Tuesday, October 05, 2010


CNN's series of programs on the subject of bullying is nothing more than spreading the homosexual agenda. Bullying is rampant and raises its head in many forms such as spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual harassment. Many television programs are established on the anchor of bullying such as court room shows such as Judge Judy, American Idol and the like. Apparently the viewers like to see people abused and mistreated who are helpless to defend themselves.
AndersonCooper360 criticises  children for not standing up to the bully. Is he crazy? A non violent child is going to confront a violent bully. Adults don't do that let alone a child. If bullying would be treated as a felony these bullies could be put into prison environments where they will meet some real bullies. If I was on the jury I would not vote to convict a wife for killing her abusing husband nor would I vote to convict the victim of bullying of killing the bully.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"And do not forget brethren, that we are drifting."
J.D. Tant

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