Your pride is misplaced on the subject of closing an online sales-tax loophole. It helps your rich friends to the detriment of your constituents which supports my assertion that you and your political cohorts are in bed with corporate America.
Concerning a Balanced Budget Amendment to force President, Congress to balance the federal budget illustrates how unaccountable our government is. If Congress wanted to balance the federal budget it would. It does not take an amendment it takes ethics, honesty and common sense all of which are in short supply in our government. Bill Clinton had a balanced budget. Republicans screwed it up.
On the subject of exporting American-made products – not American jobs is a conundrum. Following the congressional approval of NAFTA jobs left the country. Your rich friends exported those jobs and received obscene bonuses for their efforts. Now you want to give your rich friends more money to make minimum wage jobs. This country cannot compete with wages paid in those foreign countries.
Articles on you becoming governor, stopping the government from requiring new stop signs indicate how you spend your time on the little things because you and your party cannot face the real problems.
Helping the senate function better requires dissolving the senate and starting over. You act like a union with your overwhelming concern with seniority and good-old-boy-networking.
Your efforts to speed up assistance to Tennessee's storm victims shows how dependent people are upon government to do everything for them. How would the government have responded when George Washington were president?
I do not expect a response from you because unlike Senator Corker and Representative Roe you are too busy to respond to the voters.
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