Monday, March 21, 2005

Is Your Organization's View of Reality Valid?

Strategic Misintent: Are you in danger of focusing on one principle or model to the neglect of all others? (The Magic Answer) Is it possible that you’re pursuing a strategy that isn’t attainable? (The Holy Grail) Could you be using an inappropriate barometer for success? (The Wrong Scoreboard) Negative Transfer Are you assuming that what’s worked in the past is what you still need today? (Yesterday’s Answer) Has your company moved into an area that requires a different approach that the one it used successfully elsewhere? (A Different Game) Is it possible that you have an inaccurate idea of your own competencies, relative to the competition? (A False Self-Image) Are you in danger of incorrectly attributing your past success or the success of your competitors? (The Film Producer Error) One-Track Mind (-Sets) Are your ideas of what your customer needs based on limited models or experience? (It’s a Small World) Are you trying to operate in a culture where you might not understand all the unspoken conventions? (Home Field Rules) Have you slipped into pursuing rapid expansion at the expense of real profitability? (Expansion Fever) Does Your Organization Have an Adequate Picture of What Could Change in the Future? Have you taken into account the possibility that several unlikely events could occur at once? (The Perfect-Storm Fallacy) Have you distinguished between projected innovations that require routine engineering and those that require new discoveries? (The Star Wars Error) Have you paid enough attention to the small-scale level at which large-scale changes must be implemented? (The Big-Picture Illusion) Are you focusing on the right competitors, especially newcomers? (The Wrong Competitors) Have you given enough consideration to the ways in which your entire industry could suddenly be transformed or become irrelevant? (A Static Business Model)

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