Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Egyptian Version of the Tea Party

For a long time I have believed the American culture has corrupted the church Jesus established on Pentecost.



We claim the Old Testament shows us examples of how God worked with his people. We do not believe it. We say God, who never changes, doesn't do the same sort of things today.



During the good years, under Joseph's instructions, the Egyptian IRS took a high percentage of the crops if not all of the abundance, the excess of normal harvest.  Talk about a tax that was a big one. I figure the Egyptian version of John Boehner and the Tea Party had a collective hissy fit.



During the famine, the Egyptian IRS sold the food they had confiscated back to the people who had grown it. Nothing indicates the people had any voice in the price they were required to pay. When the people had spent all their money the Egyptian IRS took the people's livestock in exchange for food and eventually their land and finally the people themselves. The people became servants to the Egyptian IRS. The people were completely dependent on the government for survival. The record shows the Egyptian IRS owned all of Egypt minus the land of the priests. When the people sold themselves the Egyptian IRS gave them seed with instructions that they owed 20% of future crops to the Egyptian IRS. The once free farmers were tenant farmers, they owned no land, no animals, nothing except what the Egyptian IRS gave them.

What specifically is our current president doing with which the Bible suggests God would disagree?


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Embracing the New - Jay Elliot

"If you asked a group of people, even people who aren't dissatisfied with the product, how to make it better, the odds are that they'll spend most of their time trying to think of things that are wrong with it.  The best you will get is some guidance about how to make incremental improvements. It won't give you ideas for dramatically new products that are the game changers. It' not innovation."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Troy Davis

A black man convicted of killing a white man in Atlanta, Ga. Hmmmmmm. What are the odds he was innocent? Given a 50-50 chance you will wrong 90% of the time.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
"Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so."

---Seth Godin

Friday, September 16, 2011

Regulations and Loop Holes

I am for as little regulation as possible. But when corporations come to the government for bail out instead of to their investors we taxpayers must have control of our dollars. Allen Greenspan thought the financial industry could regulate itself but after the fiasco he said he had been wrong. Do not expect to be free of all regulations.
When the current tax code was developed some smart lawyers and accountants found some loopholes permitting rich people and corporations to avoid paying some taxes. Eliminating those loopholes is not raising taxes. If the Republican's rich friends were going to create jobs they would have created them by now. So forget protecting them.
When Bush was the president his "stimulus" package was not appreciated by the Democrats. When Obama is president the Republicans do not appreciate it. I am also concerned about the over spending but our Representatives and Senators shoujld not consider regulation and stimulus  and closing loopholes in the tax code as major obstacles to coming to an agreement.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

SAT Scores

The United States is becoming dumber and poorer. The wealthy have less children the poor have more. The educated have less children the less educated have more. Interesting conundrum don't you think? SAT scores are down, and will continue down, because there are more children of uneducated parents than there are children of educated parents. Sometimes you just can't fix stupid.

Government Incentives

Have you noticed companies want government to give them incentives for them to create jobs? everyone has their hand out. 

Thursday, September 08, 2011

New Audio Reveals 9/11 Response

Remember the plane that landed in the Hudson River? Remember the Air Traffic Controllers immediate reaction to the pilot? No questions, no requests to repeat just action. Now listen to the conversations on 9/11. Questions about is this a test as well as other delays. Our military is not prepared to respond to anything without a lot of questions for clarification. This country is in trouble

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Our Military Leaders Never Learn

September 11 is here once again and the pressure to pay homage to the casualties increases. 9/11 was an embarrassment. It was a monumental failure of the federal government to provide for the common defense. Our government was prepared to protect other countries but failed at home.
The last time any member of our military died protecting our freedom was WWII. Ever since, including now, all deaths have been to accomplish some one's political agenda. Our government has wasted thousands of lives and is still no closer to accomplishing their goal(s).
There were no terrorist attacks directed at the United States until George Bush 41 left our military in the middle east after destroying Iraq. He had our military attack a sovereign nation, removed the legally appointed government, gave their president over to his political enemies for execution. George Bush 43 is guilty of crimes against humanity.
Our military has no leadership. General Tommy Franks led the attack and retired. Leaving the men who followed him and trusted him to continue to fight and die. Other generals have done the same. Our military leaders are armchair leaders not front line leaders.
Whenever the United States leaves the middle east the bad guys will take control as they did in Viet Nam. Anyone with any intelligence would learn from the past. But not our military leaders. They have no idea what they are doing and our military will continue to die.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Organizations Tend to Follow Newton's laws of Inertia

A body at rest remains at rest. . .
Forward motion is not the default state of any group of people.

Economic Ages

1)  Agriculture Age
2)  Industrial Age
          Factory Worker
3)  Information Age
          Knowledge Worker
4)  Conceptual Age
          Creative Worker

The Seven Abilities of the Linchpin - Seth Godin

1)  Providing a unique interface between the members of the organization
 2)  Delivering unique creativity
 3)  Managing a situation or organization of great complexity
 4)  Leading customers
 5)  Inspiring staff
 6)  Providing deep domain knowledge
 7)  Possessing a unique talent.



Under the Law, God prohibited the people from charging interest to other Jews but allowed them to charge interest to foreigners.

While Jesus fulfilled the law this prohibition apparently continued until the time of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. During the Reformation Martin Luther needed the support of the political leaders such as kings, princes, land owners etc. They in turn pressured Luther for permission to take over the common areas of land and rent the land back to the people who lived on it.

These political leaders were attempting to free themselves from the Catholic church's opposition to the practice of charging interest and the commercialization of formerly common lands. The Catholic Church wanted to keep the local lords, princes and kings dependent upon the pope.

Growth of the Protestant Reformation required the support of commercial interests which were demanding the moral authority to lend and borrow money. The Old Testament law prohibited charging interest to other Jews but permitted interest to strangers. Permission to charge interest in affect said that everyone was a stranger.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that it created a world where "the merchant has no homeland." If everyone is a stranger, it is a lot easier to do business. The merchant class cannot exist outside of a culture that encourages money lending. The growth of commerce-based organizations destroyed many traditional "tribes."

Martin Luther saw the needs of local power brokers could encourage the spread of Protestantism. With no other choice the pope followed suit.  The ban on usury was eventually eliminated. Investments were made, business grew, and productivity soared. People could view every transaction as a chance to lend or make money because they were independent agents. Everyone became a borrower or a lender.

Suddenly your "tribe" was a profit center. If you knew a lot of people you could make money from them. Social leadership suddenly translated into financial leadership.

For the last five hundred years, the best, way to succeed has been to treat everyone as a stranger with whom you could do business.


Friday, September 02, 2011

U.S. Showed No Job Growth in August

It is well past the time to close the loopholes and to increase taxes on the rich. If they were going to create jobs they would have done so by now. 

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
"Real artists ship."

---Steve Jobs

Space Junk Crisis Looming

Where man goes he pollutes, he litters, he trashes. Man should remain on earth and not destroy the rest of the universe. An who are these polluters, litterers, trashers? They are some of the most educated of our species. Sad. Very Sad.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
"Real artists ship."

---Steve Jobs