Friday, April 10, 2009

Baseball Player Killed by Drunk Driver

How about getting away from the tabloid programming and help society? Why do we tolerate people who kill us? We need to get serious about DUIs.
Federal , State and Local laws should require:

Upon an arrest for for DUI the automobile is confiscated, guilty person loses their driving license for 6 months and they spend 200 hours in community service, 80 contiguous hours in jail and complete a rehab program, All of those would be within the same six months during the license suspension.

Driving on a suspended license would result in 5 years of license suspension, 1 year in jail. A second violation would required 10 years of license suspension and 5 years in jail. The next violation would be 20 years of license suspension and 10 years in jail. and on and on, These would be consecutive penalties Allowances could be made for documented proof of no contact with alcohol or drugs or bars or drug dealers for 5 years. The individual would be responsible for documentation.

A DUI with an accident would mean a lifetime license suspension. If someone is hurt 10 years in jail. If someone is killed, life in prison,

All jail sentences would be without the possibility of parole.

Federal laws would prohibit insurance companies from using DUI related expenses in the numbers they use to determine their rates to be charged to the consumer. In other words insurance companies and their stock holders would have to eat those expenses.

When the Federal and State governments and insurance companies get serious we will be able to greatly reduce such situations and YOU can help.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


An apple a day, still leaves you 2-4 servings short of your daily fruit recommendations.

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