Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Nothing Changes in the Middle East

Until the common folk in the middle east countries accept responsibility for their governments they can get along the best they can on their own. They hate us and they blame us. Let them stew in their own juices for a while. The moronic leader of Hezbollah saying if he had known Israel would react the way they did he would not have ordered those Israeli soldiers captured. I wonder why, because he said he had won. If the Lebanese people don't throw him out they deserve him and whatever suffering he brings upon them.

Those that hold to the Islamic religion say their's is a peaceful religion. That is a crock. With the 72 virgins their religion is based on 72 ejaculations and then E. D. Have you ever wondered what the women get while their men are screwing those virgins? Do we have any idea of what religion those virgins are members? They believe they are descendants of Abraham and Hagar. Abraham was a Chaldean and Hagar an Egyptian. This means Ishmael was 1/2 Chaldean and 1/2 Egyptian. Ishmael married an Egyptian woman so his direct children were 1/4 Chaldean and 3/4 Egyptian. The Bible records
"He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone's
hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen."
Appears to have described the whole group doesn't it. What makes anyone think anything is going to change with those people?

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