors to this process is very clear as opposed to asking someone who created IVF eggs if they would be okay with using them this way,"
  2. "there is also the fact that these eggs are younger. Younger eggs are more viable eggs." /em>
Sperm donors received $50 for their semen and egg donors received $2,000 as compensation. Typically, the discarded embryos from in vitro fertilization centers come from people who have been trying to conceive for a long time.

Embryonic stem cells are preferable for research because of their immaturity and lack of development. While researchers can derive stem cells from umbilical cord blood, spinal fluid and adult organs, those cells are more specialized.

Unspecialized cells are preferable because stem cell tissue lines can become any type of body cell that can be used for therapeutic purposes.

And thus the discussion continues..............Sacrificing embryonic life for the betterment of mankind.

So far the United States goverment, under the direction of one of the more influential opponents of expanding the harvesting of the raw material required by Stem Cell research, has donated the lives of over 1,800 men and women for the betterment of mankind.

Are those people who label themselves "ProLife" really "Pro" all life or just specific kinds of life?

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