In your comments concerning theories science develops I missed the part where the church understood the bible to say the earth stood still and had several verses to support their position. They did not rely on science for their belief.
To the ordinary people it looked like the sun appeared to go around the earth; and if the earth moves, why aren't we thrown off into space? Why does a stone, thrown straight up into the air, come straight down and if the earth rotating rapidly why don't we feel a strong wind blowing in our faces in the opposite direction to our motion? Surely the idea that the earth moved is absurd?
In the January 2010 issue of Smithsonian magazine there is an article about the Dead Sea scrolls. The article says the thousands of tourists who flock to Qumran each year, where the scrolls were discovered, are told the site was once home to a Jewish sect called the Essenes, who devoted their lives to writing and preserving sacred texts. An Israeli archaeologist disagrees, and says the settlement was originally a small fort that was later converted into a pottery factory to serve nearby towns. Which story sounds better to the tourists? Do they want to know the truth or do they want to continue to believe what they want to believe even if it might be false?
Does John Casey suggest and explanation as to why glaciers and ice sheets are melting faster today than ever before and that cruise ships are able to come across the northern routes later in the year than ever before?
I give Science the benefit of the doubt because thousands of scientists in all fields are trying to prove current theories to be mistaken and if they can they will make their career. Where as Christians seldom question and my experiences and observations tell me a lot of what they teach is not true. I believe there is a good possibility that one day Christians will look back on the idea that anyone thought Genesis 1 and 2 to be historically and scientifically correct to be as silly as we think the people were who thought the earth stood still.
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