Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning does not know life without football. But in this case it is all about the money. The Colts are betting Manning will not play up to an acceptable level. Manning is betting he will. He could have changed the contract to something like if he played a full schedule next year he would get the $28 million. But he did not. He wanted the money and the Colts did not take the bet.  He will now go to a team without an offensive line to protect him, without runners to take the pressure off the passer and without the receivers to catch the ball. He will be beat up and possibly seriously injured. He should follow Jim Brown and go out in style. Instead he will follow Brett Favre and be pitied. He is no longer the prize he once was. He will be remembered as that old quarterback who could not quit.

Thanks, John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


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