Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama: What did you expect?

Anyone with any common sense knew Obama did not possess what is necessary to be president. We can thank Bush and Cheny for him. Anyone but a republican would have won in 2010.
On the other hand Obama is a politician and a good one at that. He is as Caucasian as he is Black but being the racists we are he is considered black. The voters did not see the lack of character and voted for the color of his skin. The antithesis of everything MLK talked about.
Being a politician Obama is dishonest, unethical, and immoral. He will take care of himself first, those who give him money will be second and last and least if convenient the voter. So nothing he says or does should surprise anyone. It certainly does not surprise me.
Anyone who wants him to do something to fix the oil problem wants government involved in the market of supply and demand. If folks don't like the price of gasoline don't buy it. 
The republicans have got to get away from the billionaire friends and do something or we can look forward to another four years of Obama.

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