Monday, April 28, 2008
Politicians Do What Politicians Do Best
Reference your column in The Mountain Press, Monday April 28th.
I have a simple but pessimistic philosophy but it makes situations like this one understandable and tolerable. My premise is: Politicians are unethical, dishonest, and immoral. They take care of themselves first, those who give them money second, and last and least, if it is convenient, those who vote for them. I look only at what a politician does. Many politicians say things I disagree with while doing very little I disagree with. On the other hand many politicians say things I agree with while doing things I disagree with.
To paraphrase Obama's preacher, a politician says what politicians have to say.
Question: How do you know a politician is lying? Answer: Their mouth is moving.
Oh yes, one other point to my philosophy. When a politician accuses another politician of doing something dishonest, immoral or unethical, the accuser does the same thing and may be worse.
Look only at what a politician does.
In Commissioner Whaley’s situation he has shown himself a poster boy of my premise but we must look at who voted for him AND who benefits by his actions in addition to himself? Something stinketh in Denmark. Sevier County being a poor county closes the door on opportunities to hold elected office to all but those who have already stolen their share and now want more.
I believe Will Rogers said something about sending the town thief up to rob Washington DC. Sevier County politicians do not have to go that far.
Attempted Suicide or Munchausen Syndrome?
I seem to remember The Mountain Press reported sometime back that Dr Smith had attempted suicide several times and now we have another attempt. He is either a most inept doctor or just maybe there is another reason. Have you ever wondered why Dr Smith waited until his trial was over, he had been convicted and had his hand slapped by the court to try again? Have you wondered if maybe none of these attempts were meant to kill him? Maybe he just wants the attention.
Munchausen syndrome (named for Baron von Munchausen, an 18th century German officer who was known for embellishing the stories of his life and experiences) is a psychiatric disorder in which a person repeatedly acts as if he or she has a physical or mental disorder when, in truth, they have caused the symptoms. The person acts this way in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. They are even willing to undergo painful or risky tests and operations in order to get the sympathy and special attention given to people who are truly ill. Munchausen syndrome is a mental illness associated with severe emotional difficulties.
Is it possible Mr. Finchum died as a result of Dr Smith seeking attention?
You must admit it makes one wonder.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Simple but Pessimistic Way to View Politicians
As Obama's preacher says, "Obama is a politician and he says what politicians have to say."
Question: How do you know a politician is lying? Answer: His or her mouth is moving.
Oh yes, one other point to my philosophy. When a politician accuses another politician of doing something dishonest, immoral or unethical, the accuser does the same thing and may be worse.
Look only at what a politician does.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Who Decides Age of Marriage?
Most states set the minimum age to marry between and including 14-18 with New Hampshire setting the minimum age for girls at 13. In Utah for those 15 years old, parental consent must be obtained, approval from Juvenile Court is necessary with the court concluding the marriage is voluntary and in the best interests of the minor. In the best interests of the minor; I wonder what that includes and I wonder if the judge is a member of FLDS? Is that the fox watching the chickens? It is law is it right?
Throughout most of the 19th century, the minimum age of consent for sexual intercourse in many of the states was 10 years old. In Delaware it was seven; as late as 1930 twelve states allowed boys as young as 14 and girls as young as 12 to marry with parental consent.
Governments have problems regulating things:
- The Oregon legislature barred marriages between white people and anyone more than one-quarter black in 1859, just three years after statehood. (It also imposed a $5 tax on black, Chinese, Hawaiian and “mulatto” people.) A few years later, the legislature extended the ban to marriage between whites and “any Negro, Chinese, or any person having one fourth or more Negro, Chinese, or Kanaka (native Hawaiian) blood, or any person having more than one-half Indian blood.” No other state referenced Kanakas, and Nevada was the only other state to mention Chinese.
- Married women were not allowed to make legal contracts in twelve states until 1940.
- The sale of birth control devices to married couples was forbidden until 1965. In the early half of the 1900s contraception was charged with “perversion of natural function,” “immorality” and “fostering egotism and enervating self-indulgence.”
- Interracial marriage was forbidden and punishable by prison in 13 states until 1967.
If the state can decide what is best for the FLDS when do you suppose they will decide what is best for the Church of Christ and what do you suppose that might be?
If the state decides that marriage at 7 years is OK does that make it right? If the state decides that marriage at 7 years is not OK does it make it wrong. Who is to decide these matters and how do they decide? The courts have shown they are not capable of such decisions.
On the subject of adolescence a couple of stories recently in The Mountain Press. One, we have Miley Cyrus, I believe she is 15 years old, embarrassed over photographs she had taken of her by a professional photographer. Photographs approved by her parents. Photographs that have been called “risqué.” Second, we have a singing group, the Naked Brothers, 10 and 13 years old respectively appearing at Wal-Mart promoting their latest DVD “I Don’t Want to Go to School.”
Miley appears on the Disney Channel and the Naked Brothers appear on the Nicolodean channel. Both considered to be “kid friendly and family oriented.” Not so recently we have Jamie Spears, 16-years old, unmarried, pregnant on the Nicolodean channel's most popular show.
The world has changed. The transition between childhood and adulthood is much longer today than it was less than one hundred years ago, when a boy proved himself a man when he could shoulder and share adult hardships, risks, and responsibility working side by side with his father in the fields. By the time he was a seasoned seventeen or eighteen, he was ready to start his own family. A girl became a woman by the time she reached childbearing age; fourteen or fifteen was often considered old enough to marry. The transition from childhood to adulthood was so short that adolescence---at least as the distinct stage of life we now consider it---hardly existed.
Today the traditional determinations of adulthood---the establishment of occupation and family---are routinely postponed until after college. With the period of childhood innocence seeming shorter and shorter, we’ve created a new ten-or-twelve-or-more-years-long designation, a no-man’s land (or no-woman’s land) we term adolescence. Over the past fifty-years or so, this new limbo-land life stage has become an extended period of awkward uncertainty.
We have stretched adolescence further than anytime in history. Any child of any age, with the click of a mouse, can see naked people performing sexual activities of all persuasions, “meet” complete strangers while in their own homes while their parents cross their fingers and hope for the best.
Imagine how it will be for our great-grandchildren.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Justice? Mercy? Vengence?
The story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah gives us an insight into Gods forgiveness. David became sexually involved with the wife of Uriah, one of David’s Mighty Men. When Bathsheba became pregnant David attempted to cover up his sin. He had Uriah recalled. Uriah was such a dedicated soldier he would not go to his house while his men were not at there’s. David sent Uriah back to the front with a message to Joab. David knew Uriah would never read the message. The message instructed Joab to place Uriah at the front of the battle and withdraw from him allowing Uriah to be killed. Following the appropriate mourning period, David took Bathsheba as his wife, one of many.
It is reasonable to consider that Bathsheba was trying to seduce the King. She had to have seen the King walking on his rooftop. Possibly she was trying to attract his attention. No matter, David’s act was inexcusable. He had violated God’s law and taken another man’s wife. He was responsible for his own actions.
Think about it, Uriah died because he trusted his king, he trusted his commanding officer and he was loyal to his fellow soldiers. Talk about unfair.
BUT!!! God forgave David as well as Bathsheba and through their second son, Solomon, they were in the genealogy of the Messiah.
Lesson to be learned is forgive and move on, God has.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Lawsuits Must be Capped
Nursing home care is not the only place where the elderly are not treated as they should be. Remembering my parents' experience with doctors leads me and my two sisters to believe a lot of and maybe most doctors are not as inquisitive as they should be because the patient is old. As Mr. Fly verifies, the elderly are often ignored because the doctors believe they are just looking for attention. Aches and pains, while possibly serious and life-threatening, are often overlooked because aches and pains are part of getting old. Tests look for the obvious, and other possibilities are not considered because the patient is old. But, that is not reason enough to cause the rest of us to pay higher prices for nursing home care or for doctor care.
I have no idea what Mr. Fly's mother was paying for care, but would we be willing to pay double the amount, triple the amount, how about 10 times the amount?
All lawsuits must have a cap and a time limit for payout. Why should the family of the "victim," with wise investment of a settlement, live their lives in luxury? Why should their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and on down the line not have to work a day in their lives while the rest of us pay higher prices for health care, medical care, health insurance, and medical insurance?
My parents were in a nursing home in Ohio, where my sisters live. At least one of them and most of the time both visited our parents every day. Yes, every day. One of my sisters went in at 10 p.m. on a Saturday to find the patients in the area our dad was in up and watching a movie. Believe me, most of the patients had no idea what was going on. There are good nursing homes. It is mandatory for families to stay in touch with the patients as well as the workers as well as the administrators.
Recently a friend mentioned how curious it was that two parents can care for 12 children but 12 children cannot care for two parents.
Businesses Not Providing Health Care Programs
There is a court case in California, Golden Gate Restaurant Association vs. the City and County of San Francisco, that challenges part of San Francisco's new universal health care access program that requires medium and large employers to spend a certain amount on their workers' health care or pay a fee to the city.
Sevier County should impose a fee upon all businesses whose employees are not covered by a business-provided health care program.
It is time for the land owners of Sevier County as well as the business owners of Sevier County to get off the backs of the workers and taxpayers and pay their fair share for their employees' health care. Until they do, the rest of us are paying for them.
When you see a land owner or business owner driving an expensive car, living in an expensive house, returning from an expensive vacation, remember who really paid for it.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Risk Analysis
It seems like a good process to me so I thought I would pass it along.
- What is the best thing that can happen it I do this?
- What is the worst thing that can happen if I do this?
- What is the best thing that can happen if I don’t do this?
- What is the worst thing that can happen if I don’t do this?
He suggests answering: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?, in no particular order, in the context of the four basic Best/Worst Analysis questions will sharpen the focus and refine the accuracy of any risk analysis process.
- Who? (would be most affected)
- What? (does one need to know the make a decision)
- Where? (are you going? (your goals), are you now (your skills, your abilities, your thinking, and your attitudes) will you start (your preparation)
- When? (often the timing of a Best/Worst Analysis affects your conclusion
- How? (plan of action)
- Why? (responding to any risk requires identifying your motives, which involves personal values)
As Forrest Gump said, “And that’s all I have too say about that.”
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Gatlinburg City Commission and Variance
Gatlinburg, City Manager:
Reference: Article in the Saturday, April 19, 2008 The Mountain Press, “Commission grants variance as long as conditions are met” by Candice Grimm.
My purpose for this note is to encourage you to be involved with the Planning Commission prior to their granting of variance that involves the safety of Gatlinburg residents and property.
The Mountain Press article contained a comment “Granting of a preliminary planned unit development (PUD) plan for Phase IV … has been a tough one because the road grades --- at 18 and 19 percent --- exceed the city’s maximum of 15 percent.” Someone should remind the Planning Commission it is not their responsibility to find ways to grant variance. Their responsibility is to ensure the developers comply with current laws and guidelines.
The article contained Fire Chief Greg Patterson’s concerns of fire truck’s engine overheating and due to grade, water in the fire trucks tanks shifting therefore not being available for pumping. It is not in the Planning Commission's purview to grant variance that may very well result in the damage to city property or the loss of life. It is not in your purview to sit idly by.
The article adds that Patterson, Maples, Ball and others agreed that it is a difficult situation and since there is no other place the road could have been built to lower the grade the Planning Commission granted a variance. If the road exceeds current safety standards, DUHHHHHHHH, DON’T BUILD!!! It appears the Planning Commission is looking for reasons to grant variance not looking to ensure standards are met. Why? What do they benefit by granting variance?
Buyers of the developed properties will be depending on your oversight. When their property burns because a fire truck breaks down or there is no water resulting possibly in the loss of life your oversight or lack of same will become public knowledge and the City of Gatlinburg will face law suits.
The result of current processes are the developer gets their money, Planning Commission members benefit when the developer returns the favor, the future buyer of the development owns property at risk, and citizens of Gatlinburg are liable for damaged city property and law suits against the city.
Looking back at the expansion of East Parkway, neither the City Commission nor the City Manager was involved much to the dismay of the citizenry. If Gatlinburg, city government will not look to the interests of Gatlinburg citizens who will? If Gatlinburg city government will not protect Gatlinburg citizens, exactly what is your purpose?
In Gatlinburg granting variance is the way business is done as is evidenced by the guitar on the Hard Rock Café. Isn’t there a rule prohibiting signs over the sidewalk? How about lighted electric signs? While the Hard Rock café is ugly, a terrible first impression for Gatlinburg and tells the world the good-old-boy/girl network is alive and well, it is not life threatening. Granting variance for development that may result in loss of life and property as well as destruction of city property must not be allowed. Government’s primary responsibility is to govern. It is not government’s responsibility to do favors for friends.
John Jenkins
425 Patterson Lane
Gatlinburg, TN 37738
865-430-4427 home
865-803-8179 cell
Friday, April 18, 2008
Not-So-Bright Ideas in Science.
Every year, Harvard’s science-humor-journal, The Annals of Improbable Research, hands out its Ig Nobel Prizes for genuine experiments “that cannot, or should not, be reproduced.” This year’s award winners include the scientist who figured out how to extract vanilla from cow dung and the man who invented a bottomless bowl of soup.
So as not to overwhelm you I will tell you about those two.
Nutrition: The Bottomless Bowl of Soup.
To test the psychology of eating, Brian Wansink of Cornell University created a bottomless bowl of soup, which constantly refills itself through a tube hidden underneath the table. Wansink invited a study group over for a meal, without disclosing that some of the soup bowls were rigged. Participants who ate from the self-refilling bowls devoured 73 percent more soup but claimed to have eaten the same amount as everyone else. They also didn’t report feeling fuller: Wansink discovered that without a visual cue like an empty bowl, people just keep eating.
Chemistry: Finding the Sweetness in Cow Dung
Farmers in Japan have finally found a purpose for their surplus cow dung---they can use it to flavor ice cream. By applying heat and pressure to the excrement, Mayu Yamamoto of Tokyo’s International Medical Center was able to produce vanilla flavoring. Actually, the breakthrough promises to be quite lucrative because cow dung is much cheaper than vanilla beans. To side-step the issue of “bovine excrement” appearing on the ingredient list in foods, manufacturers are only putting cow vanilla in soaps, candles, and shampoos. Regardless, Toscanini’s ice cream shop in Cambridge, Mass., created a new flavor using Yamamoto’s extract in honor of the Ig Nobel ceremony. The temporary offering was called Yum-Moto Vanilla Twist.
One additional one you deserve to know the rest of the story.
Peace: The Gay Bomb
Why nuke your enemies when you can make them fall in love instead? Researchers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio are developing a sort of combat Chanel No 5 that will cause enemy soldiers to become sexually irresistible to one another. The idea of the “gay bomb” is to make the enemy too distracted by their libidos to fight back. Other fascinating chemicals the same researchers worked on include a spray that lures bugs to enemy lines, a chemical that gives enemy soldiers horrible halitosis, and a chemical that makes skin extremely sensitive to sunlight (an especially bad condition in places like the Middle East).
Delta & Northwest
Merging is the only way the senior executives can get money since they are so inept at their jobs.
Virginia Tech Will Happen Again
If the students had been armed the results at VT would have been much different.
Our laws are such that if one of the students at VT had shot the killer in the back that student would have to hire a lawyer to try to stay out of jail. Why? because until the killer kills we say we cannot treat him as a killer. Preventive action is punishable in our society. If not by the law by paying a lawyer to protect us. Ludicrous,.
Businesses Not Providing Health Care Programs
There is a court case in California, Golden Gate Restaurant Association vs. the City and County of San Francisco that challenges part of San Francisco's new universal health-care access program that requires medium and large employers to spend a certain amount on their workers' health care or pay a fee to the city.
Sevier County should impose a fee upon all businesses whose employees are not covered by a business provided health care program. It is time for the land owners of Sevier County as well as the business owners of Sevier County to get off the backs of the workers and taxpayers and pay their fair share for their employees’ health care.
Until they do, the rest of us are paying for them. When you see a land owner or business owner driving an expensive car, living in an expensive house, returning from an expensive vacation, remember who really paid for it.
Sponsors of the Olympics Will Suffer
The United States government does not owe the Olympic athletes anything. The Olympics gives the athletes a stage to become very rich. That is after we the people have paid for their training as well as their families.
If the games go on they must be without sponsorship from any company that hopes to do business in the United States. Any sponsor will be a target. All sponsors will suffer, It is the American way.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Letter to Congressman David Davis, 1st District Tennessee
My doubts concerning General Petraeus’s analysis are caused by what I consider military blunders of the past and the “retirement” of all generals with different conclusions than the administration’s. If General Petraeus came to different conclusions he too would “retire.” General Tommy Franks should have been court-martialed instead of praised due to his logistical blunders. He led his troops into a trap. He forgot the rule; never leave an enemy behind, alive. How many leaders lead their troops into battle and during the fighting leave to return to their homes while the men who followed them continue to die?
During, what we refer to as our Revolutionary war, General George Washington defeated the best trained army in the world with little assistance from congress, state legislatures, and less than 1/3rd of the citizenry. He did so with a comparatively small group of dedicated soldier-citizens.
I have no doubts you believe you observe improvements in Iraq but how permanent are they? We have set “our friend” Saudi Arabia at risk. As a Sunni country, because of our lack of planning, they have to deal with Shia Iran and Shia Iraq.
The bad guys in Iraq just have to stop fighting, we will consider ourselves successful and we will either reduce our troop level or leave or both. Improvements can only be counted after the United States has left the area. Until we remove our military from the area the threat will continue.
We did not learn from Viet Nam and we have not learned from our experience in Iraq. Victory requires total destruction of the enemy and as with Germany and Japan, complete and unconditional surrender.
The enemy is not crazy. It is easy to poison our water sources but they have chosen to not do so. Anthrax is easy to dispense but again they have chosen not to do so. Twenty-four suicide bombers within the borders of the United States detonating one an hour for 24 hours at various locations across the United States would bring this country to its collective knees. With two or three on Wall Street, the financial world would collapse. The enemy has chosen to not do so. They have one goal and until we are willing to kill as they kill we cannot change their mind. They want us out of the Middle East. Very simple.
The United States should live and let live. We are not the world’s police. Our reputation should be as a friend we are a good friend. As an enemy Hell would be a nicer place to be in than in our path.
In our futile attempt to help the 8-year-old Iraqi child we are saddling the 8-year-old American child with trillions of dollars of debt. The 8-year-old Iraqi child will grow to hate the 8-year-old American child after all he/she is Shia/Sunni the 8-yar-old American child is not. The Iraqi child will grow to hate the American child. No Iraqi, no matter the age, is worth our time or our blood.
When we send our troops to war those left behind should "feel" the war. A draft should be initiated to include men and women up to age forty-five years. Rationing should be implemented and we should pay as we go. In that way we will not be attacking sovereign countries unless the people want to. What President Bush has done has left him and leaders of congress open to charges of committing war crimes. He has invaded a sovereign country; removed the legally elected/appointed government; destroyed the infra-structure; turned members of government over to their enemies to be executed.
I believe President Bush is eligible for 10-years of Secret Service protection. He just may have a problem. A decisive and complete victory may be his only hope for a peaceful retirement.
I hope you and General Petraeus are right but I do not believe you are. Only time will tell and no one over 25-years-old is young enough to see it.