Monday, September 29, 2008

Ravens Steelers Game

They just took a steeler off the field with an apparent neck injury following an unnecessary shot from the side. The reason I feel little sympathy is because the NFL allows hits to the head. They allow players to use their helmets as weapons. Remove the helmets and reduce injuries...

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Facts not Rumors, Please!!!

I read stories about Sarah Palin being investigated for this or that, she was for something before she was against it; she took a gift or two who cares. Just because she looks good in a tight skirt or makes Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton look like the ugly stepsisters she is a politician. She would not have arrived where she is without being a politician.
You should understand this because it not only is the way it is but you can change your focus. All politicians, this includes McCain and Obama, Palin and Biden will take care of themselves first, next those who give them money and then those who voted for them. You cannot believe anything they say you MUST look at what they do.
Get off Palin's back and report News not gossip just verified facts.  Dump your "contributors." Have you ever noticed how your contributors are so confident about their analysis and opinion until you ask a question that requires a yes or no answer and suddenly they are not so sure? When you go to commercial and leave a "tease" I change channels. Report truth not opinion, facts not rumors. Otherwise I just watch the History channel or Discovery Channel…..

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Taxes 101 How to Encourage Job Outsourcing

Martin Sullivan, a contributing editor at Tax Analysts (a non profit organization that tracks tax policies worldwide), says if a U.S. corporation is trying to decide whether to create jobs within the borders of the United States or in a foreign country the tax code will point the corporation to the foreign country.
In theory the government taxes the worldwide earnings of U.S. based companies. But under the federal tax code, American companies have to pay taxes only on the earnings of their foreign subsidiaries when they bring that money back to the States. But there is no rule that requires those companies to bring that money home. As long as they reinvest their foreign earnings abroad, they pay only the host country's (usually lower) tax rate.
Many companies just reinvest the money they make overseas back into their foreign operations. That means more economic growth for other countries and less here at home. A 2006 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service puts it; this scheme is "an incentive for U.S. corporations to invest abroad in countries with low tax rates."
According to 2006 government report U.S. companies have nearly $500 billion stashed abroad that could be taxed at home. Security Exchange Commission records show General Electric had $62 billion stowed overseas; Pfizer, $60 billion, and Exxon-Mobil, $56 billion. A 2004 Tax Analysts study found that U.S.-based multinationals shifted $50 billion in income to countries with lower taxes. The tax laws, written during the Kennedy administration, benefits no one but the companies that do it.
Every dollar of taxes these corporations avoid shifts the burden further onto working folks. Currently the overall taxes paid by corporations is less than half what it was when Eisenhower was president. And this at a time when CEOs get rich while the wages of the average workers stagnate and everyone gets hit with higher health care and energy costs.
American workers are in effect subsidizing, through taxes, their own job losses. Congress could change the law to tax overseas earnings at the same rate as domestic income. Another idea would be to reward companies investing here at home. Congress needs to apply the law with common sense and fairness.
Since not many CEOs want to move to the countries where they have subsidiaries businesses relocating would not be a major issue. They would rather avoid the unpredictable social and legal factors in foreign countries.
Changing the tax code can not stop jobs from going overseas. Profit-minded companies will always seek out places where labor is cheaper, almost regardless of the tax consequences. Even though we can't do anything about wages abroad, we can stop Washington from rewarding companies for investing overseas at the expense of American workers.
As your representatives what they are doing about this issue, http:/,gov and http/
Contact House, senior Ways and Means Committee members Charles Rangel and Jim McCrey and Senate (senior finance members are Max Baucus and Charles Grasley.
Learn more  a Center on Budget and Policy Priorities www. and Citizens for Tax Justice

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

To Bailout or Buyout or Sellout

Following is a note I sent to both Sen Alexander and Corker. I am not known to be tactful but I try.  I believe the voters have had their fill of our representatives forgetting why they are in Washington.  Anyway, since I saw an article in The Mountain Press where you addressed the subject of the bailout I thought I would send you mine. Let's face it political parties that will spend close to ½ billion dollars for an office that pays less than ½ million dollars a year, cannot be considered fiscally conservative or very bright. This year, 2008, the candidates will spend close to $1 billion why do you suppose the parties are willing to spend so much? I suspect the parties are expecting huge returns on their money as are the contributors.
Anything you can do to help the voters will be appreciated...
John Jenkins
425 Patterson Lane
Gatlnburg, TN 37738
We the people will remember what you do in the next days and weeks. You and your fellow Senators have failed in your duty. You have either been negligent in your responsibilities or you have become so intertwined with lobbyists and mismanaged corporations the only word to describe your actions is corrupt. Of course you can always claim ignorance which interpreted means stupid, your choice.
You do not vote for what is in the best interest of the United States, and you do not vote as your constituents, we the people, want you to vote. You vote as instructed by your party with the intent of your party seizing power. Lacking instructions to the contrary you vote in the best interest of those who give you money. This must stop, NOW!
Any corporation receiving money from the federal government must be prohibited from associating in any way with lobbyists. Senators (you) must be prohibited from receiving money from any corporation that falls under the jurisdiction of any committee of which they (you) are a member. Any money loaned or given to these bankrupt businesses means we the people own those companies. And we will do everything possible to sell the company. Senior management must be removed without severance and without bonus. Criminal charges must be investigated.
You should remember your oath of office.
The eyes of the country are upon you and we the people will remember what you do and what you do not do.
Be careful for whom you vote………

The Days of Middle East Colonialism are Gone

The United States, fuming over the hostage crisis, sided with Iraq, which it saw as an opponent of Shiite militancy that threatened perceived U.S. interests such as the stability of the Sunni monarchies in oil-producing countries. Ronald Reagan sent envoys to Baghdad to find ways the United States could help Saddam. As a result the United States provided helicopters and satellite intelligence used to identify bombing targets. The Iraq / Iran war had two major outcomes. One, it spread anti-American feelings in Iran and made being against American foreign policy a popular theme among Iranians. Two, Iraq's use of chemical weapons and the American role in preventing an investigation of their use and shielding Saddam from criticism convinced Iranian's leaders they needed to develop their own such weapons.

The hostage crisis, the Iran / Iraq war and the efforts of Iran's leaders to undermine U.S. power in the Middle East have turned Iran and the United States enemies.

Iran's leaders feed off American hostility. Threats from Washington provide fuel to the oppression of students, labor unions, women and other opposition groups. There is a growing feeling in Iran that isolation has gone on too long and has not been good for Iran. As long as the United States appears to be a clear and present danger the government will continue to have what it sees as justification to do whatever it wants. This justification is especially convenient at a time when growing numbers of Iranians are expressing dissatisfaction with their government.

As long as the United States maintains a presence in the Middle East we will provide a rallying cry for America's enemies.

From the beginning of its involvement in the internal affairs of Iraq the United States has been doomed to failure. The reasons are many and include Intelligence failure, Presidential arrogance, House and Senate ineffectiveness, and a citizenry ignorant of its own Constitution.

Prior to the invasion of Iraq, a Sunni ruled the Shiite and Kurd population with violence. Iran, being majority Shiite, and a Sunni led Iraq are natural enemies. Intelligence would have warned that Iran would become involved in an unstable Iraq.

The United States must remove any military presence from the Middle East. The days of colonialism are gone.

Friday, September 26, 2008

We the People are Watching

We the people will remember what you do in the next days and weeks. You and your fellow Senators have failed in your duty. You have either been negligent in your responsibilities or you have become so intertwined with lobbyists and mismanaged corporations the only word to describe your actions is corrupt. Of course you can always claim ignorance which interpreted means stupid, your choice.
You do not vote for what is in the best interest of the United States, and you do not vote as your constituents, we the people, want you to vote. You vote as instructed by your party with the intent of your party to seize power. Lacking instructions to the contrary you vote in the best interest of those who give you money. This must stop, NOW!
Any corporation receiving money from the federal government must be prohibited from associating in any way with lobbyists. Senators (you) must be prohibited from receiving money from any corporation that falls under the jurisdiction of any committee of which they (you) are a member. Any money loaned or given to these bankrupt businesses means we the people own those companies. And we will do everything possible to sell the company. Senior management must be removed without severance and without bonus. Criminal charges must be investigated.
You should remember your oath of office.
The eyes of the country are upon you and we the people will remember what you do and what you do not do.
Be careful for whom you vote………

Throughout the Cold War

Throughout the cold war, relations between Washington and Tehran were close, primarily because the Shah was, as Henry Kissinger said, "the rarest of leaders, and unconditional ally." Iranians saw the United States as the force that propped up a hated dictatorship. Iranians traditionally believed the United States was not a colonial power in fact older Iranians remembered President Woodrow Wilson's anti-colonial views. Even Mossadegh initially had goodwill towards the United States. But during the 1950s and 1960s, primarily as a result of the 1953 coup and concessions the Shah made to the Americans, a new generation emerged that saw the United States as imperialist and neo-colonialist.
With money from oil revenues the Shah attempted to transform Iran into a regional military power. The United States sold tens of billions of dollars worth of advanced weapons which brought huge profits to US arms manufacturers while securing Iran as a powerful cold war ally on the Soviet Union's southern border.
Some of the things the Shah purchased from us were far beyond his needs. Prestige and his fascination with military hardware played a major part. There was no rational decision making process. It was the same on the civilian side. There was waste and corruption. Shiploads of grain would arrive and there were no trucks to offload them, so they would just heap the grain into mountains and burn them.
Anger at the United States' presence and the Shah's dictatorial rule culminated in a national uprising in 1979. It was Iran's last modern revolution, like previous ones, a rebellion against a regime that was seen to have sold out to a foreign power. Nearly every important group in Iran joined the anti-Shah uprising. Muslim clerics were prominent among its leaders but so were pro-Soviet communists and democrats who had supported Mossadegh in the 1950s. Though seen as invulnerable by Washington the Shah was forced to leave Iran on January 16, 1979. There was discussions about who would permit him in to their country so he went to Egypt, then to Morocco, then to the Bahamas, then to Mexico and then ion October 22 1979 to the United States. Many in Iran saw this as the Jimmy Carter administration plotting to place the Shah back into power. Thirteen days later, militants seized the U. S. Embassy in Tehran. Fundamentalist Shiite clerics used the crisis to crush moderate factions, consolidate control over the new government and transform Iran into a theocratic state under Ayatollah Khomeini who had returned from exile on February 1, 1979.
The conflict between Washington and Iran led to Saddam Hussein, dictator of neighboring Iraq --- which had been a rival of Iran since the two countries were the kingdoms of Persia and Mesopotamia --- to see Iran as suddenly lacking a powerful ally and with its military in disarray, to launch an invasion of Iran in September 1980. The ensuing was lasted eight years, devastated the Iranian economy and cost Iran as many as a million casualties, including thousands who were killed or seriously injured by chemical weapons. Iraq saw between 160,000 and 240,000 killed.
  • 1951 Iran Parliament democratically elects Prime Minister
  • 1951 to 1953 Most Iranians see the United States as a friend
  • 1953 United States overthrows democratically elected Prime Minister and installs the Shah
  • 1953 to 1979 Shah rules ruthlessly
  • 1979 (January) Shah leaves Iran
  • 1979 (February) Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran
  • 1979 (October) Shah enters the United States for medical treatment
  • 1979 (November) U. S. Embassy seized
  • 1980 (September) Iraq invades Iran
  • 2003 (March) United States invades Iraq
Continuing its superb record of choosing the wrong side, the United States sided with Iraq.
Keeping this in mind what do you expect Iran to do next?

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Would You Trust the West?

In the early years of the 20th century, the mega-rich Iranian oil industry was under the control of a British monopoly, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, which was owned principally by the British government. Iranian oil powered the British economy and made possible the high standard of living Britons enjoyed from the 1920s through the 1940s. It also fueled the Royal Navy as it projected British power around the world. Most Iranians lived in unbelievable poverty.
In 1951, Iran's parliament chose as prime minister one of the most highly educated men in the country,  Mohammed Mossadegh, whose degree from the University of Neuchatel in Switzerland made him the first Iranian ever to earn a doctorate in law from a European university. Mossadegh championed the nationalization of the oil industry. Even before taking office, he proposed a nationalization law that both houses of parliament passed unanimously. To no one's surprise, the British refused to accept it. They withdrew their oil technicians, blockaded the port from which oil was exported and asked the United Nations to order Iran to withdraw the plan. Mossadegh's popularity at home skyrocketed; he had flouted the authority of a great power and a great foreign interest.
In October he traveled to New York City to plead his case at the United Nations. It was the first time the leader of a poor country challenged a great power directly.
Mossadegh told the U. N. Security Council "(Iran's) standard of living is probably one of the lowest in the world. Out greatest national resource is oil. This should be the source of work and food for the population of Iran. Its exploitation should properly be our national industry, and the revenue from it should go to improve our conditions of life." Most American newspapers were unsympathetic to Mossadegh's plea on the ground that he was defying international law and threatening the flow of oil to the free world. The New York Times decried Iran as a "defiant scorner" of the United Nations and blamed "Iranian nationalism and Islamic fanaticism" for carrying the dispute "beyond the field of legality and common sense." Between 1951 and 1953 Persian nationalism became truly Iranian. Many Iranians hoped the United States would emerge as their friend and protector. Most Americans who had come to Iran during the first half of the 20th century were teachers, nurses, and missionaries who had left highly positive impressions. That view changed in 1953 when the United States took a step that made it an object of deep resentment in Iran.
Failing to pressure Mossadegh to abandon his nationalism plan Winston Churchill ordered British agents to organize a coup and remove him from his office. Mossadegh closed the British embassy and expelled all British diplomats including the agents who were plotting his overthrow.  Churchill asked President Harry Truman to use the newly organized CIA to depose Mossadegh. Truman refused.
U. S. policy changed when in 1953 the British told Eisenhower  Mossadegh was leading Iran toward communism a distortion of the facts since Mossadegh despised Marxist ideas and Eisenhower sent the CIA into action.
Eisenhower made no attempt to find out who Mossadegh was or what motivated him, to talk to him or even to respond to letters he was sending to Washington.
The coup put an end to democratic rule in Iran. After Mossadegh was deposed, the CIA installed Mohamed Resa Shah. He ruled with increasing repression using his secret police, Savak, to torture his opposition.  He tolerated no political parties, student groups, labor unions nor civic organizations during his 25 years in power. The only place dissidents could find shelter was in mosques, giving the opposition movement a religious tinge that would later push Iran toward fundamentalist rule.
Imagine, the United States overthrew a legally elected government and replaced it with an oppressive dictatorship is there any wonder why Iranian leaders do not trust the West?

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Be careful for whom you vote………

Benjamin Franklin said, "I am apprehensive — perhaps too apprehensive — that the government of these states may in future times end in a monarchy. But this catastrophe may be long delayed, if, in our proposed system, we do not sow the seeds of contention, faction, and tumult, by making our posts of honor places of profit. If we do, I fear that, though we employ at first a number, and not a single person, the number will in time be set aside: it will only nourish the germ of a king, and a king will be the sooner set over us."
We may not have a king but only the extremely wealthy can afford to run for public office.
While the United States is the best country in the world we cannot ignore that our government has become corrupt and tyrannical. Members of our government, both those elected and those considered Civil Servants are intertwined with mismanaged corporations ready to have the taxpayers save their friends.
Politicians do not vote for what is in the best interest of the United States, and they do not vote as their constituents want them to vote. The politicians vote as instructed by their party with the intent of the party to seize power. Lacking instructions to the contrary they then vote in the best interest of those who give them money.
How can anyone, who spends close to ½ billion dollars for an office that pays less than ½ million dollars, be considered a fiscal conservatives? This year, 2008, the candidates will spend close to $1 billion why do you suppose people are willing to contribute so much? Do you suspect they expect dividends?
Be careful for whom you vote………

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The taxpayers own what they pay for...

The politicians are nervous, they will be blasted whatever they do. The one thing over all they must remember is, if the taxpayers bailout the corporations the taxpayers own the corporations and will continue to own them until the "loan" is paid in full WITH interest.

Also, Senior Management caused the problem so they must be removed without severance...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Votes That Matter

The problem we have with our leaders is that they have lied so much no one believes anything they say. If they would have warned us about the coming financial debacle no one would have believed them. We learned with Clinton, character matters. We learned with Bush is intelligence matters. Hopefully the electorate has learned and will vote accordingly...

Most Americans Understand..

Most Americans understand the severity of the manmade financial crisis and understand why the government must become involved. Most Americans want corporate executives whose greed and lack of judgment caused this crisis to be held accountable. These executives gambled and lost. They should not be permitted to get rich at the taxpayers' expense. So go ahead and help but hold senior management liable. No golden parachutes. No senior management compensation until the corporation is solvent once again. No member of senior management should be permitted to leave before solvency and until that, no compensation.

Better Watch Out

Remember back in the 80s when the restrictions on the kinds of loans S & L's could make were relaxed? Soon the executives took advantage of the loosened rules to commit fraud.
Remember Charles Keating who mislead investors; remember Junk Bonds?
Remember how the taxpayers had to pay the bill for the crimes? Remember how executives how rich?
The American taxpayer is getting tired of Washington looking at their constituents has a bottomless pit of money to bail out the friends of the Federal Government.
The American taxpayer will not take it for long.  Somebody had better be going to jail…..

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Corporate Welfare State

Here we go again, corporations make terrible decisions, corporate management gets rich and the taxpayers get stuck with the bill. If the Federal Government has to bail out a company then "we the people" should own that company. Senior management must be removed without severance. The company does not become private until whatever the Federal government paid is repaid plus interest.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

You Try It

I have enjoyed working here these past several years. You have paid me very well, given me benefits beyond belief. I have 3-4 months off per year and a pension plan that will pay my salary till the day I die and a health plan that most people can only dream about.
Despite this I plan to take the next 12-18 months to find a new position.
During this time I will show up for work when it is convenient. In addition I fully expect to draw my full salary and all the other perks associated with my current job.
Oh yeah, if my search for this new job proves fruitless, I will be back with no loss in pay or status. Before you say anything, remember that you have no choice in the matter. I can and will do this.

Every Senator or Congressman running for President.
 And you wonder why politicians have such a poor image.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Friday, September 19, 2008

We are not winning in Iraq

Governor Palin:
We are not winning in Iraq. The bad guys have laid off and are waiting for us to leave, similar to the way the North Vietnamese did.  The difference being Viet Nam could not hurt us the Middle East can destroy us along with themselves.
George W Bush came into power when the United States was "thought" to be the only superpower --- militarily, economically and morally. He will leave us a nation with greatly diminished military power and will, deep economic uncertainty, and a reputation for torture and the denigration of the legal safeguards written into our Constitution. Good job George!!!
Governor Palin, you are a fresh face in the campaign and will probably mean victory for John McCain. When you speak of a do-nothing congress, keep in mind John McCain was part of that congress, republican lead for 7 years with a republican president. Maintain your integrity, ethics and honesty.....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Good Job George!!!

George W Bush came into power when the United States was "thought" to be the only superpower --- militarily, economically and morally. He will leave us a nation with greatly diminished military power and will, deep economic uncertainty, and a reputation for torture and the denigration of the legal safeguards written into our Constitution. Good job George!!!

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Customers are interested in results

Mr. Carl Mays:
As I scan The Mountain Press occasionally I read your entire column. I've always found the subject of today's column fascinating.
I am retired from The Mead Corporation, Dayton, OH. we killed trees and made paper. Sometimes we just beat a bush to death to make envelops. I managed some Corporate staff departments working with internal functions as clients or customers we had to keep happy or at least quiet.
One day my boss and his peers met to identify what customers (external) wanted. The first decision was to bring in a consultant to help them understand what customers wanted. I told him that was a wasted decision he and his peers and his boss (CEO) already knew what customers wanted, he and each of them are customers, so what do they want? How many of us want food that should be hot, cold and food that should be cold, hot. How many of us prefer low quality products, delivered late, and over priced? How many of us enjoy hearing "I don't know" from the expert? Anyone who does not know what customers want may be to naive or dangerous to be permitted to associate with others.
Generally senior managers are timid hiding behind consultants who tell them things they already know. I understand it is political. If they are wrong it is the consultants fault; American businesses lack leadership and courage. As Lee Iacocca asks, "Where have all the leaders gone?" When you read the headlines you know they are no where in sight…
You are correct about the ducks, smooth on the surface but paddling like crazy below. The public does not see the extra things the Michael Jordans and Tiger Woods do just so they can make their jobs look easy. Senior managers do not understand either. When one of them wants to know what customers want you know you have a pigeon ripe for the plucking..
Should be good news for your line of work…
I wish you well….

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

The American Taxpayer Will Not Be Pushed Around Forever

In the 70s the following businesses were freed from the cumbersome weight of government regulation. Look at them today and see how far they have come left to their own devices: airlines, trucking, railroads, buses, pipelines, telephones, television, stockbrokers, financial markets, savings banks, utilities. How many of them have required taxpayer assistance just to remain in business. If the taxpayers are to support them the taxpayer should have a say in the way business is conducted. No one is accountable. Senior managers get rich outsourcing to other countries leaving the taxpayers to support those left without jobs. Senior managers get rich leading their companies into bankruptcy while at the same time leaving the taxpayers to pay the bills. Unethical, illegal and dishonest business practices must become capital crimes where the guilty are either executed or sentenced to life in prison without the opportunity of parole and all assets remotely associated with the activities forfeited.
Somebody had better be going to jail or the next "civil" war will be between those who have stolen and those who were left to pay the bills. The American taxpayer will not be pushed around forever.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sarah Palin Has More Applicable ExperiencesThan Anyone Else Running.

Palin has a stronger resume।
Sarah Palin has been a real mayor, Obama has । he was a real governor he has not been. She was in charge of the Alaska National Guard, he has not. She was a whistler blower who defeated an incumbent mayor. Obama has never once shown that sort of courage. Sarah Palin was a whistler blower who turned in the chairmen of her own party and got him fined $12,000. I am not aware Obama has done anything like that. Palin took on the incumbent governor of her own party and beat him and then she beat a former democratic governor in the general election। What has Obama done except talk and write?
John McCain has more experience being a senator than Obama। McCain received more votes to be president than Biden received. Sarah Palin has more applicable experiences than either Obama or Biden.
Tell me who is more qualified than Sarah Palin.

Hagel is out of touch with reality

Note to Senator Hagel, of Nebraska...............

Concerning Sarah Palin's qualifications, or lack of same, who do you believe is qualified, you, that's a laugh? You and your fellow senators have done so little you are labeled the "Do Nothing Congress." What are you qualified for? Just another do nothing government worker.

Harry Truman was kept out of the loop by FDR but he managed to survive the presidency and Korean war.

Commentators and you claim Sarah Palin is not qualified on every jot and tittle of the job, who is? For her to lack your qualifications IS A GOOD THING!!!

With all of the corruption in business not being qualified to be a CEO is high praise indeed. With the corruption (ear marks) in the Senate not being a member of the Senate is a GOOD THING!!

For Obama to choose Biden, whom the Democrats shouted they do not want to be president shows just how narrow mind you and your fellow senators are. You are out of touch with the people. The reason you get reelected is not due to you but due to the lazyness of honest, ethical, and moral people.

Instead of being negative how can you help her? She will win. McCain will win in a landslide. Wait and see.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spur Allows Denial

Gatlinburg City Commissioners:
Gatlinburg City Manager:
In today's The Mountain Press, Wednesday, September 17th there is an article with Gatlinburg businesses whining how the improvements on the Spur are cutting into their bottom-line. No one mentions that without the improvements visitors might elect not to drive the Spur. Gatlinburg businesses are paranoid about being cut off from civilization. And the odd thing is being isolated is what makes Gatlinburg, Gatlinburg.
It is interesting how the businesses in Gatlinburg complain they are difficult to get to. Being remote is what makes Gatlinburg special. Not being like or part of Pigeon Forge or Sevierville makes Gatlinburg special. The more Gatlinburg businesses mimic Pigeon Forge and Sevierville the more they will lose.
Why should anyone fight the traffic to come to Gatlinburg to visit a "water park" when there are probably a half dozen or more between the interstate and light 10 in Pigeon Forge? Why should anyone fight the traffic to shop in Gatlinburg when there are outlets and specialty stores by the zillions between the interstate and light 10 in Pigeon Forge? Why should anyone fight the traffic to visit Gatlinburg? If at least 5 reasons do not immediately come to mind you understand how much trouble Gatlinburg is in.
Gatlinburg must be different or Gatlinburg will become a ghost town...Hopefully you and the business owners will recognize that what is happening before it is too late, which it just might already be.
The Spur work permits denial. As the park spokesman says the Spur is not stopping people from entering at Cherokee or Townsend. Lacking those 5 reasons, Gatlinburg may not be the draw it dreams it is meaning it is time to regroup. You can always hope the Muslims find Gatlinburg a draw and maybe they will build Mecca West right here.  
John Jenkins
425 Patterson Lane
Gatlinburg, TN 37738

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Not Being Qualified to be CEO is a Positive Trait!!!

We have to reject the mindset that the primary path to good government is to become more like businesses. We must reject the mindset that believes that to qualify to be a member of congress or a senator or a governor or president requires that one be a good business leader.
Most businesses fall somewhere between mediocre and good. Few are worth copying. Many widely practiced business norms correlate with mediocrity, and are not worthy propagating.
So why would we want to import the practices of mediocrity into government?
Great government requires disciplined planning, disciplined people, disciplined governance, disciplined allocation of resources. Great government is begging for people that are honest, moral, and ethical. Where oh where can we find them? 

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Palin not a CEO is a Good Thing

For those commentators who claim Sarah Palin is not qualified to be a CEO and therefore not qualified to be Vice President or President I must shout THAT IS A GOOD THING!!! With all of the corruption in business not being qualified to be a CEO is high praise indeed. Being a CEO is not something one should brag about...

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Fear and Uncertainty

In his article, "Waters retains chair's seat," Derek Hodges did a great job of describing the atmosphere of the County Commission meeting. By the quotes you can tell the room was full of fear, fear of Larry Waters.
With Oakes admitting before the vote Waters would certainly win he was attempting to distance himself from whomever put his name in the bucket. And with all his comments about how much he supported, supports, and will support Waters he was begging Waters to not hold a grudge. After all it is not Oakes' fault "someone" nominated him. Oakes' fear shows in his "he feels it MIGHT be time for change" and "the question of separating powers" comments. Come on wiener it is time for change or it is not time for a change. It is a violation of the separation of powers or it is not. If you do not have courage to standup for your convictions get off the commission make room for someone who will.
Thanks to Derek Hodge we have the names of those who voted for status quo, those who voted for a change, no matter how timid they voted, and those who do not have enough character to vote one way or the other. Now we just sit back and watch how the commission functions and who gets rewarded, who gets retribution and see if Waters does hold a grudge….
After Waters "won re-election" the "chorus" of supporters were also begging Waters not to hold them accountable. My guess is many of those in attendance had to go home and change their underwear….

I encourage you to initiate an investigation into the rapid rise of the price of gasoline. If state government does not protect its citizens what is its purpose

Dear Friend:
Thank you for your message about the current spike in the price of gasoline. The effects of storm systems active in the Gulf Coast are now being felt by Tennesseans at the gas pump. Prices for fuel have risen dramatically, and a rise in gas prices was anticipated as hurricane activity increased on the Gulf Coast, where a substantial portion of the country's gas supply is produced.

Even so, I am determined to address the issues surrounding gasoline supply in Tennessee. I have warned individuals and businesses who engage in gasoline price-gouging in no uncertain terms that we will be very tough and very aggressive on people who take advantage of this situation. I expect that no one will try to capitalize on the effects of these storms at the expense of Tennesseans, who are already struggling with high gas prices.

Along with my entire administration, I am taking this situation very seriously. Under Tennessee law, price-gouging is illegal. The Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance will be working with the state Attorney General's office to pursue aggressively anyone who violates that law.

As this situation continues to develop, the State's Division of Consumer Affairs is warning consumers to be on the lookout for potential price-gougers and is offering our citizens information on how they can report possible price-gouging. Consumers may contact the Division of Consumer Affairs at or call at 615-741-4737 or toll-free at 800-342-8385, to report incidences of suspected price-gouging. Consumers will need to provide the name of the gas station, its address, and the price and grade of the gas being sold. Citizens also may report suspected price-gouging online to the federal government at

In addition, the Commissioners of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture and the Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation have been active in pursuing policies to increase the availability, movement and sale of gasoline to Tennessee consumers during this period. You can be sure that I am making every effort to protect the best interests of the people of Tennessee.

Warmest regards,
Phil Bredesen

Jackson's Blunder

It is fascinating listening to everyone explaining away Jackson's monstrous blunder by saying how fast he is. He is a moron and no one will win a championship relying on him. No one....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby, Fetus, Blob, or Parasite

Abortion by hysterectomy: the woman was probably into the third trimester and the child she was carrying weighed over two pounds. Failing to kill the baby prior to delivery the doctors went ahead with delivery and put the baby in a bucket. The baby tried to breathe and tried to cry and the doctors and nurses pretended it was not there. This is a group of people who promised to "do no harm."
Those who support abortion rights describe the child in the womb as a parasite that the woman has a right to expel from her body. The same argument justifies infanticide since it applies to an infant outside the womb: newborns require even more attention and care and in that sense are even more parasitic.
We can only imagine a country's future whose citizens refer to a growing child in a mother's womb as a parasite. Whether it is war or abortion, the reality of violent acts is hidden through linguistic contrivances meant to devalue human lives found to be inconvenient.  Dead citizens are "collateral damage" and ignored or rationalized away. Native Americans and Blacks were considered less than human.
An expectant mother is asked how their baby is doing. They do not ask how her fetus is doing or her blob of tissue or her parasite.
Think about it…

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Charlie Gibson Failed Miserably

Charlie Gibson failed miserably in his"interview" with Sarah Palin. Charlie was arrogant and failed as an unbiased reporter. Anytime Charlie is on the screen, I will change channel. I will not watch unfair reporters.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

Wall Street Dishonest, Unethical, Immoral

With all of these Wall Street businesses going bankrupt and all these CEOs getting bonuses someone had better be going to jail.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.

When Will the Media Learn

When will you learn?  A CNN reporter following Sarah Palin makes a point of talking about how "scripted" Palin is but when Lou Dobbs questioned her she admitted Palin is no more scripted than Obama and similar to McCain. I changed channels. I will not listen to misleading reporters. Whenever that reporter is on screen I will change channels....

John Jenkins
865-803-8179 cell
Gatlinburg, TN

Hyperbole is the Best Thing Ever.