Friday, July 04, 2008

Double Standard

Double standard.
Recently our local paper had one of those inserts on the subject of entertainment. You know the ones, television schedules and the like. There was a story, no author identified, praising the television show Family Guy. I do not watch the show but the description in the article read a lot like "high school" humor. As the unidentified author described it "humor about bodily emissions." 
The anonymous author wrote about an episode that purported to show God as a bearded, white-robed ladies man hitting on a girl at a bar. He lights her cigarette with a bolt of lightening. "Magic fingers," he purrs. But then, to his chagrin an independent second bolt of lightning incinerates her. He summons his son Jesus ("Get the Escalade, we're outta here!") and makes a fast exit.
Unless the show's developers, networks broadcasting the show, print media et al are willing to illustrate and write about  Muhammad in similar situations and therefore endure the rioting, property damage, and accompanying death threats by our Muslim friends, I suggest God and Jesus be left out of cartoons and articles.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

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