Thursday, June 11, 2009

Late Night Television is Stale

The Late Night shows are stale. What began 50 or so years ago as breakout television is stale. Each of the "stars" have their cult-like followers. NBC has O'Brien, CBS has Letterman, ABC? I have no idea but the bottom line is they are stale. Leno was telling Katrina jokes until he left the show, years after the hurricane. O'Brien will be O'Brien and that means another stale unfunny late night show,. Letterman attempts to be different but he is not. Letterman keys on bodily functions and the families of politicians. Not funny, except to his cult-like followers. The networks are shells of what they once were. And as old athletes it is difficult for them to admit they just don't have it anymore. Like cable networks with their stale "contributors." Fat, dumb and lazy.

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