Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Letter to Representative Roe, and Senators Corker and Alexander:

Tom Daschle is just one example of a trend that will destroy this country. But he cannot do it by himself Congress must and will support him. Daschle, not a lawyer, is hired at $2.1 million dollars to consult with a law firm that lobbies government because he "knows people." Trent Lott "retires" before new rules went into affect restricting his lobbying ability. Restricting in word only because he would have found the loopholes intentionally inserted into the rules by him and his fellow members of congress?


If Daschle had not withdrawn his name he would have been confirmed because his "friends" in the senate lookout for each other. They know if they do him a favor now he will do them a favor later. With all President Obama's claims of ethics he appoints people who failed to pay taxes, and a person who had received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the same health industry he would have been responsible to monitor.


What Governor Blagojevich of Illinois was impeached and removed from office for goes on everyday. The governor's mistake was he said it out loud. He was part of the system where favors get repaid people get rich all with plausible deniability.


While their constituents are losing their jobs, congress gives themselves raises. Apparently congress believes everyone should tighten their belt except them. While their constituents do not have health care members of congress make sure they and their families have the best healthcare plan in the world. While their constituents lose their pensions, members of congress make sure they and their families have the best retirement plan in the world.


Our country cannot withstand the assault upon it by members of its government. You will take us all down the road to socialism.


I encourage you to work with your fellow members of congress to cleanup the system.



John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato (Doesn't Make Much  Sense When You Read It)

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