Monday, February 12, 2007

Pigeon Forge City Commissioners Vote for Industrial Zone

Recently our local paper had an article with a headline “PF city Commissioners vote for industrial zone” with a secondary headline, “Rezoning of property would open field for adult businesses, any type of industry.”

The reporter quotes one of the local commissioners as saying, “This is not putting a rubber stamp on adult businesses, this opens up that land for any type of business.” If it is not a rubber stamp what is it?

Unless the cost of locating in such a district is prohibitive the commissioners have just created a future slum where illegal activity of all sorts will migrate. If you doubt it look at any city with a district specifically zoned for “adult businesses and industry.” Most cities would like to eliminate such districts while Pigeon Forge is creating one.

People in large cities migrate away from such districts. Has anyone studied the likely affect such a district will have on the home owners across the street or are they not within Pigeon Forge so no on cares what the affect might be? Are we to look forward to smoke stacks belching out air pollution of all sorts? Will more police activity be required? If so has anyone looked into how that will affect that department?

If the concerns I mention are not relevant someone might want to clarify what is going on because at first blush it looks horrible.

At least we know where the casinos and the associated one-armed bandits will be located when they are eventually approved by our state legislature. If you doubt they are coming remember the lottery. How many years back did anyone believe Tennessee would have a Lottery?

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