Thursday, January 06, 2005

Iraqi Elections

You cannot give a nation democracy. If the people are not willing to fight for it and to die for it they will never be a democracy. As long as the common citizen allows the outsiders to bomb and to kill there is nothing anyone else can do for them. We need to have the elections in January, allow the people who want to vote, to vote, count the votes and leave. If the new government doesn't want help from other nations there is nothing that can be done for them. It is sad that so many of our young men and women have been maimed or have died for something the Iraqis are not willing to do the same. While I am at it, women do not belong in combat zones. If a man loses an arm he can eventually learn how to dress himself. A woman who loses an arm will never be able to put on clothes with closings in the back with only one hand. She will always need assistance with dressing herself and will ever be dependent upon other people. Women do not belong in combat zones.

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