Friday, November 04, 2005

Casualties and Policies

I am against the war in Iraq. I have been against putting troops on the ground in the Middle East before Afghanistan because we cannot win and we are wasting the lives of our Military to no good purpose. When we eventually leave the area, there will be civil war.

But..... Let's get real. We have not experienced casualties of any numbers in this country since WWII which was the last war where our freedom was on the line. All of the wars since then have been political and lives sacrificed were collateral damage. In Viet Nam we wasted about 200 lives a week and now people want to have diplomatic relations with the people who killed our soldiers. If 50 dead marines upsets you what would you have said during the Normandy invasion? How about the battle of Fredericksburg during the War Between the States? Reports were 1,000 an hour died. Don't concern yourself with dead marines but instead concern yourself with the policies of our government that cannot succeed.

One of policies of our government prohibits the use of embryos in research designed to improve the lives of American citizens and at the same time sacrifices the lives of American citizens in the futile attempt to improve the lives of people who hate us? How about sacrificing 2,000+ embryos? Why not?

But all is not lost. Haliburton is doing well as are the rest of the oil business.

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