Thursday, November 13, 2014

Will America Survive

The white race is only one-fourth of the earth's population of white and brown and yellow and black. The white man can not afford to commit acts which the other three-fourths of the human race can challenge him. Then there are other Aryan peoples who are the Western world's enemies because of political ideologies.


How then can America hope to survive with not only all peoples who are not white, but 'all peoples with political ideologies different from ours arrayed against us—after we have taught them that when we talk of freedom and liberty, we not only mean neither, we don't even mean security and justice and even the preservation of life for people whose pigmentation is not the same as ours. 


If we Americans are to survive, it will because we present to the world one homogeneous and unbroken front, whether of white Americans or black, brown, yellow or yellow.


Perhaps we will find out now whether we are to survive or not. If we in America continue to deny justice no matter the reason or the color, we don't deserve to survive, and probably won't.


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