Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dewey Beats Truman!

When the media wants to know what went wrong with the reporting of the mine accident in West Virginia, they need only look in the mirror. They are so intent on beating their competition that common sense and sensitivity go out the window. Before anyone knew anything one CNN reporter asked a family member "Are you still hopeful?" In other words have you come to the conclusion your husband/son/brother/uncle whatever is DEAD? Nice going CNN.

Today news is not news it is mostly speculation and what might/could/should happen. If a newspaper or network or local station reports something the rest of the media report that a certain paper or network or station is reporting "fill in the blank." Having no idea of truth or accuracy they report because someone else is reporting. That is not news. That is garbage.

The media need to return to the days of old when sources were verified and re-verified and they did the best they could to ensure accuracy and being first was not the governing principle.

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