Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Second Amendment


The Second Amendment to our Constitution reads:


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.


When George W Bush became president he had an agenda to make the Executive Branch more powerful than the other two branches of our government. When Barack Obama became president he has his agenda. Our Representatives and Senators as well as our governors and state legislators stood by quietly as they watched George Bush violate our Constitution. I hope you will not continue to remain silent.


The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution provides that the citizens of the United States bear arms that will allow them to protect themselves from the Federal government. The Second Amendment is not about hunting or target shooting. It is about the right of the people to protect themselves from the people who represent us.


I encourage you to speak up on behalf of the citizens of Tennessee and their constitutional right to bear arms, any arms.



John Jenkins

425 Patterson Lane

Gatlinburg, TN 37738


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