Thursday, February 24, 2011

Boldly for Extermination

If the problem is the student refused to condemn Hamas I thought the speaker's question was petty. My guess is he was upset that the student said the pamphlet was more interesting than the talk. Nice shot but a bit cheap. Both getting under the other's skin.
Christian's are anti Satan. They would like for God to destroy Satan and if they could they would destroy Satan. Muslims are anti Jew. They would like for Allah to destroy the Jews and if they could would destroy the Jews. They want Palestine to be an Islamic country. They want Allah to make it so. If they can they will.   

Hamas is a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. It considers Palestine an Islamic Holy Possession. Among its goals is the destruction of the State of Israel. Where is the compromise between Israel and Hamas?

Where was the compromise between the Colonies and England? They could not coexist in the status quo. It was a fight to the death. Same with Hamas and Israel one has to destroy the other or one has to change their goals.

For years rhinoceros would not mate in captivity. Zoo folks were stumped. It seems the beginning of the rhinoceros mating ritual includes some pretty violent activity resulting in blood shedding and on occasion injuries. The zoo people not recognizing what was going on would separate the animals to protect them. Then, one day a light went on. With their new knowledge the violence is permitted to continue and there are little rhinos everywhere. Nature is violent and sometimes it is best to stay out of its way. Hamas and Israel cannot co-exist. One has to yell "Uncle!!"  As the Colonies and England had to duke it out until one said "Uncle" so do Hamas and Israel.

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