Wednesday, December 21, 2011

EMail to Sen Corker Subject:bill, S.1798, the Open Burn Pit Registry Act of 2011.

I believe studies, research etc show individuals are less likely to take responsibility for an action or inaction when others are present. Members of groups above a certain size when responsibility is not explicitly assigned assume others are responsible or any necessary action has been taken.

Twelve years ago before initiating the use of open-air burn pits to dispose of waste materials the commanding officer of the unit initiating the process should have asked the appropriate questions. Anyone with common sense and hopefully anyone with command authority would know or at least suspect that burning plastics, Styrofoam, metal, chemicals from paints and solvents, petroleum and lubricants, jet fuel, unexploded ordinance, etc could be hazardous to one's health.

Now due to their failure people who trusted them are experiencing health problems and very likely will experience premature death. Historically concern for our troops is more rhetoric than anything else even that of the voter.

So, with your effort with the bill you mention I encourage you to investigate and determine who is responsible for placing our troops in unnecessary danger. In football when roughness is classified as unnecessary penalties on the individuals responsible are meted out. I encourage you to do the same for this unnecessary danger to our troops. It is bad enough one has to deal with the enemy trying to kill you. Having to protect yourself from your own government and especially your immediate command is unacceptable.   Heads must roll!!

How quickly this bill is passed by congress will let the voters know if congress is concerned about the military or if their concern is just more rhetoric.

Thank you for your email and your efforts on the subject.

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