Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Democracy in Default

It has been said a democracy can exist only until the electorate discover they can vote for someone who will give them something. Politicians at all levels are unethical, dishonest, and immoral. They will take care of themselves first, those who give them money second, and last and surely least, their constituents. At the Federal level they pay millions of dollars to obtain a job that pays a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year. When they complete their term they are millionaires over and beyond their net worth when they began their term in office.

Without a word being said the folks leaving office in Washington D.C. know the special interests will provide for them. With this assurance special attention is paid to the wants of those special interests while maintaining plausible deniability of any collusion.

Politicians are beyond the reach of the laws most Americans must follow and have become a government unto themselves. In practice they pass their place along to their children. Members of the Judicial branch, appointed by the members of the Legislative branch know if they rule as wanted by those same members of the Legislative branch they know more like them will be appointed and members of their families will be taken care of and all the while are able to maintain plausible deniability. To rule as required, the Judicial branch has stopped long ago applying the Constitution and have begun making laws themselves.

The ordinary American is out of the loop and is merely a surf to the Lordships.

With the blessing of the Legislators and the Executive branch selected members of the ruling hiarchy become millionaires and billionaires while the surfs lose their jobs. Our country manufactures nothing, leaving an economy based on lotteries and casinos.

We go to war, commit atrocities, sacrifice the lives and limbs of our military and then treat them as if they are the ugly step child when they return and all for the benefit of those special interests.

The women's lib movement of the 70s or so has resulted in women being successful if they dress and act like prostitutes and feel self expression includes participation in pornography. A surprise affect has been less children so the working class is dwindling while those on welfare and members of violent religions multiply by 4 and 5 times in one generation.

Being Politically Correct means one thinks they can pick up feces by the clean end.

Within this democracy we have minority rule, necessarily meaning America is self destructing.

America may survive but her best days are behind her.

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