Friday, February 27, 2009

Income Redistribution Yes? or No?

When attempting to understand the public's attitude concerning income redistribution one must consider we are inundated with stories of obscene amounts of money being given to individuals for no work. Baseball players being paid close to 1/2 billion dollars to play baseball. Football players receiving hundreds of millions of dollars  to play football. CEOs receiving hundreds of millions of dollars while leading their corporations into bankruptcy or being fired. Corporations reporting 40, 50, 60 billions of dollars in profits. Congress giving themselves the best health care plan in the world while at the same time not providing a minimal health care plan for their constituents. Congress giving themselves retirement plans that no one in the world even comes close to. The stock market has been shown to be a joke with the insiders receiving hundreds of millions of dollars again for no work while the little investor loses everything.
None of these people "earn" the money. Very few do any "real work" at all. 
The public can only take so much. I vote for 100% tax on individuals receiving over five millions of dollars. Corporations should pay 100% tax on all profits not reinvested into their corporation. 
There is no reason to say that will not create jobs. Jobs are not being created now and individuals continue to be paid obscene amounts for doing nothing to help the situation. 

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking about real money.
---Everett Dirksen

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tennessee's Ride Inspection Law

Governor Bredesen:
Sen Overbey:
Rep. McCord:
The Ride inspection law creates another bureaucracy because businesses have neither the ethics nor the honesty to provide a safe environment for its customers. How about some personal responsibility and accountability? How about Tennessee pass a law when an accident occurs and the responsible investigating authority determines the company is at fault the CEO of the company is held personally responsible both financially and criminally. In addition to that the company loses its license to do business in Tennessee for 99 years. You don't like that then continue to play Russian roulette with the lives of your children.
I encourage you to pass a law that really protects the public from unethical, dishonest, and immoral business people who will not regulate themselves.
John Jenkins
425 Patterson Lane
Gatlinburg, TN 37738

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How will A-Rod,further scandal effect the MLB

Jason Davis: Reference your column in today's The Mountain Press, Sports:
First, is that headline grammatically correct?
I agree sorrow comes from being caught not from their actions.
What I find intriguing are people such as yourself who are willing to watch a baseball game knowing what you are seeing is not real. What was a swing and a miss and a possible inning-ending-out may have been a hit moving players around the bases or possibly a game winning home run if the pitcher had not been cheating. A home run may have been a single or double or triple or an out on the warning track if the batter had not been cheating.
A-Rod stole millions of dollars from the player(s) who came in behind him in the statistics. But everyone will close their eyes.
Watching a MLB game is like watching Professional Wrestling with the exception the baseball players are not nearly as athletic.
MLB, mirrors society. Cheating is OK unless you get caught. MLB players lack ethics, honesty and morality and the public loves them. Kind of like the same fascination the public has with members of the Mafia, which we all know does not exist.
By the end of his career A-Rod will have received close to 1/2 a billion dollars, to play baseball. Is this country screwed up or what?
Since you mentioned you are a fan of professional baseball as a reporter, you might want to check on the legality of the MLB championship being called the "World Series." Since the only other country represented is Canada it is hardly a "World" anything. We seldom win when playing internationally. Just another area where MLB and the fans delude themselves. One might ask "What are they smoking?" But we know..
Nice column...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tennessee's Ride Inspection Law

The "Ride inspection law "creates another bureaucracy because businesses have neither the ethics nor the honesty to provide a safe environment for its customers. How about some personal responsibility and accountability? How about Tennessee pass a law when an accident occurs and the responsible investigating authority determines the company is at fault the CEO of the company is held personally responsible both financially and criminally.  In addition to that the company loses its license to do business in Tennessee for 99 years. You don't like that then continue to play Russian roulette with the lives of your children.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Unalienable Rights

President Obama has ordered the Justice Department to immediately make a new review of the detention case involving a Qatari national, Ali Saleh Kahlah Al-Marri, who, on June 23, 2003, was seized by the FBI inside the U.S. where he was living legally, and has been held in military custody in this country for more than five years.


Based on unspecified information President Bush designated al-Marri an "enemy combatant." That same day, the military took custody of al-Marri and incarcerated him in the Navy brig in South Carolina, where he has been detained without charge ever since.


For the first sixteen months of his military detention, the government held al-Marri incommunicado and subjected him to a brutal interrogation regime. Al-Marri was held in total isolation, exposed to painful stress positions, shackled in a freezing cell for hours at a time, and threatened with violence and death.


You may or may not consider that torture but regardless, are you willing to let our presidents issue orders that result in our being incarcerated by the military for life without being charged?


General Tommy Franks said another serious terrorist attack on the United States would "begin to unravel the fabric of our Constitution." Franks said that under such circumstances, "the Constitution could be scrapped in favor of a military form of government." 


With the Patriot Act it will not be difficult for the military to do precisely that. 


Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall said, "History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure. The World War II relocation cases, and the Red Scare and McCarthy–era internal subversion cases are only the most extreme reminders that when we allow fundamental freedoms to be sacrificed in the name of real or perceived exigency, we invariably come to regret it."


Many Americans have forgotten what it means to be American. Since our country's inception, America has been synonymous with the concept that there are certain individual rights and freedoms that no one, not even government agents, can violate. The foundational idea that individuals have an inherent right to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" served as a springboard for the Bill of Rights as they were appended to the Constitution; absolute rights so precious that no government can violate them? The early American colonists believed these particular principles were not only worth fighting for, they were worth dying for.


Remember the 1976 film, Network? Remember the famous line "I'm as mad as hell, and I am not going to take this anymore?


How about it? Stand up, go to the window and yell…………or write our senators and representatives…

I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!!!

Check this out and see if you agree it fits todays mess....
John Jenkins
 865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dr. John Petersen's resignation?

Governor Bredesen:


The "resignation" of UT President, Dr. John Petersen, seems to many to be a bit odd. When was the last time you heard of a worker, resigning effective a future day THEN going on a leave of absence until that date AND continuing to be paid for a year or so passed that date?


How about calling a stop to the political gamesmanship? If Dr. John Petersen quit he should receive no pay. If he was fired say so. He should not be allowed to say he resigned when he in truth was fired. How about a little truth in governing?


If he did something deserving to be terminated the public has a right to know as do his future employers. If he resigned you should explain to the people of Tennessee why he is receiving severance pay.




John Jenkins

425 Patterson Lane

Gatlinburg, TN 37738



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

MLB and WWE and Drugs

If these egotists are really sorry how about contributing all the money they were paid while they were cheating? MLB is no different than professional wrestling.

John Jenkins
 865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Palin Pregnancy

Governo Palin should keep her children off the evening news. Her pregnant daughter is showing herself to be a moron.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Pumpkins, Republicans and Mulatto Presidents

As a pumpkin could have defeated Jimmy Carter that same pumpkin could have defeated any Republican in 2008. As there have been no Catholic presidents since John Kennedy there will be no mulatto or black presidents following President Obama for many years to come.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Time to Cut Back, Mr. President

With everyone having to cut much does it cost the taxpayers for the president to visit his house in Chicago? How much does it cost to have him travel. Maybe he should cut back some also. Hopefully he will get tired of taking his daughters for a ride in Air Force One..

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Fairness Doctrine

Obama will not move to implement the "Fairness Doctrine." Why? If implemented the Fairness Doctrine will close down most Cable News Channels as well as many newspapers.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Obama no Change

During the campaign both John Mccain and Barack Obama spoke about moving beyond partisan divisions. President Obama has failed in his first attempt at change. Come on media, call him on it. Do not be like MSNBC challenge Obama. At this rate he will be a one term president and a lame duck in two years.
John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cheese Rolling

Cheese Rolling enthusiasts say got its start as a pre-Roman fetility rite. Every year the citizens of Cheltenham, England, get together on a nearby Cooper's Hill to roll small wheels of Double Gloucester cheese. First prize: a large wheel of Double Gloucester cheese. But this is not as tame as it sounds. In 1995 18 of the 20 contestants were injured---4 had to be hospitalized. By comparison, only 11 people were injured in the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, that year.

Watching Cows Fight

I read this bit of trivia in and thought you might find it enlightening....


Most countries that use cattle in sport prefer bullfights---but not the Swiss. they stage cow fights, pitting pregnant female cows against one another---in spite of the fact that the cows have no natural desire to fight one another and can't even be prodded into fighting.

Actually, most of the time cows just moo, kick the earth, or push against one another as they engage in "shoving matches" to see who will lead the herd. but that doesn't stop the enthusiastic Swiss from putting on their annual cow fight each October in the tiny town of Martigny.


The Wall Street Journal provided this blow-by-blow account of one such contest:


A dozen pregnant cows enter the circular area to duke it out. Cow No. 122 (Medallion) eats some grass. Five minutes pass. Cow No. 106 (Java) charges toward Cow No. 125 (Gitane), who drools and walks away. Cow No. 118 (Tigresse) strolls over to the sidelines to take some bread from her owner. The crows of 6,000 is very quiet…. The cow fight nevertheless evokes strong passions among the Swiss,who, during fights, are considerably more animated than the animals.


The winner of the contest is named "Queen of the Alps." An honor that can actually be quite lucrative for the owner; calves of the winning cow sell for as much as $25,000, 10 times the price of an ordinary calf.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Favre - July 2008

Brett Favre has been paid very well, no one owes him anything, he has overstayed his welcome and has damaged his memory. He will be remembered as that old guy who hung around too long....

Have you wondered why a millionaire does not want to stay home with his wife and sick son? Apparently Favre craves the NFL groupees a little longer....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Friday, February 13, 2009

Depression then Revolution

Glenn Beck is right. Depression then Revolution.

While their constituents are losing their jobs, congress gives themselves raises. and enlarge their expense accounts. While their constituents do not have health care members of congress make sure they and their families have the best healthcare plan in the world. While their constituents lose their pensions, members of congress make sure they and their families have the best retirement plan in the world.


Don't forget the incest among corporate America and our elected officials. The super rich making everyday expenses beyond the reach of the average American.


First depression, second revolution. The next armed conflict within the borders of the United States will be not be racial, or religious, or ideological it will be the have nots rising up against the haves. Remember the French Revolution? "Let them eat cake." Remember what happened. The United States is not beyond such extremism. Glenn Beck is right..

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

George Bush's Legacy

I agree with your assessment of George Bush. Too many books have been written describing him as detached and not asking questions to not believe it. Everything he had came from or because of his father and grandfather. The presidency was the first trouble he had that his father could not correct. He was a stupid rich kid who due to the way politics works ended up the president of the United States. First George Bush and now Barack Obama have we no standards anymore?

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

George's Legacy

As he told us many times, George Bush was willing to make tough decisions, too willing, and the problem was what was in his mind, or rather what was not in his mind: history. We were governed by the uninformed instincts of an intellectually lazy and incurious man who believed that his gut was superior to unfamiliar wisdom. He was ignorant of history.


We know enough about what the government knew on September 11th 2001 and when it knew it to argue that "the decider," as Bush thinks of himself, was more responsible than any other American and that he ignored the threat until it was too late. The decisions he made after the event left America weaker and more vulnerable than it was on Sept. 12, 2001.


When George Bush took office when the United States was considered "The World's Only Superpower" -- militarily, economically and morally -- and is leaving power with the country in economic chaos, fighting two wars it cannot really win and a reputation that begins with impulsive attack and ends with torture.


Now that is a legacy…



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You cannot multiply the wealth by dividing it.

The late Dr. Adrian Rogers (1931 to 2005) offered the following observation several years ago and it bears poignant significance today:


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the rich out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work without receiving.  The government cannot give to anybody anything the government does not first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them,  and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend is about the end of any nation."

You cannot multiply the wealth by dividing it.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What Kind of a Moron Watches Something That is Not Real

With the discovery that A-Rod has been cheating what kind of a moron would watch a professional baseball game? With legal or illegal performance improving drugs nothing is real. A swing and a miss might have been a hit or a home-run if the pitcher had not been using drugs. A home-run might have been a single or an out on the warning track if the batter had not been using drugs. Until their it is guaranteed that there are no drugs in baseball nothing is real. What kind of a moron pays to see something that is not real...

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Hillary - Obama - Biden

How does Hillary like HER boss sending someone other than her to the Middle East? How does he expect her to get contributions for herself is she is not allowed to make calls?

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Gregor Mendel
Giving Peas a Chance Since 1856

Friday, February 06, 2009

Millionaires on Stipends?

Michael Phelps is a millionaire and he receives a training stipend from USA Swimming?
Taxpayers support athletes and when they become millionaires they get to keep the money? How about repaying whatever the taxpayers provided so they can help the next athlete. Shameful....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Blue vs Yellow

The president mentions not doing business the same way as in the past, and forgets his friends, the democrats in congress only know how to do business the old way and that is big government.  Adding money for birth control and abortions will not add jobs unless you are supporting the prostitution industry. Building a headquarters for Homeland Security will not add jobs except for the construction company involved.


The Blue Dog democrats and SOME republicans will stop the Yellow Dog democrats and their friends from leading this country into chaos. The president's only home for success is to go with the Blue Dogs and their friends.


Team Effort

On the subject of the US Air Cactus 1539 in the Hudson have you considered the Air Traffic Controllers? They appeared to handle the emergency better than the military handled 9/11.


When the pilot asked a question he got an answer. When a controller told another controller the flight had lost both engines. There was no, "Are you sure?" Or Is this a Test? When asked for a landing strip the response was "You got it." There was no let me check.


The Air Traffic Controllers did a great job. No arguing with the pilot no questioning the pilot's comments.


If the flight crew had not done their job things could have turned out differently. If the co-pilot had done his job things could have turned out differently. If the Air Traffic Controllers had not done their job things could have turned out differently. It was a team effort all the way. Sullenberger just happened to be the boss.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Stimulous Package

Mr. President:
Concerning the stimulus package. You are mistaken if you think the Democrats in Congress are your friends. They stand for what you want to change. You have to take the bull by the horns and eliminate everything that does not create jobs. Building an HQ for Homeland Security will not create jobs outside of a construction company.
This is your time., If you let the old Democrats take this package away from you, you will find it harder next time. You cannot let your own party run over you.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Political Appointees - Daschle and Others

I have a simple but pessimistic philosophy but it helps explain situations like this.
My premise is: Politicians are unethical, dishonest, and immoral. They take care of themselves first, those who give them money second, and last and least, if it is convenient, those who vote for them.
I look only at what a politician does. 
To paraphrase Obama's preacher, politicians say what politicians have to say.
Question: How do you know a politician is lying?
Answer: Their mouth is moving.
Oh yes, one other point to my philosophy. When a politician accuses another politician of doing something dishonest, immoral or unethical, the accuser does the same thing and maybe worse.
I believe Will Rogers said something about sending the town thief up to rob Washington DC. I believe the voters have out-done themselves.
We have to answer the question "Why would a lobbyist pay an ex-senator or an ex-representative or an ex-cabinet member, or an ex-staff member for Congress or the President millions of dollars just because they 'know' people?" Are they all for sale?
Evidence supports an affirmative answer.

Lobbyists, Just say No!

Tom Daschle was paid millions of dollars to "advise" lobbyists. The question the elected or appointed need to answer is "Why would someone pay Daschle (or anyone) millions of dollars because he knows you?" Are all of you for sale? The people paying the lobbyists apparently think so. Evidence appears to support that belief.


Someone has to begin to put integrity back into government. Just say no to Lobbyists, NONE! NOT FOR ANY REASON! -0-.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Open Letter to Government

Tom Daschle is the latest example of how the elected and appointed go from government to lobbyist to government etc. Daschle was paid millions of dollars to "advise" lobbyists. He was not considered a lobbyist, at least not according to the rules Congress established to define lobbyists. The question the elected or appointed need to answer is "Why would someone pay Daschle (or anyone) millions of dollars because he knows you?" Are all our elected officials and appointees on the take? Are all of the president's advisors on the take? Are all staff members for sale? Are all cabinet members on the take? The people paying the lobbyists apparently think so. With the number of politicians in the newspapers and on television evidence appears to support that belief. All members of government elected, appointed, hired, temporary or permanent need to make public which lobbyists visit them! What do they want? What do they receive?


Someone has to begin to put integrity back into government. Just say no to Lobbyists, NONE! NOT FOR ANY REASON! -0-.


John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Who are you going to believe

The Cato Institute (now we know what the Green Hornet's sidekick did when he got out of crime fighting)  had an ad signed by over 200 economists, including Nobel laureates (we know what that means when Al Gore is a Nobel laureate) :
"We the undersigned do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance. More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. More government spending did not solve Japan's 'lost decade' in the 1990s...Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth."
Who are YOU going to believe?


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Reference Steve Henley Execution..

Governor Bredesen:


Interesting how insignificant the victims become during a process designed to protect the rights of the accused.


With the number of death penalty cases being thrown out by DNA evidence I would not be confident enough, unless I observed the crime, to sentence anyone to death. Not that I am against the death penalty. I am not. In fact I am for the death penalty in more cases than allow for it today. Prior to our country being established felony cases had two options. Branding and hanging. A second branding conviction resulted in hanging. I vote for that process.


Twenty-three years is a long time to wait. If the death penalty is going to be used it ought to be completed quickly, less than three months. A special series of courts should be established to fast track the cases.


Our Constitution requires a speedy trial. Neither the defense nor the prosecution should be allowed to change that.


No matter, this fellow is dead. Twenty-three years after the crime he was convicted of committing. Talk about inhumane treatment. Locked up for twenty-three years? His lawyers should have insisted that he be freed or executed. Justice demands it.


In the end no one wants justice. If you like the convicted person you want mercy; if you do not you want vengeance. That is good because our system is about winning and losing not about justice.


I wonder if he really did it….

John Jenkins
425 Patterson Lane
Gatlinburg, TN 37738

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Letter to Representative Roe, and Senators Corker and Alexander:

Tom Daschle is just one example of a trend that will destroy this country. But he cannot do it by himself Congress must and will support him. Daschle, not a lawyer, is hired at $2.1 million dollars to consult with a law firm that lobbies government because he "knows people." Trent Lott "retires" before new rules went into affect restricting his lobbying ability. Restricting in word only because he would have found the loopholes intentionally inserted into the rules by him and his fellow members of congress?


If Daschle had not withdrawn his name he would have been confirmed because his "friends" in the senate lookout for each other. They know if they do him a favor now he will do them a favor later. With all President Obama's claims of ethics he appoints people who failed to pay taxes, and a person who had received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the same health industry he would have been responsible to monitor.


What Governor Blagojevich of Illinois was impeached and removed from office for goes on everyday. The governor's mistake was he said it out loud. He was part of the system where favors get repaid people get rich all with plausible deniability.


While their constituents are losing their jobs, congress gives themselves raises. Apparently congress believes everyone should tighten their belt except them. While their constituents do not have health care members of congress make sure they and their families have the best healthcare plan in the world. While their constituents lose their pensions, members of congress make sure they and their families have the best retirement plan in the world.


Our country cannot withstand the assault upon it by members of its government. You will take us all down the road to socialism.


I encourage you to work with your fellow members of congress to cleanup the system.



John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Make My Day Law - Colorado

Great job Colorado Springs!!! When someone breaks into a house, it should be open season. Kill the criminal, torture the criminal, bury the criminal alive, makes no difference to me.
The dead criminal was drunk. Great human being. He was probably DUI. Hopefully he did not propagate before he was shot. Great Job Colorado!!!!

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Hillary and the Experiences for which she is Thankful

Bill probably showed Hillary a new use for cigars for which she is thrilled.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)


If taxpayers, are expected to provide support for children such as these additional eight children, taxpayers must have a say in if they are to be conceived. People can have as many children as they like just don't make me, as a tax payer, support them.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Matt Millen and NBC

NBC is right. Most of the analysts posing as sports experts are coaches who have losing records or were fired or players who cannot go away. Some ex NCAA coaches left their schools under suspension for violating NCAA rules. Some players have a rap sheet. Talk about bad examples.....Talk about losers....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Monday, February 02, 2009

Michael Phelps in hot water again after pot pic surfaces

In August 208, right after the Olympics, I wrote: 
The advice I would give Michael Phelps is to get out of the public eye as soon as possible. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose. The media has found his father and now knows Michael does not get along with his father. Not a good role model. He is twenty-two or so years old, no college education, a mental disease ADD or the like, no skills except swimming, lots and lots of money, and a mother and sister or two who expect him to share with them. He will soon self destruct if he does not get out of the public eye. Warren Buffett lives in the same house for thirty years, Sam Walton drove a used truck. Phelps is talking about getting home to his cars (notice plural) and setting up his house, lots of furniture and pool and on and on. 
He has been in and out of trouble and now he has his picture snapped as he inhaled from a marijuana pipe. Six months ago he won 8 medals and has displayed questionable character ever since. Time will tell if he can ever win again. I bet he cannot.
Michael, get out of the public eye!!!!!!!!!! 

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)


All crooks are sorry they got caught. Just say NO!!!! to Daschle. The senate's reputation is on the line. They keep approving crooks; tax evaders and lobbyists the worse kind of human beings. If Daschle is approved the senators will have to sell used cars to get their integrity back....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Bailout Executive Compensation

You are missing the point. These corporations LOST money. No one should receive a bonus for losing money. Their salary should be cut at least in half if not by 90%. They LOST money. Bonuses for losing billions? What part of moron don't you understand. Get the story.... CNN talks about keeping them honest. WHO? They are all crooks...

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Believe Only What You See

It appears that every time a rock is turned over and some political appointee or perspective political appointee rears their head they have evaded paying taxes, hired illegal aliens as"family employees" have girl friends or boy friends or both, accusations of extortion and on and on are uncovered. It makes one wonder if there is an honest person in politics. President Obama said a lot of nice things but in practice he has appointed people who have avoided paying taxes, lobbyists in key government positions so he is not different. President Obama is same old same old.  Makes one wonder. Believe nothing of what a politician says look only at what they do.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Letter to Senators Corker and Alexander

With the exceptions to Obama's no lobbyist rule, exceptions for those who fail to pay their taxes the Obama administration is apparently a last fling for the criminal element in politics. He is not changing Washington he is showing the world he fits right in and the senate is assisting.
The senate has an opportunity to show the world times have changed or it is business as usual. The Senate is seen as a millionaire's club that lives outside the rules. The senate failed with Geithner but now there is Daschle.  With all the senators and representatives becoming lobbyists when they leave government you really do look like the Mafia. You all are painted with the same brush. You all are seen as taking care of yourselves and your fellow senators first, those who give them money second and last if convenient those who voted for them.
I hope you understand the position you and your fellows are in and how tenuous your reputation is?
If Daschle gets confirmed senators might have to sell used cars to restore their individual reputations.
I realize you do not run the show but your reputation is still on the line…

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Letter to President Obama

With the exceptions to your no lobbyist rule, exceptions for those who fail to pay their taxes your administration is apparently a last fling for the criminal element in politics. You are not changing Washington you are becoming more like Washington.
You are proving my rule; all politicians are dishonest, immoral, and unethical. They take care of themselves first, those who give them money second and last if convenient those who voted for them.
and you are a politician…

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Individual Awards in a Team Sport

I realize 24 hour cable sports channels have to talk but an individual award in a team sport is ludicrous.  Michale Jordan never won a championship without Scottie Pippen. Who is more valuable? Neither wins without the other.
A quarterback such as Payton Manning or Kurt Warner is nothing if the offensive line does not do their job or if the receivers do not do their job. Remember Joe Montana and the 49ers? He did not look so good at Kansas when the offensive line and the receivers did not do their job.
A team wins or a team loses no individual awards.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)