Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Show Worth Watching

Sadaam is on trial for killing some Kurds. Sadaam killing citizens of his own country, of which he is President and ultimate authority is unacceptable but the United States invading a sovereign country killing its citizens, disbanding the government and imprisoning the legally elected President is acceptable? Of course we may not like the elections but in Iraq it was a legal election.
President Clinton signed a UN agreement obligating the United States to abide by it, making it permissible for either the UN or World Court to hold accountable leaders of countries responsible for their actions against other countries. One of these days a smart Islamic Lawyer, educated in the United States of course, is going to test that agreement and come for our President via the World Court. Imagine Bush or another of our leaders showing up on television from the Hague. Won't that be a show worth watching....

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