Wednesday, April 01, 2009

What is the Public to Do?

Recently their was a letter to the Editor of The Mountain Press concerning a dog dying from ingesting anti-freeze and thinking maybe someone intentionally killed the dog, a Rottweiler.


Let's look at this logically. First, I do not recommend killing pets or otherwise mistreating our home companions. You do realize they are not pets but our companions? PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) thinks a pet is something you purchase and own as property which equates it to an object. A companion is an animal you adopt and view no differently than a member of your family (maybe if you descended from an Orangutan). If your pup is from a breeder, he'd fall into the former category. People don't purchase companions. What a bunch of crappola.


Let's say an individual is afraid of dogs. Maybe they were bit when they were young maybe they are just timid no matter they are afraid of dogs, especially big dogs like Rottweilers, Pit Bulls, Boxers, Dalmatians, etc. Now let's say the owners of such dogs let their dogs run loose. The reason does not matter. The owners think their companion has a right to run the streets or the companions get out of the fenced area, they break the lease, while out for a walk the owner cannot restrain them, the reason is irrelevant, the dogs are on the loose. Now let's say the police will do nothing, city government will do nothing, the owners either will not control their companion or cannot control their companion. What is the public to do? How will they stop the dogs from running loose, crapping in their flower gardens and being generally intimidating? What options does the public have?  Some people do not care for animals and do not want them destroying their property.  What options do the rest of us have against naïve companions of dogs?


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