Monday, January 30, 2012
Anyone but "The People"
Saturday, January 28, 2012
NC State’s Scott Wood explains how losing to your rival feels
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN
No amount of observations of white swans can allow the conclusion that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion.
Karl Popper
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Capitalism is Not Sustainable
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
A bit Odd
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN
No amount of observations of white swans can allow the conclusion that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion.
Karl Popper
Monday, January 23, 2012
Re: Debt Is Holding Back Economic Growth
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN
No amount of observations of white swans can allow the conclusion that all swans are white, but the observation of a single black swan is sufficient to refute that conclusion.
Karl Popper
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Debt is Holding Back Economic Growth
The national debt continues to rise to ever more dangerous levels and has now reached over $15 trillion – officially surpassing the size of our economy at 100 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The unsustainable amount of government debt is so high that it is straining economic growth. We must get serious about enacting spending cuts that put us on a sustainable fiscal path.
Instead of reining in spending, the president has asked Congress to raise the debt ceiling again. That is why this week the House of Representatives will vote on a resolution to disapprove of the administration's request for an increase in the nation's debt ceiling – another "sign of leadership failure," in the president's own words. This vote is in response to the administration's reckless spending binge that has driven America's economy down a disastrous fiscal path and hurt job creation at a critical time for middle-class families and small businesses.
Under President Obama's watch, the government has accumulated the three largest annual budget deficits in our nation's history. Over $4.6 trillion has been added to the national debt since Obama took office, which is the most rapid increase of any president. Additionally, there was a 25 percent increase in non-discretionary spending by the president when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate. According to the U.S. Census, every American's share of the national debt stands at $48,699.
Economists continue to warn that our nation's economic growth is constrained. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf has said that the growing debt puts us at risk for a "sudden fiscal crisis." CNBC's John Carney recently chimed in about the deficit officially surpassing 100 percent of GDP saying that it "has serious implications for economic theory." He goes on to say that "public-sector debt in the U.S. grew from 58 percent of GDP in 2000 to 97 percent in 2010. That almost certainly puts us beyond the threshold where our debt is restraining economic growth."
With the upcoming budget that is due on February 6, the president has another opportunity to offer a serious, credible plan that lays out how we are going to get this country's fiscal house in order. Congress, along with the president, needs to come to an agreement that leads to stabilization and declines the ratios of federal government debt to GDP and debt to revenue.
I came to Congress to get our nation back on track and that includes making the tough decisions that will put us on a path to prosperity. We must end our annual budget deficits and lower the debt if we want to see sustainable economic growth. Even the president admits that if we fail to do this, it could lead to a double dip recession. Now is the time to enact spending cuts because our national security is at risk if we do not lower the deficit.
Please feel free to contact my office if we can be of assistance to you or your family. You can contact my office by mail, email or phone. Our contact information can be found on our website,
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TAKE A SURVEY Do you approve of the president's request to raise the debt ceiling?
- Yes, we should raise the debt ceiling.
- No, we should not raise the debt ceiling.
- I am unsure at this time.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
On the subject of “Jobs"
On the subject of "Jobs:" The number of jobs is not the measurement. What are needed are jobs that pay livable wages. Today, a family of four the two adults can each work full-time at Wal-Mart and still be around the poverty level.
On the subject of livable wages the United States cannot compete with other countries because the wages those countries pay are not livable wages in this country. When Congress approved NAFTA the jobs left. Anyone with any common sense knew that would happen; apparently anyone but our government.
To bring jobs with livable wages back any benefit corporations receive for sending the jobs out of the country must be taken away. For example: I read an article that reported that Steve Jobs told President Obama that Apple had 700,000 jobs in China because he could not find 30,000 engineers in this country to work with that number of manufacturing employees. A tariff should be added to every product made in China that causes the price to the consumer to be higher than if it were made in this country by people being paid livable wages.
Corporations currently receive tax benefits for moving their jobs to other countries. Corporations either should receive tax benefits for keeping those jobs in this country OR penalties should be assessed to every corporation who have senior executives living in this country but have jobs in other countries. Let those senior executives live where their jobs are. Let them live where they send the jobs.
Republicans want to keep taxes as they are on the rich because you claim raising taxes on those rich friends will hurt the creation of jobs. That may have been the case in the past but that is not true today. If it were WHERE ARE THE JOBS THOSE RICH FRIENDS CREATED?
On the subject of SOPA and PIPA.
On the subject of SOPA and PIPA. Why do we consider piracy wrong online or otherwise? Could it be morality causes us to think that way? If that is true, people in other countries not raised with Christian/Judeo morality are not influenced by them.
The Secretary of Education in Ukraine said their children have no character, no ethics, and no morals. So he asked a group from the United States by the name of "Easter European Missions" (the organization smuggled bibles into the USSR) to help them. Today Ukraine is using the bible to teach character, ethics and morals to their children in their public schools. While the United States bans such teaching Ukraine is looking to the bible for help.
By the way how do you get "separation of church and state" from "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"? Not making a law that establishes a state religion does not prohibit the government from practicing a religion or even using its literature. No law is the secret.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Perfection is not sufficient.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
eMail sent to Senator Lamar Alexander:
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Repetitious Redundancies
Repetitious Redundancies.......We should carefully scrutinize each and every word for recurring, superfluous, redundant and unnecessary repetitions. Maybe perhaps the various and sundry statements are true and accurate but they become ridiculous nonsense when repeating again identically the same thought, often with immediately adjoining words. How often have you heard of a Jewish rabbi, an unknown stranger, or an unmarried bachelor? These expressions are different varieties of the same troublesome problem and may potentially conjure up the possible existence of a Buddhist rabbi, a familiar stranger, or a wedded bachelor. We need to reflect in our minds what we are saying with the words we choose and select. Occasionally, from time to time, superfluous redundancies do more than merely obscure neat and tidy expressions. They, perhaps, may leave an idea in your thoughts of a distinction where no distinction should exist. Both "baptized Christians" and "believing Christians" are used when the word "Christian" is ample and adequate. Such unnecessary redundancy opens the door to the possibility of Christians existing without faith and baptism. We need to be clear that the only way to become a Christian is by coming to faith and expressing that faith in the obedience of baptism. In the same way, we carelessly speak about "true facts" leaving open the possibility of facts being separate from truth. While the world has embraced pluralism and denies a single meaning of truth, Christians should hold onto real meaning and the certitude of truth. Facts are true, and truth is comprised of facts. Truth and facts are the same. We must not compromise truth with sloppy language.
Bachmann Ending her GOP campaign
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN
"A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Elected officials are out of touch with The People.
Capitalism is an economic system distinguished by certain basic characteristics. Capitalism is the drive to earn profits, invest them, innovate, and grow the economy.
In the 1950s the chairman of presidents Council of Economic Advisors said
"The American economy's ultimate purpose is to produce more consumer goods."
In 2001 President Bush included shopping in the daily activities that he said were the
"ultimate repudiation of terrorism."
When the country was in shock the president told us to keep shopping.
Most environmental deterioration is a result of systemic failures of the capitalism we have today. Infinite economic growth is not sustainable. Capitalism's need for profit requires a culture of consumerism to support it. Capitalism as practiced in the United States is not sustainable.
In 2009 the Happy Planet Index produced by The New Economics Foundation rated the United States at 114th of 143 countries evaluated. In 1957, 35 percent of the citizens of the United States rated themselves as "very happy" a level we have not reached since.
Some aspects of capitalism do not work well for the majority of the people or for the environment. In 2008 the average full-time Wal-Mart employee was paid $10.84 an hour, $19, 165 for the year for the 34 hour workweek and $2,000 below the poverty level at the time. In 2007, the Wal-Mart CEO was paid $29.7 million. More than 1,500 times the annual income of an average full-time Wal-Mart associate and he was not even a Walton.
Sam Walton deserved everything he received. He had developed a better mousetrap. No one involved with Wal-Mart since then deserves anything like that CEO. Due to the low wages the United States taxpayers subsidize that bloated salary by paying for healthcare, Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing for Wal-Mart associates.
The number of jobs is not as important as the number of living wage jobs. The conundrum is most likely our representatives and senators relate more to the CEO than the associates. Our elected officials are out of touch with The People.