Friday, October 03, 2008

Comments on the issues in the Bulletin Brief

McDonalds ---Christians have lost the battle against homosexuals and Gay Rights etc due to their acceptance of adultery, fornication, co-habitation, in some case irrational intolerance of birth-control measure, etc. Heterosexual sins we understand, tolerate, and as the church in Corinth are proud of our tolerance. I have worked with homosexuals, two who died of AIDS; they are not dangerous nor is AIDS contagious. When Christians watch 'R' movies they are endorsing the activities in the movie. If it is permissible for Christians to observe heterosexuals simulating sex then why not let homosexuals enjoy the same privileges? How about the Sopranos and the Terminator movies. Heterosexuals recognize Common Law marriages so why not homosexual commitments and the associated legal privileges?
Girls Gone Mild --- Check out the cleavage and thighs when you are passing the communion trays to see how Christian parents tolerate immodesty. In some cases check out the moms. Any daughter wanting to exhibit cleavage to their fathers and fathers who permit their daughters to show a lot cleavage are weird, to say the least. But we have them, even at GSMCOC. Among Christians accusations such as these are not taken appreciated.
Shedding Innocent Blood & Abortion Facts --- The law can only do so much. The law isn't what allowed abortion; abortions were already being done in 1960s against the law. The courts came along and conformed to the social and moral changes that were taking place in society. Law reflects the morality of the people; without morals there can be no law. It is up us as parents and citizens in the way we raise our children, how we interact and talk with our friends and the good example we give to bring about changes to our culture toward greater respect for life.
People claiming to be "pro life" are really "pro unborn life." We do little for life once it is born. Handicapped, abused, genocide, orphaned, children of incest or rape, are categories in which we show little interest. Our President is against stem cell research that offers to improve the lives of the citizens of the United States and of the world but he is willing to sacrifice the lives of our citizens for people who do like us and in reality hate us as their religion approves the killing of those whom they label as "unbelievers." We permit our government to sacrifice our fellow citizens on the altar of politics.
Various sexually transmitted diseases affect a large number of our citizens. One of which is HPV, which is believed to cause cervical cancer; the CDC estimates 5,000 women in the US of A and 200,000 women worldwide die each year. A vaccine is available and tests show it appears to be safe and effective. Some Christian Conservatives in our government have resisted a vaccination program on the grounds that HPV is a valuable impediment to premarital sex. They want to preserve cervical cancer as an incentive toward abstinence, even if it means sacrificing the lives of thousands of women each year. I imagine some of those women are on the prayer list of some congregations, somewhere.
The National Resurgence of A Cappella Music ---What makes the Baptists anymore reliable on this subject than they are on others. If we need examples other than the Bible we are on the losing end of the argument…    

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