Monday, September 09, 2013

Email sent to Roe, Corker, Alexander

As anyone knows who watches the various cable networks broadcasting trials knowing something is different than proving it.  The president may "know" the Syrian government used chemical weapons but can he "prove" it? Do you remember how George Bush 43 "knew" Iraq had WMDs but after causing the deaths of thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis it was "proven" that what Bush "knew" was false.  

Syria did not sign the treaty banning chemical weapons which permits them to use them as they like. Otherwise banning something would take the opinion of just one country. The fear of chemical weapons is if they were to be used on the battle field. Do we want another country attacking us because they disagree with our use of the death penalty?

Remember the Tet Offensive in 1968? The enemy had capabilities far beyond our greatest dreams. While Congress looked at the budget the enemy became stronger.

The "rebels" or "Free Syrian Army" have a brigade calling itself "Osama bin Laden", which belongs to the "Hawks of Damascus" Battalion.

Our government has been claiming the FSA is comprised of somewhat "secular" people and that jihadists have only joined the fight but they are not part of the FSA. Well, you cannot get more al-Qaeda'ish than calling a brigade "Osama bin Laden".


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