Thursday, August 24, 2006

Two Faith Systems: Intelligent Design vs Evolution

InProcess. Last Updated September 02, 2006
Why do we permit our educators to teach one faith system while rejecting another faith system

On the subject of Intelligent Design versus Evolution, an individual may select from two alternatives.

1. The heavens and the earth just happened.
2. The heavens and the earth were created.

Alternative 1: Over an unknown period, an unknown number of events spontaneously occurred resulting in nothing becoming matter. Then, over another unknown period, that matter evolved into some material that evolved into the universe and all forms of life. The reason and cause of the spontaneous actions are not addressed.

Alternative 2: Someone created matter from nothing. Then the matter was molded into the universe and all forms of life. Cause and why are addressed in the only literature that claims to know, The Bible.

Either our universe is the result of Intelligent Design or it just happened.

If the first alternative is correct then we are all accidents with accidental thoughts and emotions.

In efforts to prove the universe just happened various theories have been developed.

A “Theory” is:

A hypothesis that has been tested by experiments, and to which exceptions have been found. A theory can be used to predict phenomena;
a working hypothesis that is considered probable based on experimental evidence or factual or conceptual analysis and is accepted as a basis for experimentation

A “Hypothesis” is:

A tentative explanation of observed facts. A hypothesis is assumed tenable for the purposes of investigation. Every theory or law in science begins as a hypothesis can e confirmed by experiments, which are observations under controlled conditions. When observations or experimental data do not support the hypothesis, it must be changed or discarded.

Two of these theories are The Big Bang Theory and The Steady State Theory.

The Big Bang Theory
George Gamow (1904-68)

The universe began when a single point of infinitely dense and infinitely hot matter exploded spontaneously. The debris of this explosion began to fly away from the explosion point and is still flying and will keep on flying indefinitely. All the galaxies, stars, and planets were formed from this debris.

Time begins at the Big Bang, which happened about 12 billion years ago or 20 billion years ago. .

In 1927 the Belgian astronomer Georges Lemaite (1894-1966) suggested that at some time in the remote past all the matter in the universe was concentrated at one point. The universe began when this “primeval atom” exploded. Gamow, who showed that as the universe began from a “fireball”; leftover warmth from this primeval fireball still filled the universe, further developed this idea. This leftover radiation should now have a temperature of 3 Kelvin, or -454 degrees Fahrenheit.

Will the universe expand forever? There are two opposing views: the expansion may continue forever, or some day it may collapse back into the “primeval atom.” It is known as the Big Crunch. The name Big Bang was given by Fred Hoyle, who believed in the opposing steady state theory. It was meant to be a put-down when he first used it scornfully in a radio talk in 1950.

Steady State Theory
Herman Bondi (UKL b. 1919) Thomas Gold (US 1920-2004)
Fred Hoyle (UK 1915-2001

The universe has no beginning and will have no end. It is constantly producing matter and is expanding.

This theory is now considered flawed and the big bang theory is widely accepted.

The steady state theory includes the idea of spontaneous creation of matter. On the other hand, the big bang theory assumes that all matter that now exists also existed in the past. New matter is not being created. The steady state theory agrees with the big bang theory on one point: the universe is expanding.

The big bang theory holds that the universe had a beginning and will someday have an end. “The old problem of the beginning and end of the universe does not arise at all in the steady state theory, for the universe did not have a beginning and will not have an end, “ according to Fred Hoyle. “ Every cluster of galaxies, every star, and every atom had a beginning but the universe itself did not.”

Observational and experimental data favor the big bang theory and it is now considered the standard theory of the origin, structure, and future of the universe. Hoyle was a staunch supporter of the steady state theory and never gave up his belief in it.

Any theory that does not address the beginning of matter misses the point of the theory, to explain creation of the universe.

The disbelief in the existence of God is Atheism, defined as the disbelief in the existence of God or other deity, the doctrine that there is neither God nor any other deity. What facts support their disbeliefs? Atheism requires Alternative 1.

Those who believe, that God exists and is the power in Intelligent Design have faith that God is and that the Bible is the best way to know Him.

Those who disbelieve in the existence of God and consider the Bible to be not relevant also have faith. The Big Bang Theory depends on a single point of infinitely dense and infinitely hot matter but does not address its origin. From where did the matter come? Did nothing become this matter, how? How was it hot? The Theory makes major assumptions.

Looking at the second alternative, someone made the universe but who and how and when? If someone exists with the ability to make the universe et al, would it not be prudent to attempt to understand all we can about that someone and if that someone requires something of us?

The Bible is the only literature claiming to address the subject.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Writers of the Bible consider the existence of God to be a fact. Contrast this with the developers of every alternative only claim “a theory.”

As to how the universe came into existence. Learned educators teach “Theories” as fact something even science does not do. To accept the “theories” requires “faith.”

Without the Bible, we have no documentation of the events that resulted in humankind’s origin. Without the Bible, we have nowhere to go to find out whom, how, and when. We are left with no hope of ever answering the questions.

We have two alternatives:

We can live with our ignorance continuing to search but with no hope of answering our questions.


We can use the Bible to answer our questions.

Human beings do not accept ignorance well and will continue to search for answers.

Accepting the Bible requires faith as does rejecting the Bible. Faith to reject the Bible leads to ignorance and hopelessness. Faith to accept the Bible leads to knowledge and hope. Which is better? Is ignorance or knowledge to be sought? Is hopelessness or hope better to be sought?

God’s will is found in His word. Knowing God’s will is not about being smart. Knowing God’s will stems from a hunger and thirst to discover who He is and to develop a relationship with Him. The best way to know the Father is to read what He has to say in the Bible. There are as many opinions as there are people; however, our opinions about spiritual matters have little substance if they are not rooted in the Scriptures.

Romans 12:1-2 describes knowing God’s will through a lifestyle of living sacrifices. Growing in faith and living appropriately are tied together. The more mature spiritually, the more naturally our lifestyle will reflect it. When our behavior is according to biblical moral standards, our faith grows as we realize that our decorum is rewarding and makes sense. God fills us with spiritual blessings and knowledge of His will so that we can walk with Him and continue to grow closer to Him. As Moses said, "If your presence will not go with me, do not bring us up from here.”

Why would anyone intentionally remain ignorant of a Being powerful enough to create the Universe and all that lives both visible and invisible?

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