Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Re: I read that. . .

It is nice to understand history. If you think that is useless how about: After debating the issue for five minutes in 2009, the Common Council in Madison Wisconsin voted to make the pink plastic flamingo its official city bird. So when you are in Madison no wise cracks concerning pink plastic flamingos. Or  maybe this one, hang gliding is banned at national parks in Ethiopia to prevent stampedes. Antelope often mistake the contraptions for vultures. So if you were thinking of going hang gliding in Ethiopia, you should think again.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"And do not forget brethren, that we are drifting."
J.D. Tant

On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 7:42 PM, Grover W. Hastings <gwh1206@comcast.net> wrote:
John, YOU are something else!! I don't have time for such useless info to me. For you, it must be important. To each his own.

I thought growing up was something that happened automatically as you got older.  
But it turns out it's something you have to choose to do. 

Grover W. Hastings

In God We Trust
"If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."  President Ronald Reagan

On Oct 26, 2010, at 6:33 PM, John Jenkins wrote:

The "V" sign with the back of the hand has been a profane gesture for more than 100 years in England meaning essentially "up yours" which gives a slightly different view of those pictures of Winston Churchill making such a gesture. 

During WWII the meaning of the gesture changed. A Belgian politician, Victor de Laveleye who went to England when the Nazis took over his country and directed radio broadcasts for the BBC suggested listeners in Europe use the letter "V" as a symbol of resistance. In French the V stands for "victoire" translated "victory" and in Dutch it stands for "vrjheid" for translated "freedom". In the United States it means "peace" which does not make sense. To have peace you have to have victory. With victory we have vrjheid. 

As for me I like to think Churchill intended the original meaning.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Email: jrjenki@gmail.com
Website: http://www.greenbriersolutions.com 
Blog: http://littlepigeon.blogspot.com/

"And do not forget brethren, that we are drifting."
J.D. Tant

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