Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Red Menace? Which Came First. the Chicken of the Egg?

Some people believe the government makes socialism, I do not.

A government of the people, by the people for the people requires the participation of the people. Socialism evolves when the people fail the government. Democracy evolves into Socialis when the people discover they can vote for someone who will give them something. 50% of the people who either are eligible to vote or would be eligible if they would register do not vote. That tells those in power the people do not care. We have just tolerated an administration that did everything it could to negate the Constitution and the people said nothing. The current administration promises to give the people whatever the people want.

On the subject of the type of economy socialist, communist, capitalist etc have you considered the type of economy God sanctioned to save the people through whom He would eventually provide the Messiah?

Under the Pharaohs Egypt appeared to have had a capitalist economy. What happened? When trouble came the people lost confidence in their ability to act and looked to the government to save them. Seem familiar?

During the good years the Pharaoh took a high percentage of the crops if not all of the excess of normal harvest. During the famine, the Pharaoh sold the food he had confiscated to the people who had grown it. When the people had spent all of their money the Pharaoh took the people's livestock in exchange for food and eventually their land and finally the people themselves. The people became servants to Pharaoh. The people had become completely dependent on the government for survival. Pharaoh owned all of Egypt minus the land of the priests. When the people sold themselves for food the Pharaoh gave them seed with instructions that they owed 20% of future crops to Pharaoh. The once free farmers were tenant farmers they owned no land, no animals. The possessed only what the Pharaoh permitted them to possess. No one had anything they could consider their own. Except for the riches of Pharaoh Egypt had all things in common.

Working through Joseph, God apparently thought everyone having all things in common was the best way to proceed. Or did he? Could it possibly have been the mindset of the people, looking to Pharaoh, instead of relying on God?

In the first century the immersed had every thing in common. No one considered any of the things that belonged to him was there own.

I understand the Bible to promote communism more than capitalism or socialism. There is nothing inherently wrong with becoming rich but if one follows God how do they accumulate riches?

The people who founded our country relied on God and themselves and many died broke and indebt. Today the people rely on government. And that is the difference.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." Michelangelo

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