Friday, September 06, 2013

Letter Sent to Alexander, Corker and Roe

Vote "NO!!!" on any action in or to Syria. The guarantee of no boots on the ground in combat capacity means nothing. You will put military in Syria as advisors or as some other euphemism, they will be killed, and we will invade. Another war.


Concerning the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction: Iran signed it, Israel and Syria did not. Can we hold a country to a treaty they did not sign? If we do we are taking away the individual sovereignty of all other countries. We are saying if we want it this way you have no choice.


On the subject of WMD's the treaty prohibits the stockpiling of such weapons which includes our nuclear arsenal. Since we are violators who are we to judge?


With the exception of a couple of Middle East countries we are the primary user of WMDs against civilians. The original concern was voiced in response to our carpet bombing of civilians in Germany. Are we really on the high road?


The United States does not become involved in the internal squabbles of every country. Vote NO!!!!! on any action in or to Syria.

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