Wednesday, August 29, 2012

In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring concerning the environmental
impact of pesticide use. She was attacked by corporations such as Monsanto
and other chemical giants as well as the Department of Agriculture. It took
a while but in 1980 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
due to the accuracy of the book. The book corporations and the
Department of Agriculture had attacked. Not liking something does not
make it untrue.

In 1969 the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio caught fire when a
potent mix of oil and chemicals that had been discharged in the river
spontaneously and spectacularly burst into flame. It was not the first
time. I remember that. It was said you did not drown in the Cuyahoga
you decayed. In 1972 the United Nations held a conference in
Stockholm and a book entitled Limits of Growth was published. What the
book argued in 1972 is pretty much obvious to people today, 40 years
later. At the time it was published it was attacked, similar to Silent
Spring. In 2008 a paper was written "A Comparison of 'The Limits to
Growth' with Thirty Years of Reality and found that changes in
industrial production, food production, and pollution up to 2000
compared well with the book's business as usual scenario.

Point is the United Nations as well as the United States government
has been interested in the subjects included in UN Agenda 21 and no
one has complained. Some of our favorite presidents have been involved
as well as some of our not so favorite presidents. As I mentioned
Clinton felt so strongly for it he bypassed congress.

For years studies have projected economic and societal collapse around
the middle of the twenty-first century.

Obama has nothing to do the mess but as president he is in the
crosshairs. If Romney wins in November he will step into the
crosshairs. Ann Romney said he will not fail. The problem is it is not
up to him to fail or succeed it is up to congress. Those attacking
Agenda 21 may want to tread softly at least for a while lest they find
themselves in the same place those who attacked Silent Spring and
Limits of Growth found themselves, on the wrong side.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"It is enough the people know there was an election. Those who cast the
vote decide nothing, those who count the vote decide everything."

---Joseph Stalin

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