Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ron Paul Wouldn't Back His Rivals

Any Republican who does not support the Republican candidate is voting for the Democratic candidate. Interesting mindset: "If I can't have my way I will not play." Remember those days?

Friday, December 30, 2011

Speak No Evil of a Fellow Republican

The Republican race is now between Romney and Paul. The rest have viloated the golden rule to speak no evil of a fellow republican. I like Romney's response to Paul. I like Paul's responses. We have over 1,200 military bases in over 120 countries. That needs to be changed. We need one friend in the Middle East and that friend must be Iran. They are the only country that can support us with military and oil. Israel is no longer strategic to the United States.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMail to Sen Corker Subject:bill, S.1798, the Open Burn Pit Registry Act of 2011.

I believe studies, research etc show individuals are less likely to take responsibility for an action or inaction when others are present. Members of groups above a certain size when responsibility is not explicitly assigned assume others are responsible or any necessary action has been taken.

Twelve years ago before initiating the use of open-air burn pits to dispose of waste materials the commanding officer of the unit initiating the process should have asked the appropriate questions. Anyone with common sense and hopefully anyone with command authority would know or at least suspect that burning plastics, Styrofoam, metal, chemicals from paints and solvents, petroleum and lubricants, jet fuel, unexploded ordinance, etc could be hazardous to one's health.

Now due to their failure people who trusted them are experiencing health problems and very likely will experience premature death. Historically concern for our troops is more rhetoric than anything else even that of the voter.

So, with your effort with the bill you mention I encourage you to investigate and determine who is responsible for placing our troops in unnecessary danger. In football when roughness is classified as unnecessary penalties on the individuals responsible are meted out. I encourage you to do the same for this unnecessary danger to our troops. It is bad enough one has to deal with the enemy trying to kill you. Having to protect yourself from your own government and especially your immediate command is unacceptable.   Heads must roll!!

How quickly this bill is passed by congress will let the voters know if congress is concerned about the military or if their concern is just more rhetoric.

Thank you for your email and your efforts on the subject.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Attendance at GSMNP is Down and Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge Cannot Afford It

8,537,228 are a lot of people. The decline has been apparent for a number of years. While at times traffic is bad it has not been as bad as had been years ago. Dollywood is getting old. The Wild Eagle is like putting lipstick on a pig. When Dolly is no longer actively involved with Dollywood I expect Herschend Family Entertainment Corporation will try to sell it and find, due to their lack of maintenance, it is not worth what they think it is. Then even those jobs will be gone.

Any business that cannot afford a ten percent drop in income is in trouble. As a general rule if the only thing that differentiates you from your competition is price you cannot survive. None of the shows are worth what they charge for tickets. Nothing in Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge justifies business owners driving Mercedes and living in oversize houses. A few years ago a friend in the cabin business said Sevier County is recession proof. My guess is he does not hold that view today.

So batten down the hatches. The United States is in trouble. Everyone is concerned about jobs. Jobs are not the issue. Jobs that way livable wages are what are needed and the United States has none. We cannot compete with India, China and other third-world countries who pay anywhere from $0.10 to $6 or $7 an hour. The CEO of Wal-Mart is paid over 1,500 times as much as the average Wal-Mart employee is paid. Things will get worse and may never get better. We will regret the day we helped other people live the way we lived. Now we will live the way they lived before our help.

And then there is freak alley where dignified buildings used to be. Coming in from the exit 407 the impressions visitors get is embarrassing. Pigeon Forge looks like a carnival. Gatlinburg looks trashy and cheap. We have torn down our history and now cater to motorcycles, tattoos, and t-shirt shops. 

If you didn't live here would you come here and pay over a thousand dollars for what we provide?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The War in Iraq is Over?

email sent to Rep Roe and Sen Corker and Alexander
The war in Iraq is over? I do not recollect surrender. I do not recollect a declaration of war. How can wars be over if no one surrenders? War is opened armed conflict between countries or between factions within the same country. The United States was in an armed conflict with a faction within Iraq. Apparently the more than four thousand dead and thirty thousand wounded and the billions and billions of dollars (that we did not have) spent were to kill Saddam Hussein and obtain oil for the friends of our leaders. Way to go Leaders!!  If you want to improve public opinion you might want to sell used cars.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lowes and Muslim Reality

The "outrage" expressed by members of the media and other groups shows the real you. You would have expressed the same outrage if Lowes had sponsored a reality show about Christian families. Islam is not compatible with western civilization. One day you will understand.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"The Internet is the first thing that humanity has built that humanity doesn't understand, the largest experiment in anarchy that we have ever had."

---Eric Schmidt 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Posse Comitatus Act Must Remain

email sent to Rep Phil Roe, and Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.

The intent of the Posse Comitatus Act was to prohibit local governments and law enforcement agencies from using federal military personnel to enforce the laws of the land. The other services were added  at later dates or prohibited by Department of Defense directives.

The use of military drones is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act in that to engage the drones for local use members of the military are working with and assisting local governments to enforce laws of the land. The principle of the Posse Comitatus Act must be upheld at all costs less the military and its "just following orders" mentality become a burden to the citizens of the United States.

I encourage you to NOT repeal the Posse Comitatus Act and to enforce it vigorously.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Capitalism is Not Working

email sent to Rep Phil Roe, and Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander.

Capitalism is an economic system distinguished by certain basic characteristics. Capitalism is the drive to earn profits, invest them, innovate, and grow the economy. In the 1950s the chairman of presidents Council of Economic Advisors said “The American economy’s ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods.” In 2001 President Bush included shopping in the daily activities that he said were the “ultimate repudiation of terrorism.” When the country was in shock the president told us to keep shopping. Most environmental deterioration is a result of systemic failures of the capitalism we have today. Infinite economic growth is not sustainable. Capitalism’s need for profit requires a culture of consumerism to support it. Capitalism as practiced in the United States is not sustainable.

In 2009 the Happy Planet Index produced by The New Economics Foundation rated the United States at 114th of 143 countries evaluated. In 1957, 35 percent of the citizens of the United States rated themselves as “very happy” a level we have not reached since.

Some aspects of capitalism do not work well for the majority of the people or for the environment. In 2008 the average full-time Wal-Mart employee was paid $10.84 an hour, $19, 165 for the year for the 34 hour workweek and $2,000 below the poverty level at the time. In 2007, the Wal-Mart CEO was paid $29.7 million. More than 1,500 times the annual income of an average full-time Wal-Mart associate and he was not even a Walton. Sam Walton deserved everything he received. He had developed a better mousetrap. No one involved with Wal-Mart since then deserves anything like that CEO. Due to the low wages the United States taxpayers subsidize that bloated salary by paying for healthcare, Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing for Wal-Mart associates.

I encourage you to keep in mind more voters relate to the Wal-Mart associates than the CEO. The number of jobs is not as important as the number of jobs paying livable wages. The conundrum is most likely you relate more to the CEO than the associates. As we see with Mitt Romney our elected officials are out of touch with The People.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

In the NFL Helmet to Helmet Contact is ALWAYS Intentional

Someone should tell Colt McCoy's father to be quiet. He cannot protect his baby anymore. Screw the concussion. Helmet to helmet contact such as the one that leveled McCoy could easily result in paralysis. These guys are professionals. Helmet to helmet contact is always intentional and should result in a season ending suspension. When the helmet is the first point of contact the result should be ejection and a one or two game suspension. But I do not care. Millions of dollars are on the line and if the players are willing let them sit around in the retirement and drool let them.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"The stone age did not end because they ran out of stones."

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Plan-B Morning After Pill

Why should government be involved in who purchases such a product? In what Article or Amendment does one locate the authorization for government to control such products and the like?

Oddly Enough Practicing to Fight is as Dangerous as Actually Fighting

During the seven years,2002 to 2008 there were an average 1,643 fatalities per year among active military personnel in Afghanistan and Iraq. Oddly enough during the 1980s with no major wars there were more than 2,100 military deaths per year.
It seems practicing to fight a war can be just as dangerous as really fighting one.
And. . . since 1982 around 42,000 active military personnel have been killed---roughly the same number of Americans who die in traffic accidents in a single year.

Stone Age vs Post Office

It is time for the Post Office to go the way of the Pony Express. The Stone Age did not end because we ran out of stones. It ended because we found a better way. Anything that does not support itself should not exist. The Post Office ought to shrink back to a size required as to let them provide services where it can make a profit.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Screwed Up Justice System

Jerry Sandusky should be arrested and tried not hung out to dry. He can be tried multiple times if necessary but as a citizen of the United States he deserves quick justice.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

"The stone age did not end because they ran out of stones."

8-Year-Old Corners Bachmann

It was a setup all the way. Not worthy of reporting. Must be a slow news day. Lesbian mother forces 8-year-old into making a political statement to Bachmann at a booksigning. Isn't that a bit queer? Good going les.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

eMail to The Mountain Press Reference a Letter complaing how the animal shelter is short of funds

With the percentage of Sevier County citizens living in poverty approaching 25 percent; with over 14 percent of the households in the United States and presumably in Sevier County experiencing "food insecurity" meaning they live with hunger or fear of starvation; with 1 in 6 Americans and presumably Sevier County residents going without food for days at a time; how do people afford to buy food for their pets?

In India people starve while they watch cows, monkeys and rats eat food they themselves could eat and we call those people stupid. Compare that with people who cannot feed their children or themselves but have food enough for their pets. What do we call those people?

With people starving and those with food refusing to share how about turning the animal shelters into food processing plants. People in other countries eat dog and cat as well as other things we find disgusting.

When you sit down at the table tonight think about the children who are going to bed hungry and who will not eat from the time they leave school Friday until they return Monday then look at "Fido" as he or she eats food those hungry children could be eating. What do we call you?