Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Would the Chinese buy the products they ship to the United States?

China's Knock-offs


·         Knock-off "Head and Shoulders" shampoo contains toxic chemical residue.

·         Lenses in counterfeit Oakley sunglasses cause headaches and deterioration in vision.

·         Counterfeit power strip starts an electrical fire. Smoke detector does not work because the fake "Duracell" batteries leaked acid all over the alarm system.

·         Flu vaccine is just bacteria-laden tap water.

·         Your knock-off windshield is struck by a pebble and shatters instead of cracking.

·         One of the bottles of a six pack of phony "Budweiser" explodes as it is being opened at a Shanghai super market.

·         Knock-off break pads consisting of compressed sawdust or grass fail.

·         "Norvac" and "Lipitor"  fail because they contain no active ingredients, "Evista" is found to contain nothing but molded chalk.

·         Viagra over the internet is found to cause rapid heart beats.

·         Tick medicine for you pet contains poison.

·         Antipsychotic drug Zyprexa causes patient to go berserk in public and injures people.

·         Fake "Durex Extra Safe" condoms burst.

John Jenkins
865-803-8179  cell
Gatlinburg, TN


"Hail to the Chief" was written for James Madison because he was so short that no one ever noticed when he entered the room.

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