Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Letter Sent to Tennessee Federal Senators and Senate Majority Leader

With all the talk of earmarks and how much they cost the American taxpayer, don’t let the talk discourage you. Someone---Ben Franklin, perhaps---said that democracy will survive only until the people discover they can vote themselves money from the national treasury. We in Tennessee have you.

Will Rogers is alleged to have said “we should elect the local thief and send him to rob Washington.” We in Tennessee have sent you. As you, our government representative, achieve seniority you have more opportunities to give something to us, and we don’t care how you do it, so we elect you again and again and again. The idea of a professional representative was foreign to the men who began this country.

Priorities in public office are: first: take care of ones self; second: take care of the people who provided money; and last, if it does not negatively affect the other two priorities, help the voter.

A definition of a "professional" politician is “one who is more interested in securing their own lifetime career in office through repeated re-election than in fulfilling the duties of their elected office.” As a professional you are more interested in your own re-election, and are willing to subvert the Constitution in order to use the public treasury to buy blocks of votes from the public. “Professional" politicians such as yourself have converted our "republic" into a democracy by surrogates. Where the Founders envisioned statesmen winning elections based on principles, unhampered by term limits and with the entire US treasury at their disposal, "professional" politicians began the wholesale buying of various blocks of voters.

You are a fine example and are proving the rule so keep up the good work….

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